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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Amadeus Edge Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:42 am

January 27, 2012
Washington D.C.

It was a terrible thing, losing parents. They were the ones who brought you into this world, the ones that were supposed to ensure that you were loved and taken care of. Unfortunately, not all children born are loved or wanted. The circumstances of their arrivals varied. Sometimes the mother simply wasn't ready for a child and put it up for adoption. Others, the parents didn't want to deal with an anchor to weigh them down and tossed their child aside. And then there were the ones that were ripped from this life. Those were always the most heartbreaking, the saddest stories to hear. The children had loving parents, had a family that wanted them and took care of them. But someone or something made its way between parent and child. Something that snatched away that happy family. To a certain child, Amadeus was that wall. Sadly, neither of them could remember it. She was far too young for the memory to take hold and Amadeus was far too old for it to stay very long. The old man visited this orphanage at least once every couple of weeks to play with the younger children and help care for the infants. As a Templar, he made the conscious decision to not have any children. This eliminated the possibility of leaving just one more orphan.

The familiar ting of a bell attached to the door frame rang in his ears as Amadeus passed through it, smiling brightly at the woman who worked the front desk. Normally, all visitors would have to sign in or call ahead but he was a special case. For twelve years, he was in and out of this place. He watched many children grow old enough to leave and took the few he saw potential into the Templar Order. Some were great successes while others were miserable failures. It was a gamble to have someone from the outside brought into the Order. And it was wonderful to see that gamble pay off, "Oh! Welcome back, Mr. Edge! You usually call in when you plan to visit. What's the occasion?"

"Oh, none in particular, ma'am. I was just in the city and decided to surprise the children by showing up a little earlier than scheduled. Don't worry about them trying to jump on me or anything, though. When it comes to things like this, I feel myself grow string enough to support their weight and antics."

Without further questioning, Amadeus made his way through the second door and smiled as he heard the familiar calls of, "Grandpa Edge". There was no need to say that he wasn't actually the grandfather of these children, but he was the closest thing to one that they would have. The kids were fully aware that he couldn't exactly keep up with them so they all walked at his pace, tugging at his robes in the hope that he would follow. Then again, what choice did he have? Amadeus was surrounded at all sides. He couldn't escape even if he wanted to, "Alright, alright, little ones. Grandpa needs somewhere to sit. He can't keep walking like this. It makes his bones ache." 

But they had already beat him to the punch. While he thought that he was being brought somewhere to play, the children were actually leading him to his favorite chair; a soft recliner that just let him sink into it. The feeling was like sitting on a cloud, "How thoughtful of you all! Thank you so-" And it begins... Right before he could finish his sentence, one of the kids climbed onto his right knee while the rest fought for a spot on his left. Once the two 'seats' were taken, Amadeus felt their little fingers twisting about in his beard, "So this was the reason you wanted me to sit down, wasn't it!"
Amadeus Edge
Amadeus Edge

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty Re: A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Yuuko Koizumi Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:52 am

Parents. What were those? Yuuko had a vague idea of what it felt like to have them. But for some reason it was always hazy. She couldn't remember their faces or their voices. They were just a blurry figure in her mind. Mother and Father: Who were they? What were their names? What did their faces look like? What did their touch feel like? 

Yuuko wanted the memories of those times back more than anything. She could only remember simple, pointless things though. Being scolded for breaking a glass, going fishing with her father, and reading stories with her mother. Stupid stuff that didn't help at all. Yet she found herself clinging to these memories, cherishing them. When it was all you had, you held onto it.

Usually Yuuko didn't moan and groan about having her real parents around. They were gone and never coming back, simple as that. But today.. well she was particularly dreading not having them. Yuuko had to go back to the gross old orphanage and explain her hospital bill. And she would have to find some way to lie through her fucking teeth if she didn't want them on her case again.

The orphanage knew nothing of her demon hunting lifestyle, and she wanted to keep it that way. They already thought she was enough of a freak. In her younger years, Yuuko had been a problem child. A very big problem child. Yuuko had been like a pissed off hornet all the time. She'd throw tantrums, hit other kids, bite the nuns that came in, screamed at potential parents, and was always a little dirty since she hated bath time. She just.. didn't like it when the soap got near her eyes okay?

