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Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean))

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Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean)) Empty Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean))

Post by Gong Minji Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:56 am

February 4th, 2012
3:40 PM
Washington D.C., home of the Jangmi twins

"Brrr! It's so so cold!" A tiny Korean girl trudged through the snowy winter streets of Washington D.C. She was over-exaggerating though, since she had a nice and warm heavy coat on. Winters in Korea were dry and harsh, so she was used to such weather. Still, Minji didn't like the cold much. She liked it when it was warm and sunny, where she could run around outside and soak up sun rays! But not humid and mucky, bleh. She hated those summer days. In order for it to be perfect, there needed to be no humidity. Only warmth, and a light breeze to even it all out.

Nonetheless, Minji had a mission! And some light snow fall wasn't going to stop her, not by a long shot! Minji had traveled many kilometers just to be here, and she wouldn't stop now. Not when her two American cousins were just down this block! Minji couldn't wait to meet them. After writing to them and receiving a letter back, Minji's excitement had grown so big that she was just bursting!

After reaching the home of the Jangmi twins, Minji released a heavy breath. No need to feel nervous. Of course they would like her, they were family! Why, by the end of her visit Minji was sure that they'd become the best of friends! She just had to, make sure to say all the right things. "Okay.. here we go!" With that being said, Minji slowly reached out her small hand and knocked her knuckles against the wooden door.
Gong Minji
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Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean)) Empty Re: Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean))

Post by Jinhong Jangmi Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:00 am

It was snowing.  

"Jinhong!!  Are you ready yet?  You know she's going to be here soon!"  The blue eyed twin called down the hallway as she finished placing her hair up into a bun on the top of her head.  She was wearing white capri pants and wedge woven sandals with a blue halter top that brought out her eyes.  The lace collar with the blue gem remained about her neck as she added the finishing touches of jewelry.  They were currently staying in an apartment that they had recently purchased after events with what was now called Nephelim.  Meanwhile her twin was in her room, rushing to comb out the last indignant flicks of her short hair, biting her lip ever so slightly as she smoothed out that last curl.  She was wearing a pair of cargo shorts that fit nicely to her slender legs and a simple green tank top with converse sneakers.  In reality, per usual, her sister looked so much neater and more formal than she ever did.  At times Jinhong felt a little diminished beside her, but at the same time it wasn't like it was on purpose.  It's simply how their two personalities were.  

The windowpane was fogging up from Pulean's breath as she glanced outside to the streets below.  

"Jinhong!  seriously!  It's just our--" "Cousin, I know." She shouted back to Pulean, frowning as she gave herself one last look in her full length mirror before turning away, striding out of her room.  "And thats what makes it more terrifying..."  She muttered beneath her breath, ignoring the look that she knew her sister was giving the back of her head.  Pulean rolled her eyes as she headed instead to the living room, double checking how it appeared and that it was ready for their guest.  The two had received this odd letter about a week or two ago from this unknown address and a bunch of stamps.  It was from South Korea.  Now, the Jangmi parents hadn't exactly been forth-coming about any extended family so the two girls had no idea if they even had any extended family.  They hesitantly opened the letter and read to find out that a young girl, Gong Minji as she was called, was claiming to be their cousin.  It was a big shock to them both and, well, they had no real idea of how to respond!  

In the end they wrote a letter back, expressing how they would love to meet her and asking forgiveness if the letter seemed off.  They had had no idea that any such extended family existed.  The living room was perfect, enough tea and snacks had been prepared.... They were ready.  The twins walked out of their respective rooms that they had inspected and met in the hallway, nodding to each other just as there was a knock at the door.  "Coming!"  They both called out in English, striding over to their front door.  It was Jinhong who reached it first, taking a deep breath before quickly undoing the locks and swinging the door open.  

