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Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite]

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Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite] Empty Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite]

Post by Behemoth Hennimore Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:03 am

January 24th
Viral Stadium
The Blightscape

"Fucking... arse... faggot-ass bitch-tits, eat my- OH FUCK!"

Super Punch-out, an easy game did not make. Behemoth's fingers danced across the buttons, her claw handling the d-pad. She couldn't play that many games that relied on d-pads much, seeing as she could only use analog sticks, and for some reason she could only get very old games; the fact that not many young people had really done enough to get sent to Infernis meant that more recent games were a rare commodity in Infernis, and it wasn't like Behemoth could use a computer. So the best she could manage were Playstation 1 and Super Nintendo, and she wasn't particularly good at either. Still, it was the best refuge she had from the stress of her work. Stress being a relative term, of course, given that she had only been assigned one task today so far and she had already forgotten what it was. Either that, or she had been asked a lot and forgotten all of them.


Behemoth didn't bother looking up. She honestly couldn't stand succubi, always floating around. When they weren't hitting on her, they were telling her about various jobs that she had to do, like Asmodeus sent them like an especially irritating pager, as if it was any of their business what the archdemon had asked of her.

"Do you remember what the mistress asked you to do?" Came the sultry, silken voice, but Behemoth simply blocked it out like she always did.

"It's not like you know, tits-for-brains." Behemoth remarked, continuing her assault on Mr Sandman. "Probably something like 'build a giant cock out of bones in the middle of the arena so the succubi can rub their stagnant pussies on it while some shit-eating fucker sits on top of it screaming', I really wasn't paying attention. Now piss off and brush your teeth, your breath smells of cock." The succubus blinked, then audibly snarled.

"You forget your place, servant! I should rip you limb from limb!" All the silken seduction gone, replaced with indignant rage.

"I knew it, you really don't know what I was asked to do." Behemoth said half-heartedly, distracted by the game. "Remember that I'm not as expendable as you; there's a shitload of skanks in the Blightscape alone, we can afford to lose one." The succubus' face was red by now, and she began to call forth a swarm of bats. However, she was stunted in her tracks when Behemoth suddenly yelled out in rage.


With this battle cry, Behemoth disconnected the controller and flung it straight into the face of the succubus. More luck than judgement, the attack caught the succubus off guard, and she fell back out of the door and began to tumble head over heels down the stairs. Behemoth didn't bother look, simply looking for another controller to plug in and try again. She bent down to look under the sofa she sat on (stolen) before shouting back. "If you've not broken your back, could you bring that controller back! I want to beat Mr Sandman before Asmodeus stops my fun!"
Behemoth Hennimore
Behemoth Hennimore

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Character Faction: Hell Princes
Player: Rob

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Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite] Empty Re: Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite]

Post by Asmodeus Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:48 am

Asmodeus sat upon her blighted and broken throne watching some event in the stadium below involving some horrible and overly gory event. This particular spectacle involved a few succubi, a few elongated spikes, and a few more than unwilling victims. While the gory details would usually entertain the lustful princess to at least some extent, her mind was entirely elsewhere at the moment. Lucifer, along with the lord of the Nosferatu, had recently made a most grand appearance in her stadium, and oh grand it was. Though confidential. How she hated confidentiality.

As her mouth grew dry, the archdemon's mind also paid attention to another area: Where the fuck was her drink? A fairly new servant, er, whatever her name was, was sent to do this task nearly an hour ago. While the bastion is large, it's simply not that large. Even one of her own daughters whom she sent after this servant was still yet to return. Frustrated at this as she desperately desired this alcoholic beverage, Asmodeus stumbled to her feet in a most ungentle manner in sharp contrast to her usual behavior. hastily grabbing a mysterious pill out of a decorated vase, the watcher of the Blightscape made her way to the kitchen.

However, she didn't even make it halfway there until she was rudely interrupted by the falling body of the succubus she sent after the servant earlier. "Oh Eliza..." She spoke to her daughter, grabbing the controller out of her head. Before the archsuccubus had a chance to speak, her mother quickly shooed her away with a gesture instead of words.

