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Alexander Stone ~DONE

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Alexander Stone ~DONE Empty Alexander Stone ~DONE

Post by Alex Stone Thu May 02, 2013 2:56 pm


Alexander Stone ~DONE Wwkms6 Alexander Stone ~DONE Wwkms6 Alexander Stone ~DONE Wwkms6
”Umm... A song?”


Alexander Steven Stone




London, England.

April 23rd




Alex looks pretty plain, really. His cheeks are sharp and angled, his nose small and slightly pointed. His jaw is slight. He has blonde hair that cascades down the sides of his face, framing it and heads down to the back of his shoulders. His blue eyes are warm and friendly, often showing his emotions. There is almost always a smile on his face. His neck is slender, tapering out to slight shoulders, skinny arms and long fingers. He doesn't have much muscle on him. His chest is flat, with little muscular there, and his waist is thin and wasp-like. His legs are long and narrow, with little definition, ending his his smaller than average feet. His usual attire consists of a plain black t-shirt, blue jeans, a black belt and plain black tennis shoes. He is 6ft 5inches tall.

However, in the Other World, as he calls it, he changes. He stays the same height-wise, but his body changes. His leg muscles compress and become very durable, and allows him to run at speeds exceeding 80 mph, but not surpassing 120 mph. This is great for escaping. He also has this weird black suit morph over his body that is skin tight, leaving his torso entirely bare from his belly button up. It is weird and scaley, and is extremely tough, able to withstand regular weapon hits like swords and low caliber bullets. The rest of him remains the same.

    HONESTY: Alex is an honest man. He prides himself on being as honest as he can, trying to never tell lies at all. He hates being lied to, and got plenty of it growing up, so has sworn to never even tell white lies. He believes lies are part of the reason his life was so hard when he was younger. Honesty is his Policy.

    LOYALTY: Alex is one of the most loyal people out there. He never betrays his friends, regardless of whom they are. In his past, he had to deal with betrayal. So, he vowed to never make someone else deal with it. Even if he no longer likes someone, he won't betray them, less they go through what he had in his youth. His loyalty is one of his strongest points, overpowering even his cowardliness.

    EASY-GOING: Alex is very easy-going. He tries to get along with everyone and not fight. He isn't afraid to defend himself, but would rather live and let live, to be honest. He always has a smile on his face for everyone he meets. You almost have to try to hate him, actually.

    KIND-HEARTED: This is the guy you go to for a pick-me-up. Alex is generally a nice guy to be around- very pleasant and full of smiles. He loves making people feel good, as it makes him feel good to bring joy into the world. It's just who he is.

    SELFISH: Sadly, Alex is very selfish. While he loves to help people, he loves living even more. If he thinks he can survive, he'll go into dangerous situations to save someone, but generally shies away from such events our of self-preservation. He likes to keep to himself, and doesn't like sharing his things. It's partially why he is soft-spoken too. This makes him seen cowardly to other people.

    SELF-CENTERED: Sadly, Alex can be pretty self-centered. He takes things personally, and hasn't learned the lesson that life isn't all about him. Comments and small things tend to get him down because of that, but he keeps up his smile anyway to help the world. This can sometimes point him in a cowardly light.

    LEVEL TWO: Overall, you could say Alex is unhappy. Unhappy with his life, the world and everything. His smile is there to hide his unhappiness and to try to make himself happy. He does whatever he can to help make others happy, thinking it will make him feel better, never realizing that he is slowly destroying himself. It's sad, really. Everyone thinks he is happy, and he himself thinks he is happy, so everything is okay in the world. If things keep like this, though, Alex might break.

Alex Stone was born about 28 or so years ago. His parents were, at first kind and loving people, and in his earliest memories, up to the age of 4, they treated him wonderfully. And then, they died. It was in an accident so horrible, so tragic, that is aunt withheld what had happened to him, and told him they would come back for him some day. He believed her, being the trusting child he was. He lived an easy life with his aunt, up until he was 8 or so. Then, he learned the truth. His aunt, furious with him for confronting her about the past, kicked him out onto the streets, calling him a good for nothing.

At the age of 8, Alex was homeless. He wandered around everywhere, eating what he could and generally being a gutter rat. From ages 8-12 he learned, listened and stayed quiet. Eventually, he found someone who took pity on him, and gave the kid a job. At the age of 12, he worked at a supermarket as a cashier.

Alex, at the age of 13, had finally gotten a cheap apartment. It was small, dirty, and run down, but it was home. He loved it. He went back to school, and kept up his job simultaneously. None of his friends at school ever knew about his situation. He grew up alone, unwanted and unloved. He became mainly introverted, but was determined to be the best he could be, and never lie to anyone or betray them, like his aunt had done to him. She was the only person he had ever hated.