Now as she walked up to the Orphanage doors, she frowned deeply. Yuuko already felt off her game after what had taken place earlier that day. Being threatened by the leader of all the Templars didn't really do good for your nerves and confidence. Gripping the ornate crucifix that hung around her neck, she whispered, "Please don't let me slip up..." Yuuko didn't always believe in a lot of that religious mumbo jumbo. She didn't even know why she was asking "God" for strength. Perhaps she was more or less asking the person who had given her the crucifix. Ah, her memory of him was hazy too. His face and name were gone, but that one memory remained... the promise that the crucifix would give her strength and keep her safe in times of despair.

"Well, here I go.." She muttered under her breath. With a heavy sigh, Yuuko entered the building. The moment she walked up to the front desk, she was met with immediate looks of disapproval.

"Yuuko, what on earth were you doing?! Why didn't you call us to tell us what happened?! You're not eighteen yet so we still have to watch over you, you know! Ugh, do you have any idea how this makes us look?! And another thing-"

"Urgh, yes yes yes sorry I'm sorry. God, this is why I don't tell you guys things," Yuuko muttered with a groan. This was gonna be a loooong day.
Yuuko Koizumi
Yuuko Koizumi

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty Re: A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Amadeus Edge Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:57 am

Amadeus continued to entertain the children for quite some time, bouncing them on his knees and allowing them to pull on his beard. The temporary pain was more than worth the squeals of glee that erupted from the tiny crowd. Depending on which part of his face they poked or pulled, Amadeus would make a different funny expression. A pull on his beard made his tongue pop out while a tug on the ear elicited a silly little giggle. Sometimes they pulled just a little too hard, but the man was quick to reprimand them. It was a gentle reminder, but the subtle furrow to his brow was more than enough to let them know he was completely serious.

When the time came for the children to begin the other activities set on their schedule, Amadeus waved his goodbye and did his best to console the straggling kids that didn't want to leave their 'Grandpa'. All it usually took was a kiss on the forehead and a gentle reminder that he would return in a couple of weeks. He could never tell if they acted out to get his attention for just a little while longer or if they were truly sad that he was leaving. Either way, their reluctance to leave flattered him. It was wonderful to know that he was still loved by them.

The next part of his trip, however, was going to be difficult. While the chair he sat in was deep and comfortable, Amadeus always had trouble standing himself back up without assistance. He was far too proud to call out for help like he was some damsel in distress and began thinking of ways to get himself out of this rather embarrassing situation. Then, in a rare stroke of genius, he began rocking back and forth in his seat to gather momentum before shooting to his feet. The force made him stumble just a little, but Amadeus managed to catch himself with the walking staff rather than fall flat on his face. To an old man, falling was one of the worst things that could happen.

Once free from his little prison, Amadeus overheard a bit of commotion from the lobby. It seemed that somebody was getting a little chewing out from the front desk woman. His hearing wasn't the best, but he managed to catch ,  "Why didn't you call us to tell us what happened?! You're not eighteen yet so we still have to watch over you, you know! Ugh, do you have any idea how this makes us look?! And another thing-"

"Now, now there's no need for all of that!" He called, stepping through the door once again. someone needed to be rescued. And who was a better savior than Amade-... Wait a moment... It was that girl from before. The one who attempted to stand on equal footing with him. The one that needed a lesson in who towered above her. Rather than make a scene, Amadeus took his place next to Yuuko and smiled at the receptionist, "Don't worry about this one, ma'am. She got injured helping me, I'm afraid." He shook his head slowly and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, gripping it tightly. He wasn't as strong as he used to be, but Amadeus' grip was surprisingly firm, "She didn't want to get into trouble, so I helped her out. I forgot to mention this to you when I first came by." He looked to Yuuko, his eyes demanding that she play along, "Right, little one?"
Amadeus Edge
Amadeus Edge

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty Re: A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Yuuko Koizumi Sun Jun 23, 2013 1:49 pm

As if Yuuko's day couldn't get any better, that mother fucking old geezer showed up again! When his wrinkly old hand gripped her shoulder, Yuuko's face contorted in rage. If he wasn't so frail and elderly, she would have punched him in the face. No, actually she would have done so much worse.