"If you've not broken your back, could you bring that controller back! I want to beat Mr Sandman before Asmodeus stops my fun!" Ah, so there that whelp was. Controller in hand, the archdemon entered the room, looking upon the lesser demon with a snarled look as it played games on a system and television that she didn't know the origin of. The Blightscape had a lot of old stuff laying around, so it was probably scavenged, but that wasn't her primary focus. The archdemon's face turned a bright red, but was quickly soothed as her abilities were activated, eliminating her emotions at the time. Still, with a strong press of her fingers, she broke the controller in her hand before coming within inches of what's-her-name's face, "I grant you immunity and you fuck off? How hard is it to get a drink?!" A bit of a temper was once more showing threw her apathy, something she didn't bother to correct this time.

Posts : 50
Join date : 2013-05-11
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Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite] Empty Re: Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite]

Post by Behemoth Hennimore Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:07 am

Behemoth's face was still as stone when her lord and master walked in, face red with rage. "Speak of the devil... archdemon... whatever, figure of speech." Asmodeus was clearly not pleased, but she managed to hold her emotions back. Instead, she simply crushed the controller in her hand like it was an insect. Behemoth's lip twitched as she did.

"Looks like Mr Sandman won't be beaten today." She thought to herself, and she found herself face to face with the queen of the Blightscape.

"I grant you immunity and you fuck off? How hard is it to get a drink?!" Right, thought Behemoth. A drink, yeah, that was it. It was pretty trivial, too, for Asmodeus to be so annoyed about it. Behemoth simply rose her hand and claw; she didn't fear Asmodeus, but she knew it'd be a bad idea to annoy her enough to convince the archdemon to relinquish the immunity. After all, if she did, Behemoth would have to go somewhere else and who could be arsed finding a new back to scratch.

"Chill your tits, your majesty, chill your tits; don't go getting your leather panties in a twist." Behemoth said, her voice slipping to a softer tone than the one she used with the succubus. She then immediately set her mind onto 'Just bullshit your way out of this one' mode. "I'm just giving it time to chill, ok? I had to open a new crate of stuff, and I didn't think you wanted warm shitty..."

Now came a problem. Not remembering what the drink actually was.

Behemoth squinted a little. It had to be a drink that would be in fridges, to make the story plausible. So, red wine, port and whiskey was out. Honestly, Asmodeus didn't strike her as the 'beer' kind of demon. Behemoth decided to take a wild shot in the dark.

"... white... wine?" She tried hopefully. Maybe her infamous 'bardluck' will still keep her safe. Besides, there actually WAS some white wine in the mini-fridge she had scavenged a month back. Her foot kicked open the mini-fridge on the floor, by the sofa (also scavenged. Behemoth was in the process of turning this place into her own little domain) grabbing the largest bottle and using her claw to pop the cork off. "Whatever, I know it's a long time coming, but it's not like I'm the reason your drink's not here. Nobody likes warm alcohol, it's frigging disgusting stuff. I've got your best interests at heart, maj." She then looked around the room, first to the floor, and then the counter.

"Quick aside, you don't have a glass at all, do you?"
Behemoth Hennimore
Behemoth Hennimore

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Join date : 2013-07-01

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Player: Rob

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Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite] Empty Re: Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite]

Post by Asmodeus Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:52 am

"Chill your tits, your majesty, chill your tits; don't go getting your leather panties in a twist." Asmodeus folded her arms and gave the lesser demon a disgruntled look, almost saying something at this point, but refraining from doing so. The room started to blur a bit and the bland Blightscape colors turned vivid and bright. The archdemon felt her body grow light, and good thing she was basically only wearing those leather panties, as her body temperature skyrocketed. The mysterious pills from earlier were kicking in, a more than lethal dose of MDMA that would instantly kill a whale.

""I'm just giving it time to chill, ok? I had to open a new crate of stuff, and I didn't think you wanted warm shitty..." The she-devil's pale eyes turned towards the salvaged fridge, which was kicked open to reveal her request. Well...sort of. Wine wasn't nearly alcoholic enough for the archdemon's tastes, and she much preferred red wine at that. Not at all appearing irritated, or anything for that matter, because at this point it's safe to say she was pretty fucking high. "No, no...that's wrong." Asmodeus raised her right arm and snapped her sharp fingers, which instantly summoned the same succubus that had been knocked out and sent away earlier. She turned her attention away from Behemoth and to this other servant, "I think I want..." Raising a finger to her chin, the archsuccubus pondered in thought. "Shochu!" With that proclamation the succubus bowed her head and hastily made her way to the cellar, giving the previous owner of this task a nasty look on her way.

