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D'Angelo, The Forsaken

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D'Angelo, The Forsaken Empty D'Angelo, The Forsaken

Post by D'Angelo Wed May 01, 2013 3:27 pm


D'Angelo, The Forsaken Marian4D'Angelo, The Forsaken MariansketchyD'Angelo, The Forsaken Marianconfident

”Only divine love bestows the keys of knowledge.”


D’Angelo Cortese (Lit: "Good Angel")

The Forsaken, God's Pawn, Lightning Emperor, Elusive Wolf, Angelo, Vengeful Spirit, Sir Charm, Racist Demon, Soul Slept, The Will of Sin, Lucifer's Unwilling Son, Betrayal, Susano'o

Seven-hundred and Forty-two years old (Died at 21)

In either form, its evident D’Angelo is a Male.






D’Angelo’s most distinguishing features are his long, vibrant red hair and a Phantom of the Opera-esque mask on the right side of his face. He has a goatee and eyes the same shade of red as his hair and wears wire-framed glasses. His attire is comprised typically of regal wear, and boosts a fine, course navy blue coloration and pared in gold. He typically wears a nice hat to cover his crimson mane; however, he doesn’t particularly take to wearing it on a daily basis and sometimes allows his head to breathe. For all intents and purposes, he’s considered quite attractive, and when looked upon by the opposite sex, they seem him as nothing more than perfection in their eyes. His appearance has been noted to be vastly similar, if not identical to it was back in life.

He’s fairly tall, standing a true 6’5, and weighing roughly (if weight is applied) two-hundred and twenty-seven pounds. Toned and chiseled to perfection, his vessel is etched in a near identical manner to his living corpse—the embodiment of the peak human condition. D’Angelo also fancies expensive looking accessories such as necklaces and braces; giving him a certain attachment to the physical world and a sense of self and individuality.


At first blush, D’Angelo seems to be far different from other Demons, being laid back where others may be serious, disrespectful where others tend toward polite aloofness, and disorganized where others are methodical; to a point, this is correct. D’Angelo is, at the surface, irreverent and outspoken with a mercurial temperament—both easily entertained and angered. He may act genuinely friendly at the right time; he may also attack even when unprovoked. He lacks any respect for authority—Manipulative ministrations have no effect on his headstrong, oblivious-to-the-opinions-of-others attitude. He speaks with enormous self-confidence, perhaps brought on by his consistent assertion of independence. The public face of D’Angelo is one that is haughty, Discordian, crude, and somewhat neurotic—yet at times genuinely fun to be around. The most common reason why he does what he does is merely…Why not? While he is a fighter and not a lover, he enjoys feeling good, and certainly flirts when it strikes his fancy. He can pick them up with the best of them when he wants to; flirting is just another kind of hunt to him. Hunting is something he excels in.

Finding battle, finding prey, avoiding boredom, and setting the stage for his goals are all the extrinsic motivation that could move him to action; D’Angelo’s hedonistic tendencies to do whatever feels best account for many of his actions. He believes in himself almost to a fault, and is driven to prove his strength. He takes sadistic delight in defeating and humiliating opponents, and is mercilessly manipulative. He is keen to hone in on weakness, and quite capable of thinking on his feet.

D’Angelo maintains only a bare minimum of a moral code: repay favors, avenge wrongs, and do not attempt to fix what is not broken. D’Angelo isn’t very vengeful, holding grudges for as long as it takes to get revenge for them doesn’t appeal to his nature, not will he take on a grudge for something rather small—with the revenge being rather disproportional at times. The longer it takes him to avenge himself, the worse the beating will be when it comes, and he will never forget a wrong before it is set right. In his justice system, he is both sheriff and posse. He believes there is always a single someone to blame, and is a staunch opponent of group punishment, preferring to take failure out on either the responsible party or a scapegoat.

This rather forthright and casual demeanor however is only a byproduct of centuries confined in the hellish torments he was sent to. Morality being conserved in the meaningless banter which is his comical relief and laidback nature.

However, beneath the skin, D’Angelo does answer to one true calling, one strong purpose: to single-handedly obliterate the demon race. While self-imposed and almost fruitless, the Demon believes that he can truly make amends with his Father and Savior by rendering the existence of the kind he was condemned to, to ashes. Not caring for his own wellbeing, or how others of his kind perceive his actions, D’Angelo lives only to cleave the heads of his kin and to eventually find refuge in heaven for deeds deemed worthy by God himself.

When he transforms into his Demonic state, however, D’Angelo loses all emotion; a reprimand for the sins he committed on earth due to his feelings. Now, whenever he takes on the shape of his true form, he experiences nothing internally. Only rationality in the purest form exists in his mindset.

The battle for God’s Holy Land and reserves rattled the foundation of the primordial world.

Blood plundered the rich countryside while sin raped the innocent. Boys were soon expected to become men well before their time and women—once married—found their marital status swiftly changing in a matter of months. If hell could chortle at the sight of the Father’s unwilled wishes, this period in human history would surely force Lucifer to roll on his back and exhaust life from such intense laughter.