"Don't touch me," She hissed, smacking his hand away. Yuuko refused to help cover the rotten old man's tracks. He was on his own with that. Like the usual Demon Hunter motto, it was every man for himself. Templars should have learned the rule by now. Moving away from him, she went to the other side of the desk. "What're you doing here?" She snapped at him. "If you're here to continue our conversation, go outside and wait there, geezer." Yuuko could be as rude as she damn well pleased here, but knew there would probably be consequences for it later. Worth it.

Turning back to the secretary, she went on to argue with the woman. "Look, I'm turning eighteen in May. Why can't you guys just relinquish custody of me now? It'd make your lives here easier. I live in my own place anyways, and what's the point of keeping me in the system? Nobody is going to adopt a seventeen year old."

"Yuuko, as much as I'd loveto stop seeing your face around here, you know why we can't do that. The law requires it. And why would you speak to Mr. Edge like that? He was your special friend!"

"Ugh, enough with the- ... wait what?" Yuuko's face scrunched up in confusion. "The hell are you talking about? We're not friends."

"Yes he was Yuuko. Ah, you probably don't remember because you were so little. When he visited it was the only time you behaved. He gave you that crucifix you're wearing," The nurse paused and pointed at the crucifix hanging around Yuuko's neck. "Ooh, I have a picture around here somewhere.." The nurse began digging around in her desk. Yuuko only glanced back at Amadeus to give him a big "what the fuck" face before turning back to the nurse.

The nurse fished out a framed photo of a younger looking Amadeus and a very young Yuuko. He was sitting in the old rocking chair in the play room, and Yuuko was sitting on his lap obediently. The only time she must have ever sat still really. She seemed calm, and relaxed. Unlike Amadeus, she wasn't smiling. Smiles were rare from Yuuko, even in her tender years...

On the inside, Yuuko was quiet and calm. On the inside, she was screaming. No, this could not, SHOULD NOT be true. The old man, the one who was ruining everything, couldn't have possibly been HIM. The only person to tame her, and provide her with almost a mature parental figure in her life. This wasn't happening, she was dreaming, she hit her head. "It's not true..."

Last edited by Yuuko Koizumi on Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
Yuuko Koizumi
Yuuko Koizumi

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty Re: A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Amadeus Edge Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:53 am

Apparently, the young woman was less than thrilled to see who had shown up and attempted to get her out of trouble. Was Yuuko truly that immature? Judging by her over the top reaction and obvious lack of self control, the answer was a resounding yes. She acted as if she were invulnerable, untouchable. It was just so silly how, despite the way she thought, she was still childish. A girl who thinks herself a woman. 

To prove just how little Amadeus cared about the way she spoke to him, he simply laughed at every little negative reaction to his presence. The way she hissed and slapped at his hand like a frightened cat, the way she barked and attempted to command him just like she did in their first meeting. She didn't learn a single thing, "And again, you think yourself tall enough to order me around!" Amadeus shook his head in mock disappointment, "Didn't anyone teach you not to strike an old man? At my age, I bruise and break fairly easily. And this establishment would have to suffer because of your actions." 

His sentence was a subtle threat, one that the woman at the counter simply wouldn't understand. Not only did Miss Yuuko need to learn about personal responsibility, she needed to understand the repercussions of her actions. The Templars had one of her beloved teammates and Amadeus could easily make his stay much less... Comfortable at a whim. Mr. White was always the best at making an impression.

The old man watched patiently as the little argument went back and forth, child vs adult, point/counterpoint. Then, an interesting point was made. If the girl before him was such a little monster, then how in the world did he not know of it? Amadeus visited this place for a number of years and spent time with just about every child that showed up on the doorstep. He couldn't have missed-

"And why would you speak to Mr. Edge like that? He was your special friend!"

Wait, what? Amadeus placed his free hand on his beard and stroked it gently as he thought. Oh, the memory was hazy. So many children, so much time, so much work, so much stress. For the life of him, he had no recollection of trying to handle such a wildchild. 

"The hell are you talking about? We're not friends." Now that was an understatement. 

"Yes he was Yuuko. Ah, you probably don't remember because you were so little. When he visited it was the only time you behaved. He gave you that crucifix you're wearing,"

Crucifix? Suddenly, Amadeus could feel the memory creeping back into his mind. There was a child crying and not allowing any other adult near her. But all of that would stop as soon as he showed up to comfort her. She would always be pining for his attention and scared off any other kid that tried to take just a little bit from her. Unfortunately, she'd go right back to her old ways right when he took his eyes off of her. So in order to keep that from happening, Amadeus gave her an exact copy of the cross he wore... The one he used to call forth his Armor of God. 