Crimson and blue stared down at the younger girl, Pulean smiling an easy, friendly smile to her as she held out a hand to Minji.  "Hello!  You must be Minji.  It's good to finally meet you."  She spoke, Jinhong nodding once while her features remained rather impassive.  She opened the door more and stepped aside, gesturing for their cousin to enter the apartment.  "Would you like some tea or something?" She asked quietly, clearly the more nervous of the two about this meeting.
Jinhong Jangmi
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Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean)) Empty Re: Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean))

Post by Gong Minji Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:27 am

"Hii! Yeah, I'm Minji!" Minji declared, jumping up and down a little bit out of excitement. She took Pulean's hand and shook it, grinning from ear to ear. When she saw her cousins, her grin grew even wider. They were both so pretty! Pulean's eyes were like sapphires, and Jinhong was just cute as a button! Although, Jinhong looked and sounded kind of upset.. had she come at a bad time? No matter, Minji would make everything okay!

Once Pulean gave the okay to come inside, Minji gladly did so and pranced inside their apartment. "Sure! I'd love some~!" Minji replied, her eyes wandering about as they walked inside. "Your apartment is very nice. Do you guys like living here?" Minji said as they all walked towards the living room. Minji was just very excited about everything, and she couldn't help but flap her gums every five seconds when something wasn't being said.

After seating themselves on the couch, Minji just stared at them for a moment to take in all of their features. Very pretty girls, pretty enough to be in a girl's k-pop group! Just as pretty as she had imagined them to be when she read their letter back. "You guys are twins, right? That's so amazing! I wish I had a twin sister! Or a twin brother, or just a sibling really. It's awful quiet at my house, since I'm an only child. My mother says she won't have any more kids though," Minji explained, ending her explanation with a small pout. Minji had always thought it was kind of unfair that her mother refused to have anymore children, when they certainly had enough wealth to go around and enough room for at least two more. Even adopting would be fine with Minji! "Mother would never tell me why though. It makes me sad, but it's not a big problem. It's okay, because I have you two now! I hope we can be best friends during my stay! And even after!"

Minji's pout turned into a gleeful expression once more. Her grin was directed towards Pulean and Jinhong, to show her sincerity. Minji wanted to be their friend, more than anything! "Hey, do you guys want to go see some movies at the cinema theater? My daddy gave me this debit card to use whenever I need a little bit of money. He says it's connected to his account though, so I shouldn't overspend. So, light on the popcorn you two!" Minji dug through her pocket and pulled out a shiny plastic debit card, with a flashy golden color. Minji knew it was important to keep the card safe, so she always kept it either with herself or in a hidden place in her room at her host family's house. She figured once her dad knew how responsible she had been during her stay here, he'd let her keep it afterwards! "So, what do you guys say?"
Gong Minji
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Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean)) Empty Re: Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean))

Post by Pulean Jangmi Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:04 pm

"Hii! Yeah, I'm Minji!"  The twins both felt the shock of adorableness at this enthusiastic greeting, though it was Pulean was the more expressive about it.  Jinhong just sort of blushed slightly and seemed shy per usual upon meeting a new person.  Her sister beamed happily at her, quite pleased by the grip that she found her younger cousin had.  Jinhong closed the door quietly as they all moved inside, locking it per usual since who knew who could possibly stumble in.  "Sure! I'd love some~!"  With a single nod, the crimson eyed twin vanished off to the kitchen, leaving Pulean with Minji as they walked towards the living room.  For Jinhong, it was sort of a relief because it meant that she could cool her head and try to tell herself to not be so painfully shy.  This was a family member for heaven's sake!  A family member.... that she was just meeting.  GAaaaahhhhhh!!!! Why couldn't she be more like Pulean?  Meanwhile the sapphire eyed sister was replying, "Thank you!  We do actually.  DC is a perfect area from which to spring from.  If I need to go on tour, it isn't too terrible in terms of travel time, and we've been here a couple of times before."  She observed as Minji bounced about (even if she wasn't actually bouncing about.  