Asmodeus quickly turned her attention back to Behemoth with a charming partial smile. "What was that? Glasses?" Her alluring voice echoed throughout the halls. "Bring two glasses up as well!" The drugged archdemon yelled with impressive volume, empathizing on the "two". She hadn't really gotten to know this recent addition to her collection of servants, which was fairly irrelevant, but at times an interesting way to kill some time. "Don't mind her." Once more turning to Behemoth, retracting her wings inwards. "Her sisters used to pick on her for wetting the bed." The mother succubus commented on the demon's childhood, looking for a place to find a seat, but seeing none suitable enough. A crate? How absurd, she would never be insulted as much to sit on such trash. So there she stood, too stuck up to relax.

Soon enough, the archsuccubus returned with the glasses and the bottle of Japanese liquor, handing one to Asmodeus and one to the slothful demon before exiting the room once more. The archdemon poured the elixir into her glass and placed the bottle on the floor. "You're lucky servants like you and my daughters aren't as expendable as the hordes. Zombies tend to slop chunks of rotted flesh into your meals and slobber all over your shit." Right, your shit. Your valuables. The archdemon looked over to the broken controller and then back at Behemoth. She chose to ignore the subject, he would just have to find another one.

Posts : 50
Join date : 2013-05-11
Location : The Blightscape

Case File
Power Level: X
Character Faction: Hell Princes
Player: Al

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Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite] Empty Re: Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite]

Post by Behemoth Hennimore Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:20 am

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Asmodeus was high again. Well, at least she didn't seem as mad, which was rarely a bad thing. She called in one of her lackeys, the same that Behemoth had dismissed not a minute ago, and asked for shochu. Well, Behemoth thought, she never would've remembered it anyway. It was odd stuff; not Behemoth's usual fare, but it wasn't exactly bad. The dark-skinned demon didn't have enough to pick up an appreciation for it, her life was one spent on the road. She couldn't think of a drink she had never tasted, but paradoxically she couldn't name any she had tasted more than three times at least. Besides whiskey, really, which was her drink of choice.

Out the corner of her eye, she noticed the departing succubus giving her a nasty look. Behemoth responds with the universal sign for blowjobs, with her tongue in her cheek and her hand in a jerking motion. "Don't mind her. Her sisters used to pick on her for wetting the bed." The lesser demon's eyes drifted back to her master, her wings retracted as she calmed down a little.

"Used to? They still should, that shit's hilarious." Behemoth chuckled loudly, falling back and beginning to lounge across the sofa once more. It was fairly comfy, and her wings unfolded themselves as she laid back, fanning herself gently. "Don't know how you tolerate succubi. They can be right irritating little shits."

And then the archsuccubus returned with the drink and two glasses.

"Wait, no, I've got it; that's why." She laughed, prompting a scowl from the succubus. Said succubus departed before she could kick up a fuss, and Behemoth poured herself some drink when Asmodeus was done pouring her own.

"You're lucky servants like you and my daughters aren't as expendable as the hordes. Zombies tend to slop chunks of rotted flesh into your meals and slobber all over your shit." The queen said. Behemoth didn't know whether to take it as a threat or as a conversation starter, but if it was a threat then it wasn't a very good one; it just meant that the immunity wasn't being pulled away any time soon.

"Preaching to the fucking choir, darling." She said, sipping the alcoholic drink. "They're hilarious to bash around, but they're right messy buggers. Bits and bobs lying all over the place. Hope you're not uncomfortable standing, there's plenty of places to sit..."

... crate...

... Behemoth's legs on the sofa...

... the counter...

"Well, I could move my feet if you want, it's weird when you stand up and I'm not." Behemoth said, curling her lip a little and picking some food from between her teeth. She guessed that Asmodeus wasn't planning on leaving, so she might as well kick the conversation off. "So, to get tits that big, did you get surgery or can you just make your boobs bigger or smaller at will?"

Good start, Behemoth thought to herself.
Behemoth Hennimore
Behemoth Hennimore

Posts : 46
Join date : 2013-07-01

Case File
Power Level: 1
Character Faction: Hell Princes
Player: Rob

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Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite] Empty Re: Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite]

Post by Asmodeus Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:22 pm

"Preaching to the fucking choir, darling." Asmdoeus let out a single syllable sound that could be compared to an extremely short laugh, or at least the start of one. This truly was an interesting subject, usually they wouldn't even dare to use such language around her. It was refreshing, really, to not be talked to in such a formal matter. It was a way only the other archdemons, and well er, Abaddon talked to her. He was quite the character, quite the annoying one. Not exactly like the subject before her now. "They're hilarious to bash around, but they're right messy buggers. Bits and bobs lying all over the place. Hope you're not uncomfortable standing, there's plenty of places to sit..." What? On that petty shit?

