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Never the Rest (Open) Empty Never the Rest (Open)

Post by Daciana Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:43 pm

February 5, 2012
Approximately 3:00 est

The sky above wasn't the normal sunshine'y way it was in DC. Today was a rainy day and the clouds had unleashed a torrential downpour upon the people below them. Such a cruel world that hadn't even alerted the world around. People ran for shelter and all about. Unfortunately, Daci simply HAD to go to the store, and having no car of her own as she didn't know where Mr. White kept his keys (Not only that and she wouldn't dare take his car without asking), she would have to walk. She had been completely taken by surprise by the rain (playing loud music often distracts oneself from hearing the heavy raindrops). So as soon as she stepped out, she was being pelted but evil rain.

It was a bit difficult to find the hole to shove the keys in with one rainy eye to see with. She finally heard the pleasant click with the turn of her wrist and proceeded to grab her news paper (Which was beyond drenched) and placed it over her head as some kind of (very poor) shield. In hindsight, it was actually worse using a damp newspaper. Oh well.

Her feet carried her swiftly to the bus stop where she looked anxiously at the clouds. A drop fell near her open eye, which made her wince. It was a handicap, but only as much as she made it. As of lately, she barely remembered that she had an eye-patch to begin with. Her lips turned into a shy and introspective smile. Today would be a good day, she was sure.

The bus stopped and she got on, after she distributed her money into the box. The seats were pretty full and all eyes trained on anything but the people who were coming on. She found a seat near the back where some woman was gossiping to another about someone's affair with the government official. Daci tuned them out and watched the world go by until they came to an all-purpose convenience store. That would do nicely! She pulled the string and ran off the bus as soon as the door opened. Then, it was straight into the store, where the cold air only made her wet self shiver. Rainy days were muggy and boring, but it was alternatively better than dying in the heat.

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Never the Rest (Open) Empty Re: Never the Rest (Open)

Post by Mr. White Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:26 am

Now, no one was going to Say White was a stalker... But he was a stalker. Or at least had stalkerish tendency's which in the end probably made him a stalker.  One of which, was well... Stalking people. Of course, fallowing people about, listening in to their private conversations and learning everything you can about them was something a spy did as a matter of course. Only thing was it wasn't socially acceptable for a man to do such a thing, Now if he happened to be someones overly attached girlfriend with abandonment issues no one would have batted an eye lash. Hell if he had been a woman life would have been a hell of a lot easier, after all its way easier to seduce your way into a building and into a life then most any other mode of entry. Hell, a woman who opened her legs often and for the right person would also find many a door opening for her as well. But White hadn't been born a woman. Nor a hermaphrodite. Hell he wasn't even a metrosexual, even through he tried so hard at times. Fate was a cruel mistress it seemed.

Now, that day had been his day off... But that was before he had caught site of someone who was not supposed to be there. In fact London was the last place on earth she should have been all things considered. After all he had told his assistant rather specifically to avoid "The wet, gloomy and depressing arm pit of the world that happens to be infested with fungus of various hues." Which of course meant London in particular.

So, one could hardly fault the man when he decided to fallow behind her, in fact he was rather close to the woman in question for almost the entirety of her trip, having seen her as she had ran off to the bus stop. Now he would have confronted her then and there... But Whites Interest had been peeked. The girl could hardly look at him with out flinching, so what could drive her to do EXACTLY what he told her not to? It deserved investigation and maybe a beating in the end.

Now, White was hardly recognizable. Wearing more makeup the David Bowie as well as latex facial features he looked NOTHING like him self. No he looked like any of the many tramps and winos that inhabited the center of what used to be the British Empire. With his dirty and worn clothes, worn in more layers then one could imagine. On his hands he wore three pairs of gloves, one of which was finger-less, his gingered gloves worn underneath.  And if he wasn't the worst smelling bum one had ever had the displeasure of seating near, well it was a damn close thing. His breath and clothes wreaked of days old sour wine and onion.

