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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub) Empty To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

Post by Legion Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:06 am

Zebs Tavern, The Forlorn Ashlands
February 6th
6:36 P.M.

To most the Forlorn Ashlands where a lonely and miserable place as their name would suggest. After all there is only so much company one can find in tumble weeds and man eating lizards. It was a desolate place, where only the harshest creatures could survive. A place where the only sounds to great you was that of the wind as it moved slowly over the craggy landscape and every once in a while the death scream of some poor creature caught at the wrong end of one of the predators that called the Ashlands their home. But to Legion it was something else entirely, and where most just heard noise they heard beautiful music put on for just their ears alone. But whats more, they saw these ash covered crags to be something of a smorgasbord just rip for the taking. But this time... This time they did not feast on the fearful creatures that littered the landscape below them though. No, today they would feast on the fine foods that their brother would create for them... It was a treat that they rarely indulged in.

With great sweeps of their tar black wings they flew forward, covering more distance faster then they ever could on foot. The ground below them seemed to blur so fast where they flying, but Legion did not care they had seen all the sights this land had to offer and even some that it didn't, at least not any more. No, They flew as straight as an arrow towards the diner eyes locked on its location in the distance, their minds all thinking of the same thing. Their meal and the conversation to be had over it, the Chef of Inferis was a rather interesting individual to say the least and it had been decades since last they had a chance to speak face to face. After all both of them had their own individual realms to see to and all the work that did or didn't entail. Not only that but each had other affairs that ate up their time, from plots and plans to dinner parties. Each of them had their areas of interest.

The vaguely bird like shape descended from the sky and gently landed on the ground outside a most unbelievable of spots. There standing in the middle of the Ashlands was a building that might have been from 1954 America. With out a sound the bird like thing changed, and there standing in its place was a a woman of intermediate age, nether old nor young. In fact to look at her you couldn't even hazard a guess as to how old she really was. She wore a plain pink sundress and patching pumps, her make up was minimal but well done. All and all she seemed completely normal now, aside of course apart from the manner of her arrival. It was this normality of course that set her about as odd.

With the brisk steps of a woman that knew what her time was worth, she strode into the diner the door's bell jingling ever so softly as she passed through the threshold, a soft sigh of relief escaped her throat as she felt the air conditioning that awaited her on the other side. "Oh my its stifling out there... I wonder how the natives stand it." Her voice was rich and held the accent of the American south.

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Join date : 2013-04-22

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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub) Empty Re: To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

Post by Paresse Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:19 am

Nylas head laid on the counter, her  eyes closed yet still drifting off into the distance. She had been threatened several times to leave, sense she refused to take her demon form. Apparently the bar tender didn’t like the image of what would appear to be a 14 or 15 year old girl to be resting her head at the bar.

As the bar tender walked over to her, yet again, he began to complain about how she needed to go. It was bad enough, for him at least, that a 14 year old looking demon was at his bar, however, he was also complaining tht she wasn’t making him any money, or buying anything. As Nyla looked up, just for a split second, she gave the man the middle finger. He looked at her with a face of rage. “Your going to die again in a few years… I hope you know that…” she told the man, placing her head back down on the counter. Last time she was in her demon form she had a premonition of that man, dead. She was hoping he would be dead in a few seconds actually, not a few years. But she would take what she could get.  

As she put her head back down, she heard the sound of the doors open. She didn’t pay much attention. The bar was surprisingly quiet so as long as the person didn’t cause any noise, she wouldn’t mind. However, the person, apparently a woman with an accent Nyla had never heard before, began to talk. As she exclaimed to the whole bar what the weather was apparently like outside, she slammed her head against the bar counter. “So much for my nap.” She muttered, just loud enough for the obnoxious women to hear.