The march was Italy was rigorous, and filled with uncertainty as thousands of Knights, bound to the laws and morals of the Church made haste towards Turkey. Traversing Paradise and entering the realm of bloodshed and false hopes overwhelmed the bulk. However, one man carried on the “Will” of God without hesitation.

D’Angelo Cortese, born from a Farmer and former duchess, moved out into conflict at the tender age of fourteen. Barely a man, just into the stages of adolescence, he was expected to kill, expected to strip humans of their wealth and land in the name of God. He did it willingly. Raised behind the walls of the Catholic Church and trained in combat by his uncle, a seasoned Knight, the youth had no real chance at normality; no true chance at salvation.

They stormed Turk, which ignited the Siege of Antioch. D’Angelo, wrongfully though submissively defended the front lines. Short, narrow arms expected to host towering blades and thick shields as he narrowly subsisted the first wave of confrontation. Several years’ fatigued and crimson red staining the waters, Antioch finally fell at the hands of the Knights and their allies; D’Angelo, now a young man, stood strongly, having amassed numerous advancements and a surfeit of experience that registered his ability to continue in the Crusades as a leading figure. Finally, done with the first of many sieges, and a short era of peace lifting beyond the horizon, it was time to return home.

He returned to Italy, to his family he had developed over the years. A wife and two daughters.

Cerelia, the name which gave a deity human traits, greeted her war-stricken husband as he returned by horse. She mended his wounds and quenched his thirst for the touch of the opposite sex; D’Angelo’s life had seemed gratifying without complaint. However, unknowingly, he had sinned, severely.

During his years away, pride, anger, and a false sense of justice caused countless amounts of blood to spill over into the streets, and while Cerelia was thousands of miles away, the comfort of other women consecrated his beds. However, these very sins, which seemed commonplace in his line of duty, would ultimately condemn him.

Upon his return home, D’Angelo, expecting the graces of many and the praise of his wife and children, would find the direct opposite. His eyes, once calm and collected, furrowed with anger and unexpected zeal at the sight of crimson red falling from his ceiling. “Cerelia!” The Crusader shrieked as he dropped to his knees, his eyes sealing to dismiss his mind of the sight of his wife, hanging from a ceiling board, cold to the touch. In his time away, unknowing to the man, his home was ransacked, and his wife, stripped of all purity and condemned to death. His children, his beautiful children, were nowhere to be found.

Hours of sulking and by the power of the lord himself, D’Angelo willed himself to relieve his late wife of her degradation and ignominy, taking her from the ceiling, lowering his beloved into his arms and giving her a final prayer before laying her to rest, properly.

A personal burial was held in her honor, D’Angelo along with several close friends and family would watch as the man shoveled pounds of dirt upon the wooden casket, his eyes drench in sorrow with each passing scoop. After the ceremony, the “Hero” pitied himself, the world and even sent the most vindictive of words to his Father and savior—all in anger, but secretly, he knew such emotions were real in his heart. He could feel the taint, the sin just exusing from his pours, but he didn’t stop. He blamed God, and he blamed those around him for not keeping Cerelia safe while he fought the “good” fight for the sake of a man who never showed himself, and didn’t have the decorum to keep a woman, pure and guiltless alive.

Soon after, in a drunken indignation, D’Angelo would end his own life. A dagger piercing his heart with a single thrust; the world around him drew silent, and for the first time in god knows when, he found true peace. Sadly, this peace was ephemeral.

The Great Undercofrt, D’Angelo would spend the remainder of his years here. A slave to Hell for the many sins he committed on earth and while his intentions were pure, he was a man born into the wrong era. He knew what he did was foul, and he knew the moment he forsake his father, his fate was sealed into this twisted impression of the world he once lived in. With centuries passing, D’Angelo grew with the times; he took interest in literature for several centuries. While an adept swordsman, he also trained himself in various sword forms, ranging from his European roots and well into the Asian culture—preferably taking a liking to the ways of the Samurai and their “Bushido”.

His body and mind grew ever constant which each passing year, however, during this time; the man was stricken with a true epiphany. He hd to repent, he had to see his beloved Cerelia once more; he had to atone for his sins. From this moment forward, he knew exactly what he had to do; He had to slay the very creatures he, himself was forced to morph into. It would be a long, tireless road, and D’Angelo wasn’t truly sure if this would be enough, nonetheless, he had to try. Disbanding from the land he was banished to and wandering the realm of the dead and the sinful, the former Crusader did what he did best—slay the wicked in the name of the lord.

Would his “righteous” path, his new walk of life, grant him admission into Heaven? Grant him his only, true wish of being with Cerelia once more?

The Almighty Heavenly Father, God and his followers. Odd considering he's a demon.