Jinhong, on the other hand, had returned with a tray of three mugs and a steaming pot of tea, a small pitcher of milk and container of sugar cubes off on the side.  It was clearly a set that had been bought at Ikea with the intention of not quite having an actual tea set.  Mugs could hold so much more liquid and were usually a bit more durable in the event of dropping or getting tossed about for some reason.  She sat down next to her sister and poured them each their mug fulls of the green-tinged liquid, adding half a cube to their two cups.  No creamer was added for them.  "You guys are twins, right? That's so amazing! I wish I had a twin sister! Or a twin brother, or just a sibling really. It's awful quiet at my house, since I'm an only child. My mother says she won't have any more kids though,"  The twins blinked and both giggled, glancing to each other as they thought of their parents when they discovered that they were actually going to have two daughters as opposed to one.  "It's....  ..rather interesting."  They both turned towards Minji now, blue and red boring into her at her pout.  "Sometimes the quiet is nice.  Although sometimes it's really handy not to be the only brain."  

Jinhong finished as they turned back to her, the two almost about to ask a question except that it was shortly answered for them,  "Mother would never tell me why though. It makes me sad, but it's not a big problem. It's okay, because I have you two now! I hope we can be best friends during my stay! And even after!"  Ah.  Well then.  They furrowed their brows in the same manner while taking a sip of their tea, mirrors of the other while they both gave her a smile.  "That you do."  They giggled, placing their mugs back down. She really was the most adorable thing ever, wasn't she? The twins were quiet excited to be finding this out for it meant that their extended family couldn't be terrible people if they had a child such as this. Though... it made them really wonder why their parents never mentioned them, and what they were like. Would they even want to meet the two of them? "Hey, do you guys want to go see some movies at the cinema theater? My daddy gave me this debit card to use whenever I need a little bit of money. He says it's connected to his account though, so I shouldn't overspend. So, light on the popcorn you two! So, what do you guys say?" Pulean was the one that blinked while Jinhong just stared at Minji, pursing her lips thoughtfully. She briefly glanced at the debit card in hand.

"We could do that." The twins looked at each other, "Is there anything we even wanted to see?" "I mean... it isn't like we've had a chance to in a while." "This is true." Jinhong appeared a little troubled, "But then there's still the issue-what in the world do we see?" They finished in unison, both of them looking back to the young girl. Pulean smiled gently to her while her sister regained a more neutral expression, "Is there anything in particular that you wanted to see Minji?" She voiced the question despite the discussion they had just held out loud because the young girl was really the best one to decide this. Usually Pulean was working and performing, so the two of them couldn't really go out together, and Jinhong wasn't quite the comfortable type to go out on her own to see something. Or else she was working too. They didn't even know what new things were out.
Pulean Jangmi
Pulean Jangmi

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Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean)) Empty Re: Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean))

Post by Gong Minji Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:30 pm

Anything Minji wanted to see? Well, what did she want to see? There was just a smorgasbord of American films that Minji thought looked neat. Different genres, different types, the whole lot! Oh, but it was so so so so so HARD to choose just one! Hmm, now what movies were out...

"Oh oh! I saw a uh- oh what is the word... oh commercial! I saw a commercial for a movie called "The Woman in Black". The person who plays that uh magic guy in those movies is in it! It looked so scary! But if you don't want to watch that one, we can just go and find something else to see!" Minji explained energetically before drinking more tea. Mmm, it tasted so good! They sure could make yummy tea! Oh her cousins were just perfect in every way! Pretty, talented, and so so nice! Minji couldn't find a reason to hate them even if she wanted to. They were probably very popular too, and had a lot of friends. Maybe they even threw crazy parties! Hopefully, Minji would be invited.

Minji felt an air of pride as she sat with her cousins and spoke over tea. It made her feel very grown-up and mature, since they were treating her like an adult. Her parents weren't around to tell her what she could or couldn't do, and Pulean and Jinhong would probably let her do much more her than mother and father would. They could stay up late and have a slumber party! Minji was determined to have a good time with them.

After deciding on what to do and finishing up with snacks and tea, the cousins all pulled on their winter wear and walked out of the little apartment. Minji was skipping ahead of her cousins, but whenever they got too far behind she'd stop and wait for them with a smile on her face.