Nevertheless, the archdemon decided to humor the lesser, grabbing the bottle of liqour on her way to the couch. "Well, I could move my feet if you want, it's weird when you stand up and I'm not." Right, when spoken to so lightly, sometimes she forgot just how others viewed her. They adored her, maybe even loved her, two emotions that she couldn't exactly grasp since her fall from heaven. Taking her seat in the place where the slothful demon's legs once rested, the archsuccubus spread her long wings to make more room for her large posterior. The next question that came from the horned one's mouth caused the archdemon to actually laugh, something that was rarely heard.

"Ha! Well...this was one of the perks of the fall. I was only a c cup in Heaven, you know." With that, the demon placed her tattooed hands upon her breasts, examining their size, comparing them slightly. They were both perfectly even, which was something impossible to achieve for any mortal. "I must say, it's also one of my favorite perks." What woman didn't want to have perfectly perky double d cup breasts? She took her hands off her breasts to take another long slurp of her beverage, the psychoactive drug still taking it's heavy effects. She would probably be drugged out for a good five hours or so. "As far as growing them on my own will...well...Why would I need to? I'm pretty much perfect." The hell princess held a confident grin upon her face, truly believing she was one of the best crafted archdemons. Well, besides for the Overlord himself, of course.

Posts : 50
Join date : 2013-05-11
Location : The Blightscape

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Player: Al

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Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite] Empty Re: Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite]

Post by Behemoth Hennimore Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:46 am

"Ha! Well...this was one of the perks of the fall. I was only a c cup in Heaven, you know." Behemoth remained silent at that statement. Behemoth actually didn't know a great deal about the fall; in all her travels, she had never really bothered to study up on exactly why demons exist at all; they just did, she was one of them, and that was that for her. Still, she knew that people'd just get mad for not knowing, and had learnt to just not bring the subject up.

"I must say, it's also one of my favorite perks."

"Ha! You said perk." Behemoth said cheerfully, taking another sip of her shochu.

"As far as growing them on my own will...well...Why would I need to? I'm pretty much perfect." The archdemon finished. Behemoth simply shrugged her shoulders.

"Eh. A bit pale, but I'm probably not the best judge of that." Behemoth said casually, her mouth already saying it before her brain could object, and then her brain just shrugged its shoulders and admitted that it was just going to say it anyway. Behemoth finished the shochu in one last gulp, before grabbing her trident and giving it a long lick. "Mmmm... strawberry. But, yeah, I guess fall-related changes would count as surgery, right? What about other people's boob sizes? Coz that fucking archsuccubus keeps bothering me whenever I'm in the middle of doing work for you and making her tits concave seems like the ideal way to get back at her."

Behemoth, of course, was lying. The archsuccubus did indeed keep bothering her, but Behemoth was hardly ever doing work.
Behemoth Hennimore
Behemoth Hennimore

Posts : 46
Join date : 2013-07-01

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Player: Rob

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Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite] Empty Re: Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite]

Post by Asmodeus Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:44 am

"Eh. A bit pale, but I'm probably not the best judge of that." So the archdemon was, and what effort it took to maintain this natural looking. She could just let herself go like some of the less attractive fiends and become a disgusting horrible mass, but the succubus wouldn't ever let that happen. Would she? You know, maybe a little added corruption wouldn't be so bad. Maybe some horns or something, yeah, that would be nice. Asmodeus took another sip from her drink. "Mmmm... strawberry. But, yeah, I guess fall-related changes would count as surgery, right? What about other people's boob sizes? Coz that fucking archsuccubus keeps bothering me whenever I'm in the middle of doing work for you and making her tits concave seems like the ideal way to get back at her."

At first, the demon did not speak, only flutter her wings slightly as if she was deep in thought. While that would release an understandable level of amusement, she simply wasn't in the mood for it at the moment. "How about yours? That'd be interesting." Asmodeus taunted, pointing a finger to one of Behemoth's breasts She wiggled this appendage as if she was about to cast some sort of magic spell upon the demonic set of racks, only for absolutely nothing to happen. "That would've been funny, wouldn't it?" The blonde seemed to of forgotten about the request about her own daughter, which she refused in her mind. That would be defacing one of Lucifer's own creations, and not just one zapped up, but one that was actually birthed.