With shambling, drunken steps he walked (Barely) off the bus still staying close behind the woman he had singled out... And knowing her penchant for helping those in need a evil if entertaining plan formed in his mind. Stumbling forward, into the store right after Daciana he fell forward, catching onto Daci's shoe as he hit the ground.
"Oyewhayousomeanwillyouhelpmesoicanhavesuchandstuff" Dark eyes behind grimy eye lids looked up, in all honesty it looked rather pathetic."Youhasmoneytoshare?Illdanc!" His voice was slurred and his words jumbled, but the plaintive tone he used made it clear that he was begging for help.
Mr. White
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Post by Daciana Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:17 am

As she stepped into the store, she felt her body shift with unannounced weight. Her body immediately twisted to see a rather creepy old man was reaching at her and murmuring nonsense. She- didn't exactly catch what he had said. He looked so- pathetic though, so she of course bent down to help him. "I-I am so sorry!" She said in sincere emotions. She didn't mean to knock the man over, even though she really hadn't done it. This didn't stop her from feeling guilty.

Bending down, she reached out her hand to help him up. Naturally, she didn't recognize him. This man looked nothing and sounded nothing like her mentor. In fact, he smelled so terrible, she could barely look at him. However, since she wasn't a rude person, she made sure to tough it out and stifle the gag reflex as best as she could.

"I-uhmm.. I didn't catch zat." A bit of nerves slipped into her voice. This man really needed help, but she couldn't understand what he said or who he was. Her eyes

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Never the Rest (Open) Empty Re: Never the Rest (Open)

Post by Mr. White Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:27 pm

Being a bum had its advantages. One of which no one looked to close, even when they where but inches away from you. It was one of the many reasons that White often chose to be a beggar in bigger metropolitan cities. After all what sort of threat is a tramp that can't manage to feed him self? The usual answer was none at all. But White knew something that most didn't... The homeless masses that thronged the cities of earth knew things. Hell they often knew more then the mortal police that claimed to keep the cities clean, and they sure as hell knew more about the underworld elements. It was for these reasons and many more besides that the man known as White had cultivated many assets among the homeless of the world. Forming a network of underworld contacts that rivaled or dwarfed that of any intelligence agency.

"I-I am so sorry!"


Words still slurred he spoke, waiting for the woman to draw closer to him. After all, he wanted his unveiling to be as shocking as humanly possible. He could see that she didn't recognize him, he could also see that she was fighting to look at him, the sheer stench that wafted from his body more then enough to keep the other passers by at a safe distance. "I-uhmm.. I didn't catch zat." A grin came to his black stained lips and his eyes focused once more before locking their olive gaze onto his assistants. "I said, Oh your not sorry yet... But don't worry, you will be." His voice returned to normal and there was a sick joy in it. "I could have sworn I told you to stay out of London... But I couldn't have, could I? If i had you wouldn't be here... So I must be mistaken..." His voice grew a tad chill and White rolled to sit up, crossing his legs under him. "Ether that or you choose to disobey... My my my... This is some sort pickle isn't it?" One dirty gloved finger tapped against stained teeth. "So you tell me, am I mistaken girly?"
Mr. White
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Never the Rest (Open) Empty Re: Never the Rest (Open)

Post by Daciana Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:38 am

Terror didn't even begin to describe what Daciana felt.  Her jaw would have dropped if she weren't too scared to even move.  She was paralyzed, because she knew well who that was.  Her body shook, but not truly visibly so.  HAD he said that-?  She wasn't completely sure.  Her blue eye was unmoving; shocked and locked.  "I-I uh.."  Words were at a loss once again.  She never really knew how to speak when her teacher came to talk.

"I was- asked to do a favor." She shifted and looked away.  "I-I am sorry."  It felt impossible to speak above a whisper.  Something about Mr. White just made her feel completely weak and defenseless.  Those eyes always bore right into her very soul and left her exposed.  Honestly, she had disobeyed him, but it wasn't like it was a motion of being outright defiant- she just didn't know how to say no in that aspect.  "P-please don't be so angry.."

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Never the Rest (Open) Empty Re: Never the Rest (Open)

Post by Mr. White Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:38 pm

A sick grin came to his face as he saw the shock and fear come to his little assistants eyes. She looked positively angelic, what with the pure terror that had suddenly come over her. Yes a look of abject fear was bound to make even the most comely of women a beauty of epic proportions... But on a face that wasn't half bad... It made it positively stunning. The only thing that would have made this moment sweeter would have been tears rolling down those plump sweet cheeks. Yes he could see it now, the streaks in her makeup, the heart wrenching sobs. The mere thought of it made him hard. Of course he hadn't gotten tears as of yet so it was almost an empty feeling... Almost. "I-I uh.." The smile widened, and the man behind the mask started to make his appearance. "Oh cat got you tongue girly?" The warmth of his voice was oddly disturbing given his earlier words. "I was- asked to do a favor."