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Age : 27

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Player: Nyla

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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub) Empty Re: To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

Post by Legion Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:35 am

“So much for my nap.” The woman's warm chocolate brown eyes almost seem to smile as she takes in the source of the voice. "Oh how rude of me... Did i disturb you deary?" Now the warmth of her ton masked something... Evil to say the least. In fact, the creature that was Legion did not approve of snark or sass in any way shape or form. At least when it was directed at them. After all they deserved the respect, admiration and fear of their lessers. Still, they would play this little game if only until their brother made his appearance. "Why don't you lay your head right back on down? I can be as silent as a mouse I swear."

With a small smile Legion moved to sit a little ways down the bar, folding her hands gently in her lap she waited fro the bar tender to make his way to her, which he did in rather short order. Asking for a simple glass of water, the large male demon grumbled something under his breath but set her glass down a short while later, knowing as he did that anything so sweet looking in Inferis was anything but. " Don't forget the lemon love, you cant expect me to drink plain water now do you?" Another smile and the bartender started to sweat... He knew something was off... And he was wondering where his boss was at that point in time.

With quick hands he cut a lemon and placed a wedge on the woman's glass before scurrying off. Taking the wedge, Legion squeezed the juice into their drink and then with a small self satisfied smile took a long sip, savoring the tartness of it. "Oh yes... That is something we have missed." Human food was not something they dined on often, and even a simple glass of lemon water was enough to bring a smile to their face.

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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub) Empty Re: To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

Post by Paresse Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:00 am

As Nyla but her head back on the table, the women began to mention that she was sorry for interrupting Nylas sleep. “Your so full of it Legion…” she said, her face on top of, and facing the counter. “And that lemon you are about to put in your drink,  never mind…” she said, not telling the women that the fertilizer used for the lemon was human waist. “And I am sorry for coming off rude… I just do not appreciate loud noises. “ she then let out a sigh. “Any minute now another one of your Arch demons will come through those doors, or enter this place in some manor…” she said. She had seen all of this happening just a few hours ago while she was walking about in her demon form. The only reason she ever used her demon form was because that was the only way she could see her visions.  She didn’t hate her visions, however, when in her mortal form she could always tell when she was going to get them. However, she could only really see them in her demon form, so when in her human form, it just flew into her head like a punch to the skull, and she never saw the vision either unless she was in her demon form.

“But I am sorry if I came off rude Archdemon Legion… That was not my intention” she said, letting out a yawn and closing her eyes yet again.

Posts : 22
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Age : 27

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Character Faction: Hell Princes
Player: Nyla

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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub) Empty Re: To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

Post by Beelzebub Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:44 am

At long last! Quality time with his favorite sister/brother(s?)! It had certainly been too long since sharing the company of the one who harnessed many. Zeb could only clap his hands claws together in glee. There was only so much that could be...exchanged at a dinner party with the devil. Here, they could interact fully to their heart's content. It seemed, however, that it was that very dinner party which evoked the urge to once again rekindle the lost flames of relationships with his siblings. Alas, it was sad that they ever drifted so apart. Well, centuries did that to people demons. Archdemons.

The door chimed open, but this particular Archdemon was too busy watching the exchange between his bartender and a 'young' girl. His chin rested on his palm, crazy neon eyes infused with the dialogue. Your going to die again in a few years… I hope you know that… With such conviction too. Hm. That man behind the counter, or rather beast wasn't much to reckon with, but was certainly quick to reckon with others. A newly hired, fresh-of-the-mill tortured soul that was better at mixing drinks than getting customers. It was a shame, really. Maybe it was best to break that little prediction of hers--alter the future some. So much for my nap.

"Oh how rude of me... Did i disturb you deary?" At that, Zeb let out a little curl of laughter, only a fragment of a green eye visible from behind the curtain into the back room. From that distance, he continued to observe. He watched his man work...inefficiently. It was all a test--as test he was surely failing. Oh no, he wasn't about to protect him. This was hell, what did he think it was. Suffering. "Don't forget the lemon love, you cant expect me to drink plain water now do you?" Oh yes, torture him more. His eyes lit up, seeing the burly demon begin to furnish under the pressure.