The archdemon suddenly stood up after only minutes of sitting, as if she had somewhere to be or something. "Well since your controller's busted, we ought to do something." What a douchebag she was, really. She moved towards the door, the way the creature moved was much less of a walk and moreso a graceful float, her feet rarely ever touching the ground. Gesturing towards the entrance with an unfolded hand, it became very apparent that Asmodeus no longer wished to stay in the current room. "Interested in a walk...or something?" The usually emotionless archdemon was showing signs of boredom, which she let show through, as she could easily snap it away with a flick of her fingers. If Behemoth were to agree, the duchess of desire would 'walk' her newest found minion through the halls and bowels of the stadium, casually bypassing several death traps and other contraptions that one would only expect to see in a "Saw" movie. It was a pretty swell day.

[[Ugh, sorry man, this post has been fighting with me]]

Posts : 50
Join date : 2013-05-11
Location : The Blightscape

Case File
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Character Faction: Hell Princes
Player: Al

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Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite] Empty Re: Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite]

Post by Behemoth Hennimore Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:46 pm

Behemoth was taking another sip of her shochu when Asmodeus answered her. "How about yours? That'd be interesting." The dark skinned demon looked back to the pale, the archdemon wiggling her fingers as if casting a spell.

"Well, I'd rather you didn't," she said, before swigging again. "I like my tits as they are." Of course, when nothing happened, Asmodeus seemed perfectly pleased with herself.

"That would've been funny, wouldn't it?"

Behemoth nearly made a sarcastic reply, but thought better of it, if only to encourage this kind of behaviour. "You know, I kind of prefer you when you're off your fucking face," she drawled, before yawning widely. "At least you've got a cunting sense of humour. The rest of the time, you're just shouting your tits off at me like a bitch." While it wasn't untrue, most of the time Behemoth was being shouted at to do a job which she never did. Asmodeus was an odd boss; while she was usually passive and unemotional, when interacting with Behemoth she flipped arbitrarily between being just a little too friendly and screaming and spitting with anger on a whim.

"Well since your controller's busted, we ought to do something." And Behemoth's SNES controller was evidence of that, now merely shards of nothingness. Yeah, Behemoth knew that Asmodeus being friendly was the preferable one; even if she invaded her personal space sometimes, at least she didn't break what little Behemoth had. The archdemon floating to the door with a grace unbecoming of most demons, and most of all Behemoth. Behemoth couldn't even fly, simply standing up and walking to the door in her usual gait, a lazy slump dragging her feet behind her. While Behemoth wasn't found of the idea of a breast expansion (or reduction, for that matter), if there was one alteration to her body that she wouldn't say no to, it'd be wings that could actually fly; it'd make things a lot easier for her, able to move a lot faster and use a wider wingspan as an impromptu hammock. But Behemoth knew that asking Asmodeus for that would be a stupid thing; she'd only make sure that it'd backfire on her constantly, like the wings would be made of jam or occasionally punch her in the face. "Interested in a walk...or something?"

"Sure, whatever." Anything to keep her out of work was good, Behemoth thought. She looked up to Asmodeus as she made an odd popping noise with her mouth. "Though I'm guessing you're just going to use it as an excuse to show me all the spiny anal rape contraptions you've invented or whatever. Don't you do anything else with your fucking time?" Behemoth knew that was a bit of a silly question, but while she wasn't particularly phased by the horrors Asmodeus could do to some people, Asmodeus always wanted Behemoth to be impressed, like she thought Behemoth was her girlfriend or something. If that were the case, it was an odd relationship, what with Behemoth being under Asmodeus' employ but never doing what she was told to do anyway.