Was the child standing next to him the same little girl he cared for so deeply? She was fighting so hard against everything he worked endlessly to set up, attacking the Templars who were simply doing their jobs. Yuuko was the only child he truly considered adopting. Yet he simply couldn't watch the girl grow up like that. Especially since she had her mother's eyes.

Washington D.C. 
May 18th, 2000
Koizumi Residence

Amadeus had his orders. There were two immensely powerful Demon Hunters living together under one roof. A battle in Inferis was out of the question as he would need to fight them alone. And, from what he heard, the two worked flawlessly together. Their attacks came in a multitude of directions and were strong enough to actually pass into his Armor of God. The wounds wouldn't be too deep, but enough of them would cause the man to bleed out. He needed to attack them when he would have the advantage. They had stronger powers in Inferis, but he was hardened by years of hand to hand combat with high tier demons and the best cqc specialist The Order had to offer. 

He was to eliminate everyone withing the house, no quarter given, no mercy shown. Amadeus needed to make an example out of the pair, highlighting the fact that the Templars weren't to be crossed. 

His face obscured by a mask and his body protected with a suit, Amadeus approached the front door and rang the bell. He heard singing on the inside, wishing someone a happy birthday. The timing was perfect... They were definitely vulnerable. There was a tight feeling in the pit of his stomach, something that said this was going to be a mistake. But how he felt didn't matter. He was simply doing what was best for the Order. And what was good for them was good for him, too. At least, that's what he was told to believe...
Amadeus Edge
Amadeus Edge

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty Re: A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Yuuko Koizumi Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:16 am

♫"Happy Birthdaaaaay~ toooooo~ yoooooooooou~!"♫ The end of the classic birthday song, full of sour notes and unnecessary vibrato, but still wonderful nonetheless. Yuuko was eating it up, big grin on her plump face. "Again again! One more time!"The five-year old demanded. Her mother sighed and put her hands on her hips, all the while holding back a smile. "Yuuko, that's the third time we've sang it. Don't you think we should actually eat the cake now? You seemed so eager about it last night, when I caught you trying to sneak a bit of frosting."

Yuuko gave her mother puppy dog eyes and tried to play innocent. "That wasn't me mommy, I swear!" Her father chuckled and began slicing the chocolate cake. "Mhm, sure thing sweet pea. It was just your evil clone, right Mom?" He mumbled with a smirk. Yuuko's mother rolled her eyes and began to pull out plates. The sound of the doorbell ringing sounded through the house.

"Ah, honey could you get that?" Her mother gently nudged her father and motioned towards the door. "Alright alright," He grumbled and set the knife aside. He wiped his hands off on a rag and headed for the door. Yuuko was bouncing up and down in her chair, staring at the cake with hungry eyes. "Mommy, you guys aren't gonna work today are you?" Yuuko asked, taking her eyes off of the dessert for a moment to look up at her mother.

Her mother's expression shifted to a sad and somewhat guilty smile. "Course not... it's your special day. You made us promise not to work today, and in this family we keep promises. Keeping promises to people we love.. it helps us make sure that we don't lose ourselves."

Yuuko furrowed her thin eyebrows in thought, trying to figure out what her mother could possibly mean by that. She didn't understand most of the things her mother said when she became stoic. "Uh.. okay mommy! I promise not to break a promise! Never ever!" Mrs. Koizumi smiled softly and ran a hand through her daughter's black hair. "Good girl.. you're gonna grow up just fine if you stick to that promise.."

Meanwhile, Mr. Koizumi was picking up a bit and walking into the main entrance area. He hummed the birthday tune to himself, still in a bit of disbelief that his little girl was five already. They grow up so fast! Not to mention, there was another baby girl on the way. His wife was five months along in her pregnancy, and she looked as beautiful as ever. Of course, his wife was quite the looker anyways.