Blah, blah, blah, Any minute now another one of your Arch demons will come through those doors, or enter this place in some manor… And that was his cue!

"Ahhhhhh!!" He yelled, throwing back the curtains and prancing in with a devilish smile. "I would have scared ya if someone here didn't ruin the surprise." He winked, shark teeth showing the more his lips curved upward. "Oh, I almost forgot." He shoved his hand through the bartender and barely blinked when blood splattered all over the ornate floor. Digging his razer-edged claws out of the useless hunk of meat, he burned off all the blood from his person and rubbed his hands together. "I will serve you."

Posts : 24
Join date : 2013-06-30
Location : The Forlorn Ashland

Case File
Power Level: X
Character Faction: Hell Princes
Player: Aki

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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub) Empty Re: To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

Post by Legion Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:38 am

“Your so full of it Legion…” Those warm brown eyes blinked once, twice three times and a small smile came to those full lips. Though they where slightly disappointed that they had been found out by one means or another. After all there was nothing like suddenly showing your true colors to the unknowing masses to lighten up a day. But in the end there was nothing to be done for it, and they filled away this creatures face for future reference. She must have an ability that could be of some use, or... Was better connected then any lowly demon should be. Ether way, they needed to know... And if they couldn't find out through the normal channels well, they could always use one more soul. “Any minute now another one of your Arch demons will come through those doors, or enter this place in some manor…” Another blink and then he knew what was going on, his various incarnations, agents and selves having scoured the realms in those few short moments for the information he sought. This person before him was a seer. Much like his Oracles, she was gifted with a talent for prophecy. One it seemed, that allowed her to see the coming of Archdemons. It seemed to be slightly less refined then those of his creatures... But it was much more clear.

"Ahhhhhh!!" The curtains where thrown back, and making an entrance that was grand for its stage came their brother. With a shake of their head, the womans body almost seemed to melt away. "I would have scared ya if someone here didn't ruin the surprise." The black ooze that made up Legions demonic form started to coalesce. Forming their head first and returning the same wicked smile before letting the mouth vanish, only to be replaced with the pale skin mask that was their calling card. Devoid of features, it was a sight that had driven many a mortal into madness. "Oh, I almost forgot." Blood splattered them as their brother smote the one that had attended to them such a short while before, and with that eye less gaze they watched as the body sunk to the floor. The last vestiges of life quickly draining away.

The shadowy mass that was Legion flowed over the bar, enveloping the poor creatures body like a death shroud. Then with that same liquid grace, their body flowed away and gone where the remains of the demon that had been there but seconds before. Seconds later the shadows where gone and so to was the faceless horror that was Legions true demonic form. Standing in its place was a male figure, so dark of skin that it looked blue with eyes that where almost a luminescent red. "Oh an appetizer. How sweet." A smile spread across there rather handsome features, and with a small sigh they let their hands rest on their stomach letting their contentment be known. "With but a touch you seasoned it with just the right amount of fear and pain... Truly you are an artist."[/color] Of their siblings, Beelzebub was one of the few whos company they enjoyed. For what reason? They didn't know. But the simple elegance of his being was something they could appreciate.

Posts : 49
Join date : 2013-04-22

Case File
Power Level: X
Character Faction: Hell Princes
Player: Bronze

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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub) Empty Re: To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

Post by Paresse Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:21 am

Nyla had slowly realized that she had ticked off legion, the arch demon, and that was not a fairly good idea. "Sorry..." she said, placing her hands in her lap and looking down. It was then that a man popped out of know where, he yelled, but Nyla did nothing about it. The man then complained that Nyla had spoiled his entry. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to spoil anything..." she told the Arch demon, looking up and starring at him. "I try not to be disrespectful..." she told both of them. it was then that the Arch demon, the one who wasn't Legion, just simply murdered to bar tender. As a bit of blood splattered on her face, she smiled softly. "I decided to give him the hope he would las a few more years..." she told them demons. "... But I was expecting that." she said, not even looking as she picked up a napkin and whipped off her face. 