Her eyes shifted as if ashamed of something and he knew right then that she knowingly disobeyed him. "I-I am sorry." The people about them started to grow closer, wondering what was holding both the tramp and the young woman up, some of them men looking to see if she needed help concern in their eyes. "P-please don't be so angry.." His voice dropped to an emotionless whisper. "Don't be angry? I burn down buildings when I am angery. I kill children when I'm angry. I flay the skin off living things when i'm angry. I am WELL beyond that right now." Not that anyone could tell right then, his voice was too low and calm for any anger to seep through.... Which was the tell tale sign. " So. This friend. Why are they more important than your orders? Your duty? What was sooo important that you decided to DISOBEY. He started to stand then, dusting off his clothes as he did so, eyes blank and expressionless.

"So please, tell me girl why you know better then I." He was furious. Not over the fact that she was there. But that she was there for someone else. Someone who was more important then both he and the Order they worked for. Anyone who would steal the loyalty of one of his agents was a threat, and he knew exactly how to deal with threats. "Please explain why you abandoned your duty. I can't wait to hear."
Mr. White
Mr. White

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Never the Rest (Open) Empty Re: Never the Rest (Open)

Post by Daciana Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:36 am

"So. This friend. Why are they more important than your orders? Your duty? What was sooo important that you decided to DISOBEY."

Tears- they started down her cheeks.  She couldn't help it.  Small pearls of fear formed at the edges and began to fall down.  She tried to stammer out a response, but her brain was fried with terror.  Maybe she should have mentioned it to him-  Actually, there was no maybe on it.  However, it was too late now- if only she could explain that she had been given an email that she was needed there.

"Please explain why you abandoned your duty. I can't wait to hear."

"It's not vhat it seems like." Yes.  Of all the things she could say- that was probably the worst possible thing.  She shifted and it wasn't like the rest of the world really mattered.  Though, in all honesty she could call the police- but that would just make things worse in the long run.  "I- it vas-" Shoot!  She couldn't remember the man's name.  "Zere vas an e-mail-"  IF ONLY SHE COULD REMEMBER!

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Player: Ammy

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Never the Rest (Open) Empty Re: Never the Rest (Open)

Post by Mr. White Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:34 am

Initiate Theme Song

Oh yes those tasty tasty tears. They started to roll and his mood actually brightened. Yes, she was so beautiful to him right then and the fear was almost palatable. Yes, it would do the girl good to have the fear of god placed in her. With quick fingers he deftly removed his stained gloves showing for the first time a part of his body that wasn't covered in grim and muck. In fact his skin was perfectly clean, his fine olive complexion and clean manicured nails at odds with his grungy cloths. There was a reason for this of course, but one that White had long ago forgotten. All he knew was that any killer should have the common courtesy to keep his money makers in fine working order. That and it was disrespectful to kill someone with dirty nails, after all if your going to murder someone you might as well look your best while doing it.

In fact it was the duty of any would be angel of death to make sure their victims last image before death was as pleasant as possible, which was one of the reasons White wore a smile as he finished his dark deeds. "It's not vhat it seems like." With a sneer he started to unwrap his head cloth revealing his dark glossy hair that even when messy looked stunning. "I- it vas-" Her stutter while adorable was actually starting to piss him off, she was letting her rightful fear control her... No student of his should be controled by such a pitiful emotion. Hell half the reason he did what he did to her was so that she would be faced with dread on a daily basis and there for grow used to overcoming it. Daci of course did no such thing. "Zere vas an e-mail-"

"Zere vas an e-mail? Vas there really?" With a roll of his eyes White tucked the cloth into one of the many pockets in his coat and cracked his fingers. "Vhat vas the e-mail about girl? Speak up, or are you to zcard to ztring tvo vords together?" He let out a little mocking laugh and shook his head. "If I was going to do anything to you here in public I would have done it already, with it you knowing I was about. No clear your mind, take a calm breath and tell me your excuses." Taking his own advice he breathed deeply. "But talk and walk at the same time, or are you to stunned to manage even that much? Really... I have to wonder why I bother with you."
Mr. White
Mr. White

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Never the Rest (Open) Empty Re: Never the Rest (Open)

Post by Daciana Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:28 pm

"But talk and walk at the same time, or are you to stunned to manage even that much? Really... I have to wonder why I bother with you."