But when they were walking past a very large road, Minji felt something weird. Her entire body was tingling a bit, and something was.. was.. pulling her? She didn't understand why, but she felt a great desire to follow that feeling. Slowly veering off their path to the movie theater, Minji was going wherever the invisible force was pulling her. "What is this.. I don't understand.. but I can't help it. I want to know.."
Gong Minji
Gong Minji

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Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean)) Empty Re: Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean))

Post by Jinhong Jangmi Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:41 pm

The sisters realized that there was a danger to telling a younger girl they would see whatever she wanted to, Jinhong being the first to pick up on it. After all, they had to worry about her age, what genre, but mostly it was about her age. "Oh oh! I saw a uh- oh what is the word... oh commercial! I saw a commercial for a movie called "The Woman in Black". The person who plays that uh magic guy in those movies is in it! It looked so scary! But if you don't want to watch that one, we can just go and find something else to see!" Heh. Guess that they really didn't have to worry about it, huh? The sisters grinned at each other and then Minji, chuckling as they nodded in unison. "We also heard about that one. Jinhong almost agreed to go with me, but then she decided not to." The ruby eyed twin shot her sister a look and stuck out her tongue, "I was busy with work!" Blue and red glared at each other for a moment before both resolutely sipping at their tea, giggling occurring as they conversed a little more before placing the dishes away and preparing to go. They knew of a movie theater that was nearby, so grabbed their coats by the door before slipping out of it. Jinhong was the one that locked the door.

So while the trio were walking along, they could sense the perpetual distance of the tear that existed in their area. It was background noise, something that you were always aware of but didn't necessarily pay attention to. Today was no different, for they didn't even think of one rather important fact. Being a demon hunter traveled in the family, and little Minji was a relative. "So have you even heard from him in a while?" "No, and I haven't seen any news articles. I'm finding myself... sad." Jinhong was about to turn to their younger cousin when she saw her walking off down towards a distant street right in the direction that they did not want to go. Towards--"Oh hell. Minji!!" She gave a call, immediately turning to dash after her with a bewildered Pulean behind her. They knew what was going on, and Jinhong was the one cursing herself more for not thinking of the risks sooner of going out. But neither twin had thought that she would be exhibiting signs already! Not to mention they hadn't been sure it had been something that was on both sides of the family either! They neglected to remember that they had also been slightly on the younger side when they came into their powers.

"I want to know.." Jinhong swung in front of Minji and blocked her path, holding out her arms as she stared with an intensity she rarely meant to show to anyone (though Pulean was used to it). "Woah there, you don't want to go there." "Did her family even tell her anything about our lineage?" "Hell if I know!" Pulean had slid up next to their cousin and placed her hands on her shoulders, offering her a warm smile. "What do you feel right now?" She asked her, glancing to her sister with a single, particular look. As long as she was with both of them, she would remain safe. That was a truth that the two of them had confidence in.
Jinhong Jangmi
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Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean)) Empty Re: Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean))

Post by Gong Minji Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:53 am

All of the want to go to that place blocked out her cousin's pleading. It felt like such a strong yearning, one that had been waiting years and years to emerge. Minji wanted the feeling to stop, and she knew it would only happen by entering that place.. She needed to go, so so badly. Gently taking her cousin's hands off of her shoulders, Minji moved on forward. She squeezed past Jinhong, stumbling forward as she kept moving. "I need to know.. I have to.." And just like that, Minji had disappeared from the human world's sight. As if she had just turned to nothing, right then and there. Minji Gong was gone, but not really. Just.. in a different place.

When Minji finally came to her senses, her eyes couldn't believe what they were viewing. It was Washington but.. really different. The buildings were in shambles, the sky was RED, and there was just this huge huge hole in the center of it all.. Minji wondered how far down it went. Probably a few miles or more. "W-wow.. where.. where am? Some sort of pocket dimension?" She murmured in her mother language as her eyes danced around the area.

Minji herself felt quite different too. She felt lighter, and stronger. She wanted to run and chase, climb and explore! To learn everything about this whole new place! It seemed eerie, that much was true, but there were also so many new things for her to take in! So many things.. Hey- even her clothes! Instead of her normal school uniform, she was wearing a black bikini top and short shorts, along with some long boots. This was certainly not something her mother wouldn't want to see her in but Mom wasn't here right now! And to finish the outfit off nicely, Minji also had a long black hoodie on. Awesome, she just looked wicked cool!