As Legion then began to transform, she realized that he was in his true Demon form now. As she looked at it, she shrugged. "I've seen it before..." she told him, standing up and walking over the counter of the bar. "Maybe now i wont have to pay for anything..." she said, taking a bottle of Vodka and walking to the other side. She then noticed Legion consuming the corps. 'I guess we both get our treats..."

Posts : 22
Join date : 2013-07-21
Age : 27

Case File
Power Level: 1
Character Faction: Hell Princes
Player: Nyla

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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub) Empty Re: To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

Post by Beelzebub Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:00 pm

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to spoil anything..." The young twat explained rather sympathetically. Only, there was no sympathy in of right now at least. However, there was a strange inkling of something. It made Zeb bend over in a strange way near to her with a blank look in his eyes and that odd smile that was typically always present. He wasn't the best at expressing himself, but there was not an ounce of anger or the like apparent on his figure in the least. With a tentative hand, he carefully reached out and rested it atop her head. It wasn't much of a weight (he didn't let it be), yet it was there all the more whether she was content or not. His crazy look didn't leave her for a second. This was Zeb's way of saying that he was unaffected by her predictions, and instead rather curious. She was an apologetic one--much less demonic than he'd expect from a creature that made it through the Forlorn Ashlands in one piece. She was harboring something, of course, and that was exactly why he was curious. What he was curious pertained mainly to her psychic (which had to be mortal, he predicted). "I try not to be disrespectful..." As, it warrants trying. He removed his hand and his expression stayed the same. He had already said his peace, albeit silently. Sometimes there wasn't a need for words.

"I decided to give him the hope he would last a few more years..." And sometimes there was. His smile increased. She could see the future--a future in which there was no altering to. His slithering neon eyes rounded their optical focus on Legion. Was he/it/she/they getting all that? Certainly so. He hadn't just slaughtered his bartender out of reprieve. No, it was to gather insight and provide

"Oh an appetizer. How sweet." Zeb made a clicking laugh-like noise, shifting his weight closer to Legion as the shadows stole away all evidence that there ever was a bartender. Black oblivion. What happens when a demon dies? A cesspool of forlorn souls enraptured by the collective, brought together and forged with hate? It was powering the electricity right now. Ah, thank you Durith (the bartender)! Legion let free something akin to a smile, which meant he was doing it right. A surge of belonging filled him when once more his brother changed form into something that looked like a demonic genie from Aladdin. If only he granted wishes. "Truly you are an artist." But he wasn't blue. He tipped his head to the side in inquiry and moved yet closer to Legion, stuffing his face right into his business.

" artist?" It was rare that he feel so oddly elated to succeed at something. In Inferis, succeeding was hardly a property with which to gain. It was a wonder being in Legion's presence, he found he often felt. It was something. And it was there. Acknowledgement. Words. Ebony strands smoked over his face at a strange angle. He shook them away and took a few steps back, eyeing the lesser demon over his shoulder with a look of enlightenment. "If that is what I am, I will be that." Because it was excellent! This was! "Thank you," he whispered almost like an afterthought. At least now there was a face to look at.

"Maybe now i wont have to pay for anything... I guess we both get our treats..."

"But only if you ask. This is my tavern," The Lord of the Flies reminded her without any indication of offense. "You have a grand ability. Where do you hail from?"