With a satisfied sigh, he grabbed the doorknob and pulled open the door.
Yuuko Koizumi
Yuuko Koizumi

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty Re: A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Amadeus Edge Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:01 pm

It seemed like the time to strike was upon him. The man formed the sign of the cross and prayed quietly for the people he was preparing to kill. This was going to be for the greater good, to further their crusade against any and everything out there attempting to hinder their progress. If only they came peacefully instead of trying to fight. If only they didn't get involved. Amadeus wished there was another way, but he had no say in their fate at this point. While he had rank and experience, the chain of command needed to be honored. And as a man of the military, breaking the chain was unacceptable.

Amadeus could hear the chatter coming from within. Laughs, shouts, all of it. Such a shame, it was. Something like this having to happen during such a happy occasion. No... No, he couldn't do that to himself. They weren't people. They were targets. And nobody ever mourned when striking against a target.

As soon as the door cracked open, Amadeus made his move; a devastating front kick meant to knock the person behind it right to the ground. Whoever it was, they didn't even have time to cry out before their assailant slipped through the open door and slammed it shut. In order to prevent any concerned citizens from intervening, he twisted the deadbolt and set up the door chain before continuing with his work.

"Mr. Koizumi, correct?" He said, reaching down to the dazed man and gripping him by the neck. Koizumi was far too shocked to do anything. This sight was interesting, to say the least. Unfortunately, Amadeus couldn't take the time to speak with this person. Leaving him alive longer than this instant could prove fatal. After all, fighting the pair in Inferis would put Edge to the test.

Just as Amadeus readied himself to strike the killing blow, the husband managed to call out to the other two, telling them to run and hide. He just had to complicate things, "That was a mistake." And before his victim could muster a retort, Amadeus gripped hard with both hands and snapped his neck before tossing the body aside, "One down..."
Amadeus Edge
Amadeus Edge

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty Re: A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Yuuko Koizumi Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:42 am

When Mrs. Koizumi had heard her husband cry out, she knew something was terribly wrong. Looking at her daughter for a moment, Ana bit her lip and grabbed the knife that her husband had been using to cut the cake. "Yuuko.. you eat this cake okay? Mommy will be right back.." She forced a smile onto her face and hid the knife from Yuuko. "Okay?" Yuuko stared up at her mother for a moment, slightly confused about what was going on before nodding and smiling back. "Okay mama! And then we open presents?" "Yes, then we open presents.. be good now, I love you."

Yuuko didn't know it at the time, but that would be her mother's goodbye to her. Ana knew full well that she might not be able to deal with this. But she also knew she couldn't run, no matter how badly she wanted to. People could be waiting outside for them, and Yuuko could be killed in the crossfire of a gun fight. All she could do now was protect her children, born and unborn as best as she could. Creeping slowly, Mrs. Koizumi moved into the main entrance room and hid behind a corner. As she poked her head in, her eyes set on something horrifying. Something she had never wanted to see, something that she had sworn she would never have to see. Her love's body, laying there without a whisper of life in it. Her heart instantly ripped in half. He wasn't supposed to die.. he had sworn that he'd survive no matter what.. They were both supposed to be together... and now... now....

Something unexplainable washed over Mrs. Koizumi in that moment. Whether it was extreme grief or rage, nobody could really tell. All she could see was red, all she wanted was that murderer's blood on her hands and knife. Springing out, agile as a wildcat, Ana ascended upon the man with her knife in hand. "YOU MURDERER, I'LL KILL YOU WITH MY OWN FUCKING HANDS!" She slashed at him wildly, leaving cuts and gashes as she swung it. They struggled there for awhile, before Mrs. Koizumi managed to stab her knife in somewhere. She had been aiming for his neck, but his hands managed to deflect it so that it'd land in the flesh of his shoulder. Ana growled and shoved it in as far as she could, blood seeping out and staining Amadeus' clothes and the rug beneath him. "Fucking die already.." She hissed in a low voice, the malice she held for him very clear. "I'll send you straight to hell, where all you Templars belong!"
Yuuko Koizumi
Yuuko Koizumi

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty Re: A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Amadeus Edge Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:46 pm

Amadeus looked down to the still wide-eyed corpse of the male Koizumi. There was a saying about that, actually. If you were to die with your eyes open, then you deserved whatever happened. In this case, it was the truth. The pair was a constant thorn in the side of his order, attacking the scouts and hindering progress. They were getting in the way of the mission God had sent Amadeus and his brothers on. And as an enforcer, it was his job to hand them their just deserts.