Minji's head felt heavier too.. was her hair longer?! Minji just had to see this for herself. Rummaging through her pockets, she pulled out her little blue cellphone. She put it on camera mode and held it back a good ways before snapping the picture. The light flashed, and the picture appeared on the phone. Quickly, Minji turned the phone over to see. She looked... AWESOME. Her hair was so long and pretty, just like she had wanted to grow it out to be! Amazing, super cool! Holy crap Minji hoped it would stay that way when she got back.

"Waaah! My friends won't believe this~!" She exclaimed excitedly as she attempted to send the picture to one of her closest friends. But it appeared the pocket dimension had no reception.. well darn.
Gong Minji
Gong Minji

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Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean)) Empty Re: Family Reunion! ((Minji, Jinhong, and Pulean))

Post by Pulean Jangmi Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:11 am

[Note: Technically we should have moved this thread over to Entropic Chasm if we are going into Inferis. For the moment, we won't.]

She wasn't listening. Jinhong started to reach to grab at the young girls arm (probably roughly by unintention if she knew her sister right), but Pulean just touched her shoulder which stopped her. "I need to know.. I have to.." Shit. And just like that, their little cousin passed over into Inferis. "Pulean, we can't-" "I know."[/i] The sapphire eyed sister muttered as she grimaced deeply. What were the chances that this was going to occur now with them around? Jinhong just quietly touched her sister on the arm as she saw how she was staring at the ground so deeply in thought. This was not what they wanted to have happen when they met their extended family. It was too.... Taking a deep breath, she held Pulean's hand tightly and searched her face for the response she was looking for. Pulean looked up and offered her twin a weak smile before nodding once, squeezing her hand back before fading away from sight as well.

As they opened their eyes, the change to both of their clothes was instant, and Pulean could already sense the shift in Jinhong now that they were here. She was on edge, alert, and wary. A wind was blowing lightly through the Entropic Chasm today, their combat boots thudding quietly against the ground as they were rather relieved to find that it was rather abandoned for the moment. Good. It was Pulean that spotted Minji taking excited pictures of the demonic plane, instantly running over and placing her hands over her own as well as the phone and lowering them. Her long dark hair fluttered about her shoulders, bracelets tinkling together softly on each of her wrists. Jinhong tapped her fingers together and summoned up her blade as she backed towards her sister and cousin, crimson gaze glancing all about. It was too quiet. She didn't like this. "Minji, we must be quieter here. There are things here that we do not want to--" "MOVE!" Without warning, Jinhong slammed into the two and knocked them off to the side just as a Leaper slammed its dagger legs into the ground where they had been standing.

She was instantly up as Pulean rose and scooped Minji up in her arms easily, backing them up and out of the way as her twin struck with her blade. Too bad the creature had already launched itself up high into the air. "Pulean..." "On it. Minji, cover your ears." Taking a deep breath, she sang out a single high note that pierced through the sky, the creature high above letting out a shriek as it came tumbling back to the ground in a stunned state. Jinhong was already moving. Her blood flowed down the groove of her blade as she shot forward to where it crashed into the ground, stabbing into its chest with a roar of anger. The Leaper screeched and writhed about before the blade was ripped out and slashed across its throat. The body fell still as her poisonous blood wormed its way through the demon. "We come here for one purpose, and one purpose alone." Jinhong raised her eyes to stare at her little cousin, pointing her sword towards the demons head as she stared at her with an intensity that made most people shrink. Even Pulean got uncomfortable at times though that was because she knew what the reason was for such a tone and expression to be used. This was not the friendly cousin that Minji had seen earlier, this was someone else entirely. "We come here to hunt Demons. Not to frounce around and take pictures like tourists. Its a good way to get yourself killed." Puleans face darkened then, "Jinhong!"

Her sister turned away and shook her head, cleaning off her blade while she let her blue eyed sister deal with her. People... were not her forte. Pulean placed Minji down and offered her an apologetic smile, "She does not like it here and can be rather... firm. But she is right. Inferis, or Hell as most know it, is a place we do not come to lightly. There is much we must explain to you now that you've exhibited signs."
Pulean Jangmi
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