Posts : 24
Join date : 2013-06-30
Location : The Forlorn Ashland

Case File
Power Level: X
Character Faction: Hell Princes
Player: Aki

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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub) Empty Re: To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

Post by Legion Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:30 pm

Legion had no sense of personal space. How could they? After all with over two thousand separate souls making up the main host of Legion is was nigh impossible to get any sort of space for each of them... Let alone any sort of alone time. So when Zeb got what would have been uncomfortably close for most individuals Legion didn't even blink. In fact if anything they drew closer to their brother, and now with their noses touching Legion... Winked in what could only be a friendly manner. "Do you wish to kiss us? We can assume a more pleasing shape if you do." Sexuality was an odd topic for the one and many demon. For one they enjoyed it just as every sentient being did. Of course that in and of its self was not so odd, but what was was well... The fact that they didn't have a set gender in any way shape or form and honestly didn't think of them selves in any set way when relating to gender. In fact "Male" and "female" where somewhat alien concepts given that they had not applied to the first part of their existence, what with angels being sexless creatures. But after the fall, and after adding to their host well... They could now better relate to both of the sexes and had no real preference.

" artist?" They nodded, which was an oddly liquid motion, almost as if they lacked bones in their neck... Which at that time was true. Their form, while now human shaped lacked the rigidity of the tradition human form. It was as if all the joints in their body where made well oiled of Ball Bearings. To the average individual, demonic or not it was more then disconcerting because for the most part even those things that lived in hell fallowed the rules of the natural world. Legion was one of the few exceptions to that.  "If that is what I am, I will be that." The creatures neck turned but their body remained where it was. Oh yes... The seer. For a few seconds the Host had forgotten about the lesser being... So caught up where they in their little meal. "Thank you," The Lord of Flies was being... Rather nice. They had expected that the other Archdemon would have made short work of the girl by now.

Maybe now i wont have to pay for anything... I guess we both get our treats... The mothers in Legion almost burst forth from their mouth as they saw the bottle of booze clutched in the younger demons hand, and while they knew that this thing was much older then she looked... She still looked like anyone's fourteen year old daughter. With a collective sigh they sat back down though their head did not move an inch, still observing the female demon. "But only if you ask. This is my tavern,You have a grand ability. Where do you hail from?" Well it was remarkable in a way, but the ability to see the future was not something unique to this demon. No, his own oracles where renowned for the clarity of their visions (In mass at least) as well as the number that they produced. Legion had an entire section of his Bastion Devoted to the Oracles and their rambling, with Librarians set their to guard and write down everything they said. Still, it was not a common ability by any means... And Legion was not a fan of anyone other then him self  having access to what the future held. "It seems we will have a guest for lunch." the way they said it Legion could of meant one of two things. They would be eating their guest for lunch or their guest would be enjoying lunch with them. They didn't clarify. "What a pleasant surprise, we always enjoy speaking to new and entertaining individuals. Don't you agree Bel?"

Posts : 49
Join date : 2013-04-22

Case File
Power Level: X
Character Faction: Hell Princes
Player: Bronze

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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub) Empty Re: To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

Post by Beelzebub Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:07 pm

But it seemed the future-seeing demon had had enough of his tavern and bid her farewells with not much more insight than she had already given. It was a slighted loss, but the information would do for now. Inferis was their playing ground, so wherever she roamed, they could find. Which brought him back to: "Do you wish to kiss us? We can assume a more pleasing shape if you do." A flick of his tongue across his shark-like teeth and an empty stare was all Legion got in response. While the friendly wink was certainly enticing, the joke that followed was lost on him. Alone, cold, and the type to hang from ceilings, Zeb didn't get much affection, attention, or anything warranting that kind of joke. So, in essence, he was entirely unbeknownst to such behavior. At the same time, he was intrigued and highly entertained by the increase of attention he was suddenly getting. It made the solitary decades grow grey in their dusty shells.

The question remained unanswered as another followed: "Don't you agree Bel?" Of course, he always typically agreed with Legion. That was why they were such great siblings whilst compared to the conglomerate of other Archdemons. However, the part that offset him wasn't that the girl had already left their presence, but that Legion had given him a nickname he had never heard before. Set back completely, he wheeled on the boneless human form with wild, electric green eyes that spoke eons of nothing. Staring seemingly mindless at him, Zeb was oddly okay with this. If only he/it/she/them spoke it and no one else. After so many millenniums of existence, there was only so many names one could be called by before it got too absurd.