The older gentleman dusted his hands off as if he touched something filthy and looked down to the end of the hallway, "Well what do we have here? He said, switching the vision on his visor to infrared, "The second Koizumi, hmm?"

Amadeus would have continued his line of questioning, but was cut off by a shriek of what he assumed was both anger and despair. She must have seen her significant other. It was a natural reaction, really. He couldn't imagine the pain she felt in losing someone so close to her. She didn't need to fret for too much longer... The pair would be re-united soon enough,


Well wasn't the pot calling the kettle black. While Amadeus would have enjoyed speaking at length with the woman shouting at him, she charged in his direction with the intent to kill. The woman swung wildly at him, doing whatever she could to leave some kind of damage. While the moves were a bit telegraphed and not too difficult to read, she still managed to nick and cut him in several places. The knife wouldn't have been an issue if he were allowed to wear the updated CQCSS, but it still had a few kinks. He had to make due with the older, less efficient model. Once Mrs. Koizumi grew tired of swinging like a madwoman, she attempted to drive the knife into Amadeus' neck. With a swift sidestep and a turn of the body, it hit him in the shoulder. It was painful, but much better than what could have happened,

"Fucking die already... I'll send you straight to hell, where all you Templars belong!"

Comical... She believed that men and women of God would go to hell? No, that's not how it worked. In the same fashion he did with her husband, Amadeus used his good arm to grip the woman's neck and squeezed tightly, "I'm sorry, miss." He said, pulling the knife from his shoulder, "But it will be you who spends eternity in hell..." He tightened his grip and trained the blade of the weapon meant to rob him of life right on her abdomen, just above the belly button, "With your husband."

Just as the sentence was finished, he plunged the knife right to its hilt and pulled it out to stab the woman again, and again, and again. With each consecutive strike, Amadeus could watch that burning fire leave her eyes. Once finished, he tossed the barely living woman next to her lover. It was the least he could do, "Now... Where was I?"

Amadeus paused to scan the area once again with his infrared vision and locked on to the third and final heat signature, "Ah..."
Amadeus Edge
Amadeus Edge

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty Re: A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Yuuko Koizumi Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:36 pm

Yuuko was standing right in the doorway, watching it all. She stood frozen in place as the masked man used a knife to cut her, over and over again. Mama was making the most horrific noises, noises that scared Yuuko and noises she didn't want to hear. Her papa wasn't doing anything about it. He was just laying down.. why wouldn't papa get up and help mama?!

When mama grew quiet and fell over, Yuuko opened her mouth to say something. Anything. She didn't know what, but she wanted to. Her mouth wouldn't let her though. Her body was shaking so much, and she felt so scared. The monster was staring at her now, and Yuuko could only quiver and stare. She was so scared.. so scared.. but she had to get to mama and papa. They needed her! Balling her tiny hands into a fist, Yuuko hesitantly took the first step, then bolted around the monster!

"Mama Mama!" Yuuko yelled and stumbled over to her mother. Ana was huffing and puffing as she bled out. Tears were spilling out of her eyes. In less than twenty minutes, she had lost it all. Her husband, her unborn child, and now her own life... When she saw Yuuko run to her, her fear grew. She could lose another baby to the damn Templars. Not Yuuko. Their clan.. they had to live on.. Gripping her husband's cold hand, she looked straight at Yuuko. "Yuuko... I want you to run.. run far away.. now.." She rasped with her dying breath. "You need to... become.... s..strong.. and.. be.. t-the best you can be.. keep... your... promise.." The last word was finished as she let out her last long breath. Ana was gone now.

Yuuko stared down at her mother and listening to her talk. When she had stopped, Yuuko began to shake her. "Mommy.. mommy.. mommy! Wake up! W-we still have to open presents! Mommy stop!" When Ana would not respond, Yuuko jumped over to her dad and shook him. "Daddy daddy! Papa!" She screamed. Tears ran down her chubby face as she shook him and yelled at the top of her lungs. Her protectors were gone.. she was alone..

Letting out a shaky breath, the child slowly raised her head to stare at the monster. This was it, he was going to hurt her too..
Yuuko Koizumi
Yuuko Koizumi

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty Re: A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Amadeus Edge Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:15 am

Amadeus raised the knife to strike at the rapidly moving signature, but hesitated when he noticed just how small it was. The third person was a child... Most likely the child of the couple he was sent to kill. All of a sudden, the old man began feeling sick to his stomach. He knew that there was something wrong with the orders he was given, the reason why his superiors held back crucial details about his targets.