  • Despite his appearance and demeanor, D’Angelo is well versed in the areas of history and Literature. Having studied hundreds of poets, writers, musicians and historians alike, he has a near unparalleled understanding of the modern world and the times before new-age innovations (such as the crusades). His knowledge isn’t limited to European culture, it stems out to several branches and continents. As such, he considers himself quite intelligent and a great tactician (this more so from his time during the Crusades).
  • A former knight of God, D’Angelo is both masterful and crafty with a blade. Amongst his activities in death, the man has also trained and studied himself in the ways of varying sword styles, several of which range into the Asian culture.
  • A charmer by nature, D’Angelo, when he wants to, can easily sway most into his favor. This goes without saying he’s quite skilled at reading others and using the knowledge gathered to evoke the response he wants without them even knowing.
  • Reflexive by trade, since becoming a Demon, this trait of his has been augmented modestly. Able to react to his word accordingly and timely, D’Angelo finds himself to be rather elusive in battle and with even minor windows, he can avoid most.
  • His strength is a feat that’s only known to himself. While appearing as humble in size as most humans, D’Angelo is surprisingly much stronger than one would initially assume. Able to shatter stone and dent steel with his fists, his natural strength is still considered untested and he doesn’t know it’s true extent.
  • As a demon, D’Angelo has noticed he’s gained some form of regeneration. Over time, he can heal wounds most consider fatal near completely and while it’s not instantaneous, he can shrug off minor damage even in mid-combat. The extent of his regenerative power is known as he can’t redevelop lost limbs.
  • Quite keen and suspicious of his surroundings, D’Angelo makes it a note to always know where he’s at, and who’s around him. Using any clue available to search out an opponent or even a stalker, it’s a skill he developed during his quest to rid the world of demons.
  • While not his initial trade, D'Angelo has become quite proficient with the use of Guns and several of their variants (rifles, shotguns, etc).


  • D’Angelo cannot fly in his mortal form; it’s a feat only accessible while in his demon state.
  • Decapitation is a weakness most demons share and its one D’Angelo isn’t immune to. Once his head has been severed from his shoulders, he dies.
  • While not trusting, this becomes an issue for D’Angelo as is hard dto discern friend from foe considering the people who he should be trusting are the ones he kills and those hunting him, he considers more value than his demon brethren.
  • While he boosts some regenerative properties, once a limb is severed from his body, unless someone reattaches it by physical means or magic, he can’t sprout or use it.
  • While a Demon hunter, D’Angelo does hold dear a code of honor. This in turn could end the man up in a predicament of extreme peril.
  • Strong and robust, D’Angelo isn’t exactly an acrobat. The most gymnastic feat he can accomplish is a backflip, and that’s pushing it.
  • While a demon, D’Angelo is also a man of god, which puts him in quite the predicament being a demon and warrants undesirable enemies. Given such, he’s vowed to never commit extreme sins (except for death in the name of slaying demons).
  • A heavy drinker, once intoxicated, D’Angelo is rendered useless battle-wise.

English, Japanese, Demonic, Italian, German, mandarin Chinese, Spanish,

- D'Angelo tans in the nude, to completely embrace its effects.
- A man of god, D'Angelo is also a man of women, he's known to have fondled quite a few.
- While obnoxious, standoffish and somewhat arrogant, he's actually quite sweet.
- His favorite drink is rumored to range between $500-$24,000, making it quite expensive.
- Somewhat theatrical, D'Angelo tends to favor turning minor issues into large errors; for shits n' gigs
- While a Demon, D'Angelo holds a strong love and belief in God and disregards his own kind.



Roughly 6 years, maybe.

[b]D GREY-MAN[/b] :: [b]CROSS MARIAN[/b]

  • Divine Rite

Last edited by D'Angelo on Thu May 16, 2013 7:18 am; edited 16 times in total

Posts : 32
Join date : 2013-04-30
Age : 31

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Player: Ooz

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D'Angelo, The Forsaken Empty Re: D'Angelo, The Forsaken

Post by Lazarus Carter Thu May 02, 2013 7:06 am

Archive date is the 15th of May.
Lazarus Carter
Lazarus Carter

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D'Angelo, The Forsaken Empty Re: D'Angelo, The Forsaken

Post by Lazarus Carter Mon May 13, 2013 9:01 pm

Also, Deangelo Accorsi means Deangelo Realised, good angel would be something like D'Angelo Buono or D'Angelo Cortese/Gentile. You can do whatever you'd like, but there's some Italian for you >_>
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D'Angelo, The Forsaken Empty Re: D'Angelo, The Forsaken

Post by Lazarus Carter Tue May 14, 2013 11:15 am

Archive date extended to the 29th regarding Ooz having finals and being generally busy.
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D'Angelo, The Forsaken Empty Re: D'Angelo, The Forsaken

Post by D'Angelo Thu May 16, 2013 6:16 am


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Age : 31

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D'Angelo, The Forsaken Empty Re: D'Angelo, The Forsaken

Post by Lazarus Carter Thu May 16, 2013 8:10 am

Lazarus Carter
Lazarus Carter

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