It was time for a change of gears. Seeing as there was now a lack of a bartender, Zeb was the one waiting on Legion. It was a rare, untimely thing that should be viewed as such. Still, wasn't there a more fitting atmosphere for their reunion? His eyes shot to the side, up, and then back at Legion with fiery pursuit of an idea. "Perhaps we should dine above." He paused, fiddling with something on the counter. "It had certainly been a while."

Posts : 24
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Location : The Forlorn Ashland

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Player: Aki

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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub) Empty Re: To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

Post by Legion Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:15 pm

The odd demonic child left, leaving Legion more then slightly aghast at how rude she had been.  After all had they not just invited her to a dinner with two of the most important and powerful beings in ether world? Had they not showed her courtesy and respect while not needing to? Legion had gone above and beyond their call to duty and most of his brethren if faced with the same thing would have ended her poor excuse for a life right then and there. Legion of course was not so kind. With but a single thought they had her tailed. No matter where she went, what form she took or what realm she entered they would not be far behind. And while they would not strike right then and there, Their agents would work ceaselessly to ruin this creatures future prospects. And when finally They had robbed her of all her treasures, stripped her of her dignity and demolished her self worth... They would take her. They would reshape her, and turn her into something that she wasn't. They would change her in the same way They changed their own body. And in the end nothing of her former self would remain. It was a fate far worse then death, for at least in death you where allowed to keep your individuality, the essence of what you where as a sentient being.

"Perhaps we should dine above." With those words Legion once again focused their combined attention on their brother, the Lord of all that Flies. In a way that title represented Zeb much better then any of the others that had been heaped upon him. He was flighty in a way, but also majestic, He was random but critical but most of all... He was as humble as any creature could be but also more powerful then any but those close to him could know. So then why did he hide his power? For the same reason a falcon hid in the clouds beyond the scoop of normal vision. So that he would be able to strike unseen. After all why stand on top of a mountain when one could simply level it with but a single, perfectly timed blow. Of course this was but their opinion on the matter and They felt sure that others would see other things behind the multifaceted creature that was Beezebub but for Legion there was no need to look deeper.

"It had certainly been a while." They nodded, and with a smile their form began to change once more. and in an instant where once had been a monster now stood a young woman of no more then twenty. With her coppery almost glowing skin, rich brown locks and eyes as blue as the ocean at sunrise... She was simply put, Stunning. This woman that Legion had become wore but a simple toga and sandals, yet she wore them as if they where the richest of gowns and the fanciest of foot wear. Though, while her dress was that of a pauper her jewelry was not. She wore elegant golden bands around her upper arms, and at her neck was a chain so fine that it looked liquid. " A while indeed." Her lips pursed as if in thought then once more she spoke, her voice both soft and smokey. "Close to a thousand years by brother... Though it hardly feels that long." That same soft smile came to the woman's lips and a small twinkle came to her eyes. "Though I will say, you have not aged a day. Now, you said something about going... Above? "

Posts : 49
Join date : 2013-04-22

Case File
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Player: Bronze

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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub) Empty Re: To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

Post by Beelzebub Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:13 am

Without so much as a word, they wordlessly agreed. Legion and Beelzebub had already ruined what once was. A child-like demon was now entrapped by their vestige. She would be trampled, stripped of her being, reshaped, reformed, and ruined all in the name of her disgrace. While Zeb hardly had much of an opinion of the matter, it was to be expected. He said nothing of it, paid no mind to it, and accepted it as the normalcies of Inferis: this place in which he had inhabited for so long. The door was already shut and the results were already over. Her endeavors were thus hopeless from forever onward. There would be nothing left. Not even a single sigh in the dark.