Okay thank GOD that he wasn't nearly as angry as he had seemed at first.  Or maybe he was?  Sometimes it was hard to tell with her teacher.  It didn't stop her from being terrified of him.  In fact- she was terrified more.  She never really knew when he was going to lash out and that gave her a constant sense of danger.  The good thing about that was- she'd come at least a way from when she had started.  She could actually talk now, unlike in the beginning, but nevertheless it didn't stop her from nearly peeing herself every-time she saw Mr. White.

There was just something about him- something not normal- something not what was expected.  Still, as he had ordered- so it shall be.  She took a long breath and tried to recollect her thoughts.  She kept a little distance between them; lagging behind as she focused on the man's name until it came back.  "His name was [REDACTED].  I believe he's one of ze Temp-  group as vell.  He had a job or t(w)o for me here in London.  He said zat he emailed you about it too, but you never replied."  After a moment she replied.  "I have ze email saved- if you need to see for yourself?"  Innocent blue eyes rose to look up at him with sincerity.

She was happy to see him in a way that she would never admit. White was like the father she had never really had- but what did she know since she never had a father to begin with? However, he DID often look after her and though his methods terrified her,, they did seem to work. She wasn't stuttering at the moment, so that was always a good sign- or so she assumed. Silently she was still trembling on the inside; afraid that he might bring this all up later.

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Never the Rest (Open) Empty Re: Never the Rest (Open)

Post by Mr. White Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:15 pm

She talked. And talked. And talked. But White couldnt bring him self to actually listen, one it was more then a little annoying to talk to someone who walked behind you and for another he was sure that he,Mr. White, was not the least bit interested in her excuses. In fact even though he couldn't, wouldn't and refused to listen to a single word she said he knew exactly whats she was saying. "I'm such a naughty lil slut. Im sooo sorry i disobeyed you Mr. White. Please punish me? I deserve it... Being such a bad little girl. Please, hurt m. I know i deserve what ever you do to me."  A pause then, to contemplate her upcoming torment he was sure. " Please sir. If you don't ill never learn, I need to bleed in order to get anything through my thick bimbo skull. We can tape it and email it to all my friends to farther humiliate me." White lets out a short chortle as she finishes, almost at random in fact since it wold be the first positive sound to escape his throat. "Oh don't worry, we can email our video to who ever you want." With quick though unhurried steps he finds his way into one of the stores restrooms, obviously wanting Daci to fallow after.

"But before we get to that un, I have to wonder why yo decided to run off with out telling lil old me." With out looking back, obviously expecting his assistant to have fallowed he talks while he strips, stinking folds falling off his body with every passing second, only to be replaced with a crisp suit seemingly covered in a plastic wrap. "Did you wan't my attention you poor thing?" No one wanted his attention. Because it usually came with any number of archaic devices used to stimulate mans oldest emotion. Fear. "Well if thats what you wanted well, you sure as hell got it. And if you didn't well, you can just consider your self lucky that i saw you while i was about." Throwing the rags into a trashcan White peels off the plastic and cracks his neck as he tosses that as well.

"Also, if I find out you forgot to turn off the lights when you left theres going to be hell to pay. Money only grows on trees you know?" Splashing water on his face, the makeup and latex peel off his face, reveling the darkly handsome man beneath. Reaching over he pulled a paper towel from the dispenser and dried him self. "And by hell to pay, I mean I am going to leave you in Inferis by your lonesome for a few days with nothing but well... Not even the clothes on your back." Yes, not only would that teach her important survival skills, but it would also remind her to be conscious of her energy consumption, two lessons for the price of one. She should thank him.
Mr. White
Mr. White

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Never the Rest (Open) Empty Re: Never the Rest (Open)

Post by Daciana Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:50 am

He laughed. A full-on chuckle to her statements. That didn't seem right- she hadn't said anything funny...

"Oh don't worry, we can email our video to who ever you want."

Her face drained once again. She hadn't mentioned anything about videos- Why was he talking about a video to send to anyone- and what video would that even be?! Her eyes stared hard at the back of his head. It was times like this that she was definitely sure she was terrified of this man. Who knew what was going on in his head? There were terrors within that the smart person never hoped to unfurl.