"I mean, you do know there's more to life than pus-spewing cocks and cunts with teeth, right?" She asked. "Don't you ever just, I dunno, annoy people or something? Replace all the TV broadcasts on Earth with porn, or fill the arena with ducks to see what'd happen? Just pissing off humans is funny enough."
Behemoth Hennimore
Behemoth Hennimore

Posts : 46
Join date : 2013-07-01

Case File
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Character Faction: Hell Princes
Player: Rob

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Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite] Empty Re: Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite]

Post by Asmodeus Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:05 am

"Though I'm guessing you're just going to use it as an excuse to show me all the spiny anal rape contraptions you've invented or whatever. Don't you do anything else with your fucking time?" A curious question, but no, that was not the goal in this walk. "Anal rape contraptions" was likely referring to the demons of her land, which ironically, many didn't involve sexual themes whatsoever. Exceptions being herself and the succubi and incubi, of course, but even they those creatures mostly resided in other spheres, lacking an immunity to the plagued air like her own offspring. Ah, infected succubi, those were fun. That's probably the next bestiary entry Alastor will make, anyways.

No, no rape contraptions today. Asmodeus' leathery wings extended and retracted, stretching out the many muscles in the apparently thin things. Ironically, at this point in the walk, the two would've passed a window with an excellent view of couple archsuccubi poking at a Festerwing, in what was either torture or some sort of attempt to tame the beast. The lusty princess forgot just how long this hallway was, focusing on the end point rather than the various distractions in the windows. "I mean, you do know there's more to life than pus-spewing cocks and cunts with teeth, right?" Of course. There was also plague and death. And drugs. Those were pretty good, as well. Speaking of which, those were still taking their full effect, making the archdevil's movements lucid and floaty, yet they still held her grace and daintiness. She didn't appear to be listening to Behemoth at all. "Don't you ever just, I dunno, annoy people or something? Replace all the TV broadcasts on Earth with porn, or fill the arena with ducks to see what'd happen? Just pissing off humans is funny enough." The succubus took a heel stop at a desecrated flight of stairs, turning to the black skinned demon. A faint music could be heard from below. Some sort of electronic shit?

"Earth affairs, often complicated...why do people call it the real world? Is this world not real?" She was in space, as her pupils failed to even make eye contact with the demon before her. Just as quickly as she had turned around, the archdemon had turned back to the stairwell and proceeded down them, vanishing in the darkness. Only to be re-illuminated by many neon lights, as this was no basement, well no common man's basement. Loud music, drugged and drunk dancers, gambling, rotting flesh, torture devices and appeared to be some kind of strip club. the mortals that were strapped to some of the devices and the musty smell of the place, it appeared that it was just a little more gruesome than that. Most of the patrons were of demonic or undead origin, mostly the latter. Beings of rotted flesh danced upon the onyx poles on the grand stage, wearing absolutely nothing at all. The crowd's attention, of course, became focused on the genesis of lust herself, the crowd would gawk and admire, but move immediately out of her way no matter the level of intoxication. Now in the middle of the entire club, which was pretty large, mind you, she turned to check if her "companion" had gotten lost in it all or something.


"Maybe a little breast enlargement would be nice, the more and more I think about it." The angelic archdemon said, as if she had been pondering it since the very moment it was brought up. "What you see now is what God and his angels created me as." The duchess of desire began walking backwards, failing to run into a single body, as that would of course, be the end of that body. Everybody knew that. "It's time to let go of that." Leathery wings spread as once pale fingertips began to morph into a vivid blue color. Her eyes became murk and the whites vanished entirely, becoming pools of black and yellow, eyes that would glare into one's very soul. Brilliant blonde hair turned a vibrant purple as dark horns sprouted from her temples, adding further demonic elements. Her dainty wings changed from black to red, than became encrusted in some sort of demonic armor. As the archdemon's skin finished coloring, her assets were increased, becoming much curvier than her previous form. "Oh, that feels so much better!" Asmodeus exclaimed, twirling around to the stage in an obvious excitement.

Quite literally giving one of the disgusting strippers the boot, the archsuccubus spun around the pole in a few elegant movements that showed obvious experience. She would beckon her companion to come onto, or at least close to the stage, which may not be so easy for the less influential demon. The newly blue skinned archdemon's sigils began to glow a light pink, an almost unnoticeable effect, but her apparatus had been activated. It's target? The whole crowd. It was Lust Inducement, perhaps her trademark skill, it would make one feel drugged and woozy as the princess of desire's voice drove into one's head like a lucid dream. It was a most pleasant effect, like one was doing a virgin stripper while on some fine acid. "Sex is power." She was obviously still drugged. "Sin is power." Her hair flowed to the floor as she flipped upside down on the blackened pole, "I am power." In a feat of elegance, the succubus twirled off of the steel and came closer to Behemoth, her dance coming to a close. Extending her arm and palm, Asmodeus would attempt to pull her up to the stage.