Ah, what it meant to be immortal. He didn't think of it much--hardly contemplated such. It was a waste of time despite having so much of it. In all the ages, how much thought was potentially possible? He didn't very much care, but the idea in and of itself was rather intriguing to say the least. He often found himself alone, and in his solidarity, he did in fact think. Unlike many demons, his instincts were not just simply to kill, ruin, pillage, and slaughter, no. Zeb lead a completely different existence, on in which, he made his own decision without reliance on, well, others. Save for the life's flame burning within him, keeping his past secrets at bay, he was his own. That was why he could choose whose company he was in. Carefully, indistinctly, he preferred to be alone--perform his unwarranted self-assigned duties alone. Except now--now he wasn't preferring that any longer. He found himself in Legion's company, absorbed completely with the ability to communicate things otherwise unspoken. A sibling. Not just a sibling, but a multiple entity was before him now, willing effortlessly to partake in--what was this?

He was getting used to Legion changing shape. After all, it had been "A while indeed." His sibling nodded in agreeance, now a ethereal beauty. Female. Zeb was still in wonder how one could change gender and still maintain such a strong sense of self...or selves. He wasn't exactly sure even in the many eons spent together. His own lips pursed in response to her's, a daunting glow emanating ever still from his electric green lens'. "Though I will say, you have not aged a day. Now, you said something about going... Above?" He smiled. A crazy, weird, toothy smile that ate up his face and made him appear more likely to kill than to be happy. However, he was just that.

"Age does not age us, you are well aware." He managed an amused laugh, walking the distance to stand right beside her and link arms. "Still, is that a wrinkle I see?" He teased, of course, playing with the fellow Archdemon. "I was thinking about starting a war." He spoke of it as if he were trying to decide if he wanted coffee or tea.


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Join date : 2013-06-30
Location : The Forlorn Ashland

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To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub) Empty Re: To Dine In Hell (Paresse and Beelzebub)

Post by Legion Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:23 am

Legion found it funny that They and their brethren mimicked humans with shameless abandon. After all they laughed, they cried, they raged, they hated and they loved just as humans did, if with more passion and wanton destruction then most mortals could manage. Or was it that humanity was in fact based off of them, the demons that ruled in hell as god ruled in heaven? Legion for all their knowledge and understanding had never been able to unravel that mystery. So entwined where they that the beginning of one was the beginning of the other, and in the end the death of one might well spell death for the both of them. Like it or not, Inferis was a land made possible by the vast power of the human soul and the weight of their sin and while each and every demon was something greater then human... They where also something less. When a souls came to hell it was stripped of something important... Something that even Legion was unable to truly replicate seeing as they had never truly been human.

Legion watched their brother smile and not for the first time and certainly not for the last they tried to remember when they first saw such an expression. Was it in heaven? On earth? In hell? It was such a small thing, but it was also more important then could be rightly understood. Of course Legion, or most of them in any case, did not have time to contemplate such things as their attention was focused on Zeb. "Age does not age us, you are well aware." A light chuckled greeted his words, dry though it was. "On the outside this may be true... But most of us bare our age in our selves. On our souls so to speak." They knew they did, but of course that was part of their nature. "Still, is that a wrinkle I see?" Legion winked one large beautiful eye, faint crows feet seeming to form in but a second. " We had heard that you enjoy the company of... More mature females. Are we in error?"

""I was thinking about starting a war." Now that brought out what could only be called a girlish giggle from the Host of souls. "Why Bel, was it that we smelled on our way in? Please tell us that you have another bloody" Legion seemed to shudder at that, his next few words coming out in an almost gasped whisper. "pointless war in the making... Such a thing could cause a lady to throw her inhibitions to the wind!" How they loved conflict and blood shed, but not for the same reasons as most of their kin. No, they loved it because nothing brought about advancement like adversity... And war... War was the greatest form of adversity devised by man. From it had come more innovations and discoveries then any other force. In many ways, war was the driving force behind humanity. It was what kept them moving forward.

Posts : 49
Join date : 2013-04-22

Case File
Power Level: X
Character Faction: Hell Princes
Player: Bronze

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