They were fully aware of how Amadeus would never harm children, yet he was the only person they could trust with such an important mission. After all, he could at least pose some challenge to the duo if their battle went to the other dimension. And even though he wouldn't be able to kill them easily, he'd be able to stall long enough for backup to arrive. Despite how he felt personally on the issue, it was his duty to carry out the will of the Templar Order as the shining tip of its spear. In order to fully act out their will, this child needed to die...

While it would have been easy to just crush her neck as she listened to her mother's dying words, Amadeus simply couldn't bring himself to move against her. The task was so simple. Swoop in, kill the child, leave. His Order would take care of the rest... Right? No, now wasn't the time to question his motivations. This child will grow up to be a Demon Hunter, a constant thorn in the Templar's side. It needed to be nipped in the bud, torn from the garden of life like a troublesome weed. Good Lord, what was he thinking? She was only a child, no more than 4 years of age. She couldn't harm anyone, hurt anything at this point,

"Forgive me, child. I did not wish to harm your family" He said, his voice mangled by the technology within. It sounded deep, mechanical, menacing, "And I can't bring myself to harm you."

The child probably couldn't understand his native language, and that would be for the best. For the next part of his plan to work, she couldn't recognize anything about him. Amadeus then turned sharply to the side and walked into a different room before tearing it all apart as if there was a commotion. As if someone was confronting the monster that brutally murdered her parents. And after that bit of theatrics was done, Amadeus removed the mask that she knew and left it behind.

With a calming breath and a kind smile on his face, Amadeus stepped out into the hall once again before turning to the little child. In order to seem less intimidating, he dropped to his knees and extended an arm, beckoning her to walk in his direction, "It's okay, little one." He said, no hint of malice or ill intent in his voice, "The monster's gone, I chased it away." He gestured to the knife wounds left by her mother and offered an excuse, "But not before it could hurt me, too. Don't worry, though. I'm still strong enough to protect you from it."
Amadeus Edge
Amadeus Edge

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty Re: A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Yuuko Koizumi Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:55 pm

Yuuko's body was shaking uncontrollably as she cowered by her parent's dead body. When it spoke in a foreign tongue with a scary voice, Yuuko sank even lower and curled into a trembling ball. When it was gone, Yuuko could hear it bumping around in the other room a lot. She didn't know what was going on. She didn't care anymore. Mama and Papa weren't waking up, and that was all she could understand. What happened to her baby sister? Was she sleeping like mama?

Hesitantly, Yuuko placed her hand on her mother's stomach. No kicking, the baby wasn't squirming around. What was wrong..? When an unfamiliar voice echoed through the quiet room, Yuuko jumped and immediately began to crawl towards an escape. But upon seeing the source, she stopped. It was a wrinkly old grandpa. Grandpas were nice. She had never met a mean old person before. Maybe he would help her. Upon hearing news of the monster being chased away, her face brightened up a bit. Getting up on her feet, she waddled over to the old man and took his hand. "Mama and Papa, they won't wake up! C-can you fix them..?" She asked hopefully, keeping a strong grip on his hand. He was her lifeline now, the only person she had to depend on.

"My sister is sleepy in mommy's tummy too.." She mumbled and rubbed at her eyes. A bit of blood got on her face and hands, since she was covered in her mother's blood after she went to her side. "You can wake them up, right? Please please! Y-you can have all my birthday presents and my cake! I promise! Just wake them up!"

Yuuko Koizumi
Yuuko Koizumi

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty Re: A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Amadeus Edge Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:37 am

Amadeus Edge could feel his heart breaking as the child before him crouched next to the bodies of her parents. By then, the woman skin was beginning to grow cold to the touch as the blood still leaked from the numerous knife wounds he had left behind. She felt around the woman's stomach as if waiting for something to happen, searching for any sign of life. The child was much too young to understand anatomy, so maybe she didn't know to search for a heartbeat or pulse. Either way, Amadeus simply couldn't stand the sight.

When the little girl began her childish waddle in his direction, Amadeus managed to push back the despair and smile kindly for her. He gripped her tiny hand lightly when she placed it in his own and gently ran his thumb over the back,

"Mama and Papa, they won't wake up! C-can you fix them..?"