"Duets are fun."

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Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite] Empty Re: Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite]

Post by Behemoth Hennimore Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:56 am

Something told Behemoth that Asmodeus might not have been listening. She simply drifted through the corridors, Behemoth following out of a lack of anything better to do (courtesy of the archdemon). It was a hallway of great length and architecture, but neither demon looked out of the windows. In contrast to the graceful sways of Asmodeus, Behemoth trudged behind, dragging her feet a little and yawning mid-sentence. It was only to the last question that Asmodeus responded, and the drugged demon simply looked past her.

"Earth affairs, often complicated...why do people call it the real world? Is this world not real?" Behemoth could only roll her eyes to this.

"Don't get fucking philosophical on me, girl," she said, but before she could say anything more, Asmodeus descended into the darkness of the stairwell. Behemoth audibly groaned, following her once more.

The lights were the first thing she noticed, raising her hand to shield her eyes a little until they became accustomed. Then she saw the rotting flesh, the gyrating forms of the dancers, the multitude of torture devices strung about the walls. "Right, discos, sure. Because I'm such a fucking sociable creature, can't wait to talk to some drunk arsehole spitting pus out of his cunting eye sockets," she mumbled to herself, not paying Asmodeus any mind until she heard her voice a second time. "What did you just say?"

""What you see now is what God and his angels created me as." The duchess of desire began walking backwards, the crowd parting as she did. Behemoth simply looked back to the archdemon. ""It's time to let go of that."

"Sure, let me know how that one works out." And, in an instant, Asmodeus was gone. Or rather the Asmodeus she knew. White skin became blue, eyes darkening into obsidian pools, her leathery wings widening and reddening. Behemoth particularly frowned at the wings, jealousy entering her gaze. So, yeah, making her wings is a possibility. Well, that'd certainly be helpful, though she knew that it'd be a stupid idea to ask out loud, otherwise Asmodeus might just use it as an opportunity to fuck her over. And then, as the archdemon moved onto the stage, she began to dance with a practised grace. She span around the pole, the sigils on her body lighting a faint pink. Difficult to notice, certainly, but it's effects were immediately. Behemoth had to fight for space as the whole crowd began to shift closer, hungry like wolves.

"Oi! Get the fuck off, cunt-breath!" She pushed away one of the demons as they fell onto her, but the space around her was made smaller and smaller by the second. Everyone else fell under Asmodeus' spell, but for reasons she never quite understood Behemoth remained untouched, and was forced to battle her way through the swarm. The moving tide towards the stage forced Behemoth closer as Asmodeus looked to her.

""Sex is power." To this, some of the occupants in the room lost all pretence of dignity and debased themselves to the dancing form. Some debased each other. Behemoth simply chose to look away and try to ignore it.

""Sin is power." No matter; Behemoth was slammed into the wall like she wasn't even there. She put both feet onto said wall and pushed out, her back driving some of the occupants back.

""I am power."

"Yeah, could you be a little less fucking powerful?" Behemoth shouted up, dividing attention between Asmodeus and the lust-filled crowd. "I am not in a mood for a groping and would like a little personal space!"

And then someone made the mistake of placing their hand on Behemoth's left buttock.

She turned her head slowly, processing who it was. An incubus, his expression filled with the same lust as everyone else in the crowd. Oddly for a servant of the genesis of all lust and beauty, if there was anything Behemoth despised, it was being touched without her consent. It was the reason she killed her first human master, and she had many times proven how much she disliked it. Her teeth gritted. Her eyes went from wide shock to a slitted rage as she raised her claw.

"You... SYPHILIS-INFECTED-CUM-GUZZLING PRINCE OF SHIT!" With a well-placed strike, Behemoth's claw punctured right through his windpipe, black blood splashing across her equally black skin. No one else around even noticed this action, but the incubus backed away in shock, the spell broken on him as he gasped for air. However, Behemoth had little pity, hand on the stage as she leapt up, her feet acting as one as they pressed against each other and kicked out, sending the incubus back with his skull shattering like glass. The increasingly lifeless body fell back into the crowd and disappeared, the space where he used to be suddenly occupied by zombies and demons alike as they charged forward to be closer to Asmodeus, not noticing the being they simply crushed to death. Behemoth, however, slid onto the stage, panting angrily. And then she noticed an extended hand. A palm, friendly in nature. Asmodeus wasn't known for being friendly, really, which is why Behemoth didn't take it at first.