He walked himself into a store and she followed silently. Oh dear God- if you exist, please have mercy. Her head called, but she knew chances were likely that no such divine intervention was going to whisk her away from punishment. He walked into a restroom and looked at her with expectancy for her to follow. She- really didn't want to. REALLLYYYY didn't want to, but seeing as she was already in trouble with him, she didn't want to push her luck. Hesitantly, she followed, without a word to say.

"But before we get to that un, I have to wonder why yo decided to run off with out telling lil old me." -OH crap. Had she forgot to leave the note? She was pretty sure she was going t- though there was no excuse to not telling him other than the fact she was utterly petrified of the man. In fact maybe part of her kind of wanted to run away; to escape from him- which was probably the dumbest idea she'd had yet- since he was a TEMPLAR.

She fidgeted with her skirt as he stripped off his disguise and continued to calmly explain how fucked she was essentially. "Did you wan't my attention you poor thing?Well if that's what you wanted well, you sure as hell got it. And if you didn't well, you can just consider your self lucky that i saw you while i was about." Her stomach lurched and whispered that she was going to regret this whole escapade very much. Her heart began to pump faster as she panicked silently. Yet- words were a loss.

He continued scolding. her- but this time about the lights. Well of course she shut the lights off! He was the last one out though- wasn't he? Oh God, she hoped she was the last one out, because if he was and he left the lights on, well Mr. White could do no wrong and she'd be punished ANYWAYS. As unfair as it was, she'd have no real proof. "And by hell to pay, I mean I am going to leave you in Inferis by your lonesome for a few days with nothing but well... Not even the clothes on your back."

"I turned ze lights off." That was all she could really say. God forbid her from looking like a liar- if he truly existed. Her body shifted weight and she avoided eye contact with the man. Sometimes she wondered what horrible crime she had committed to live a life like this- though to say it was worse than the facility would be a lie. At least- she wasn't being experimented on anymore. Still, it didn't stop her from being to frightened to say much more as the true form of her teacher stood before her.

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Never the Rest (Open) Empty Re: Never the Rest (Open)

Post by Mr. White Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:48 am

"I turned ze lights off." White made a soft shushing noise as he gently laid one immaculately groomed finger across her lips, and with a voice as gentle smooth as silk and as sweet as honey he spoke. "We can't worry about that now my dear... After all we have a mission to do and can't be distracted by the future. No matter how pleasant it might be!" He smiled then and drew his finger down from her lips and across the nap of her neck in an almost sensual motion. "But worry not, after we are both done with our respective choirs... We will spend much quality time together." With a sigh he glanced down to his watch and shook his head with something like disdain. "But for now we have work we must do little girl! Work that I will need your help with." She was there after all, and White hadn't gotten to where he was by ignoring assets in any way shape nor form.

"Now, do you know where *Redacted* is? If not well you had better find out.... I will need you to be there with the car around ten tonight. I'm more then sure you will have the time for it... " His friendly smile was more a threat then anything else, he knew she understood what would happen if she wasn't there. "Now, be a good girl and go fetch daddy a  news paper, I'll go find us some where cute to eat while you do. Ill explain the mission in full when we sit down for a little pre-op feast."

With that he wrapped both arms about her and squeezed his lips touching her cheek then her hair before he retreated from the bathroom and out into the busy store. "Don't take to long Daci, you know how i hate to be kept waiting!"

Mr. White
Mr. White

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Never the Rest (Open) Empty Re: Never the Rest (Open)

Post by Daciana Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:22 pm

There was something about Mr.  White.  There was ALWAYS something about him.  Just the way he acted- the way he seemed to just be care free while at the same time he seemed like he was about to murder.  Daciana never really knew what to think.  However, through the years, she had learned that her best route was to just do as he said.  Whatever it was he wanted, she needed to get it done or consequences would follow.  

"Now, be a good girl and go fetch daddy a  news paper, I'll go find us some where cute to eat while you do. Ill explain the mission in full when we sit down for a little pre-op feast." Such a statement might be degrading to some, but to Daciana it was oddly compelling.  She knew better than to keep him waiting, and in that instance she was walking off and grabbing it.  Their relationship was strange.  She always had a feeling that made him like her dad, but at the same time- Mr. White made the most absolutely insane dad in the history of dads.. or so Daciana was discovering.  She didn't really understand what a dad was, but to be honest, he was more of one than her real father could ever be.  Mr.  White was there, was real and at times even saved her life.  She cared about him, but in a way- he was the God of her life.


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