Amadeus drew in a long and quiet breath as he thought of a way to tell the child that her family wasn't coming back. Even though he was a stranger, even though he was the murderer she wanted to run from... She looked into his sad eyes with hope. It seemed that he was the only one she had left, "I'm sorry, Little One... But I can't br-"

"My sister is sleepy in mommy's tummy too.."

Wait... Sister? Amadeus could feel himself beginning to grow pale as the blood drained from his face. The child's mother was pregnant. He took two lives... One belonging to a Demon Hunter and the other to her unborn child... The Order must] have known, there was no reason to hide information like that. Then again, they knew Amadeus wouldn't harm a pregnant woman only because there was an innocent life in the balance. Children should not have to suffer for the sins of their parents... But as he gazed upon the child's bloody face, his rage began to grow. The Order he had given his life to made him break his sole rule: "Never spill the blood of a child."

"You can wake them up, right? Please please! Y-you can have all my birthday presents and my cake! I promise! Just wake them up!"

"I'm sorry, Little One. I'm so, so sorry. But there's nothing I can do to change what happened." Amadeus said, wiping the tears and blood from Yuuko's face before he pulled her into a hug, "They've gone into a deep sleep. And they're never going to wake."

The old man sniffled and blinked a few times as tears of his own began to fall. He didn't mourn the Hunters he killed. He mourned over the life he had just ruined- over the child he exposed to an unforgivable horror,

"O loving and kind God, have mercy. Have pity upon me and take away the awful stain of my transgressions. Oh, wash me, cleanse me from this guilt. Let me be pure again. For I admit my shameful deed-it haunts me day and night. It is against you and you alone I sinned and did this terrible thing. You saw it all, and your sentence against me is just. Create in me a new, clean heart, O God, filled with clean thoughts and right desires. Don’t toss me aside, banished forever from your presence. Don’t take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me again the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.

Shortly after finishing his prayer, Amadeus crossed himself and drew another deep breath, "Alright, Little One. I want you to repeat after me. This is a magical spell to help your Mama and Papa go somewhere wonderful. I can promise that they will be waiting there for you."

He paused a moment, O God, who hast commanded us to honor our father and our mother; in Thy mercy have pity on the souls of my father and mother, and forgive them their trespasses; and make me to see them again in the joy of everlasting brightness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Amadeus made sure to speak slowly and pause when appropriate for the child he held. He wanted her to know that her parents were going to a better place, even though they were torn from this world for meddling with their affairs. Aside from that transgression, he had no doubt that they were good people. They tried their best to raise a family, they lived relatively peaceful lives and when the time came, their thoughts never strayed from the ones they loved. The pair gave their lives to protect what they cared about and Amadeus respected that. He respected it enough to willingly disobey a direct order...
Amadeus Edge
Amadeus Edge

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A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko) Empty Re: A Familiar Place (Closed/Yuuko)

Post by Yuuko Koizumi Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:40 am

Little Yuuko listened curiously to the Grandpa speak in gibberish. What was he saying? She didn't know, and she didn't care! All she wanted, was for mom and dad to be back.. but as the Grandpa had said.. they weren't coming back. That much she understood. She felt sick, oh so sick. A lump formed in her throat, and her stomach hurt as she tried to hold back her tears. She couldn't though, as a sob tore through and just broke her

Sob and cry, that was all she could do. Yuuko felt so helpless, so powerless like the child she was. Yuuko tried to say the prayer with him, she really did. But she couldn't even do that because she was crying so much. All she could really make clear was the "Amen" and that was it, before she leaned against Amadeus in a sobbing mess. This wasn't happening, it all had to be a dream...


January 27, 2012
Washington D.C.

Yuuko's head was just pounding now. She got such a bad headache all of a sudden. But something.. something was strange as she recalled what little she remembered of her parent's and their passing. She could, remember more, and see things more clearly.. a rush of emotions hit her, that she knew she wasn't going to be able to handle in public. Quickly turning around, Yuuko began to walk out of the orphanage.

"Yuuko, come back right-" "Piss off, I need to go home," Yuuko cut the woman off sharply, glaring intensely at her. And with that being said, Yuuko left the building.
Yuuko Koizumi
Yuuko Koizumi

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