""Duets are fun." She said softly. Behemoth raised an eyebrow and looked from the pole the archdemon had slid gracefully away from, and back to said archdemon.

"... me?" She asked. Asmodeus was high, sure, but that usually didn't make her go daft. "You want me to dance? On that?" She looked back to the steel pole. "I'm guessing that this is an order rather than a request but... are you sure?" Still, despite her skepticism, Behemoth took off her leather jacket, and even undid her pigtails, putting the scrunchies to one side; seeing the 'Bardluck' Bringer with her hair down was a rare sight indeed. She shyly walked over to the pole, repeatedly looking to Asmodeus, waiting for her to say that it was a joke and that she wasn't serious.

Then she jumped onto the pole, wrapping her legs around it. It didn't hold; Behemoth's head crashed into the ground and she fell right back onto her face.

"Fucking... cunt-discharge stained pole bullshit," came a muffled grumble from Behemoth's body, her face still on the floor.
Behemoth Hennimore
Behemoth Hennimore

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Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite] Empty Re: Control(ler) [Behemoth/Asmodeus/Invite]

Post by Asmodeus Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:20 am

The archdemon's decorative heels met the floor of the stage, previously being suspended on the pole in an amazing feat of balance. In her drugged state it was likely that she wouldn't of even noticed that her servant had accepted her offer. Well, if it weren't for the loud "thud" that was made as the clumsy demon attempted to fling herself upon one of the poles, only to result in a rather embarrassing faceplant. The lustful fiend abruptly quit her dancing, which resulting in mixed reactions from the crowd, but she cared not. Would they strike upon their queen? Unlikely. And the few that actually wanted to knew what would become of them if they tried, so with the flow they went.

Closer Asmodeus approached the one who took on the monkier of Behemoth, an ancient and feared name. A beast that no one dared to mess with, a demon that's name is in fact a synonym for "huge". How pitiful. How pitiful it was to see the demon who called themselves this laying on the floor, mumbling out obscenities that one would expect from a washed up prostitute. Fitting, yet, as the name was nothing but that: a name. This creature was not the monster of legends, no, this creature was but a child in demonic terms. The spade like tail of the fiend curled as she stepped, avoiding contact with the likely disgusting floor as she came closer to this fallen adversary.

The Lustful bent down, bringing herself closer to the black-skinned demon's ear, or at least, where she thought the creature's ear was. "Well now, perhaps this isn't your...area of dance?" A short chuckle was heard from the alluring one, "Perhaps something else would fit your tastes?" Asmodeus, even with all of her unholy influence and power, couldn't possibly imagine what kind of song and dance could amuse this creature. What kind of music made it's bones move, what tune made it simply want to sing out in passion. For this...this...Behemoth was perhaps the most unpredictable demon (save for the Devil himself) she had met. Or at least, at the very, the most obscure. These two simple reasons were enough for the fiend, enough to amuse the Princess. Well. At least for now. Everybody gets bored with everything, it would seem, and it was only an extended or possibly short amount of time before...that time would come, or something of that nature. Complex thoughts. The archdemon got back to her feet.

"Gee, it sure is dry around here." Asmodeus would suddenly exclaim, referring to the lack of alcohol being poured down her throat, and this time directing her attention towards the crowd. Her hollow eyes caught the attention of some lesser demon, one that had somehow not become completely infected by the virus. His skin was still fresh, a mellow red color, and upon further inspection it became clear that this was none other than an Incubus. The blue skinned archdemon made her way towards this soul, slowly bending down and eventually taking a seat by the end of the stage. Her smooth legs wrapped themselves around the sexual demon's neck, in a most desirable position. Her eyes turned towards the nearly-full bottle in his right hand, something the now extremely nervous Incubus took note of. Almost immediately upon realizing this, the demon gave her the bottle, invoking a smirk on the archdemon's face. Suddenly, and swiftly, and probably something to be expected, Asmodeus' legs clenched together at such strength that it caused the demon's neck and head to crack and eventually, break off entirely. His head was literally crushed between her thighs.

Springing back to her heels with a little help from the lengthy wings upon her back, once more the archdevil would turn towards Behemoth, "Now that that's resolved...have anything in mind?" A hint of happiness was heard in her voice, and the bottle was already half gone.

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