So, from 13-18 he lived, worked and studied. It was a hard life, but it was his. However, when he was 13, something weird had happened. Suddenly, when he was walking to work, he was in some weird realm. He was scared, lost and confused, and looked weird. He could run real fast, and could make himself lighter and heavier. It was so strange! He figured out what had happened, and managed to return in time to not be late to work. Later, in his own time, he studied about the realm, learning what it was. He called it the Other Realm, and figured it must be hell, though he still lacked the true name for it. He liked spending time there, learning, and being different. He had to protect himself quite a few times, crushing demons with his gravity by jumping on them, flying high in the sky, and running really fast. He loved it there.

Alex, as an adult, hadn't changed much. He still worked at the same job, still had the same apartment, and still lived as he could. He was much more cautious of Inferis, though, but enjoyed visiting it more. It was escape from the monotony of life. It was his home away from home. He still knew very little about the place, though. Maybe that would change soon!

During January of 2012, Alex met many different people, and discovered many things about himself and others. On New Years, he met the vagabond known as Panne. After a few struggles, he basically adopted her into his life. Hopefully, things with her would improve as he slowly helped her find her memories. Then, there was Jasna, the foreign cookie lover he had helped out and took to the hospital after an unfortunate accident. Who knows how that would turn out? There was also his American friend Cael. That went well. The biggest discovery was Adelaide, the Lady Lawyer. He taught her who she really was, nearly killed her, saved her life, and so much more! It was all a very interesting month!


He pretty much works alone.

Perfect memory
Able to offer wonderful advice and generally attract good attention.
Able to throw his voice to seem further away or closer up.

Complete understanding of gravity.
Even more, he has an innate understanding of physics while in this realm.
Pleading for his life.

A friend in danger will cause Alex to help no matter what, even at the cost of his help.
He has a weakness to children that can be exploited. He really is too nice for his own good.
He is deathly allergic to Shell Fish, and only an Epi Pen can save his life.

"I'm sorry sir, but I speak English, not Spanish. Can you please speak a little slower, so I can better serve you?" <-- Alex to a Mexican customer from his job as a cashier.


Alex is ALWAYS smiling. ALWAYS.
He is terrible at sports.
He works at a supermarket as a cashier.



Daniel, or Alex works fine. ^^

None. This is my first, please be gentle...

I'm 19, and I've been rping since I was 6, lol.

I don't even know! D:

The Coward[list][*]

Last edited by Alex Stone on Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:37 am; edited 6 times in total
Alex Stone
Alex Stone

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Alexander Stone ~DONE Empty Re: Alexander Stone ~DONE

Post by Lazarus Carter Fri May 03, 2013 4:59 am


Hey man! My name's Ross, friendly neighbourhood admin. I'll be reviewing your app today, all hands and feet and assorted appendages within the vehicle, so on and so forth.

Alex - this is a sweet character all in all, and one I'd definitely like to see develop. You're a good writer to preface this all, but there are just a few things you need to tweak.

1] You seem to have a few too many abilities prevalent in your history for level one, and your skill lists. Whilst the physics of Inferis are slightly more lenient, flying and leaping into the sky of your own accord are kind of difficult without it being your Evocation subject. Freerunning's fine, and maybe enhanced jump height, but you might just want to note that UNLESS this sort of graviton manipulation around limbs or self-levitation is the subject of his singular first-level Evocation, he just freeruns as opposed to anything else. Parkour itself is quite fun. ^^

2] For the mimicry thing in your Skills - again, this would come under Evocations, and I'm afraid you can only have one. So it'll have to be the jumping, the levitation, the gravity or the mimicry - one of those four at the first level. Slightly increased jump height is fine - we're relatively liberal with physics, but people can't just go jumping off into nowhere and appear moments later unscathed I'm afraid.

3] Picture - it's kind of necessary. I'm afraid that if you don't provide a picture, you'll have to increase the amount you write for your description to 450 words instead of the standard 150. The faceclaim section at the bottom is for crediting the source of your character's image. <- that thread and the Evocations template will be your best friend, honestly man. Just have a read over. I'm sorry if the profile template itself needs to be a bit clearer; I'm still tweaking things.

If you need any help with this, PM me or just snag me in the cbox. If not, I'm quite often on Skype (boom-its-ross) or AIM (theonekoh).
Lazarus Carter
Lazarus Carter

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Alexander Stone ~DONE Empty Re: Alexander Stone ~DONE

Post by Lazarus Carter Sat May 04, 2013 6:55 am


Just one picky last bit.

1] European is kind of broad as a nationality; by nationality, it should be English, American, etc. If you could just clarify that, it'd be great.
Lazarus Carter
Lazarus Carter

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Alexander Stone ~DONE Empty Re: Alexander Stone ~DONE

Post by Lazarus Carter Sat May 04, 2013 7:40 am


There we go. ^_^
Lazarus Carter
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Alexander Stone ~DONE Empty Re: Alexander Stone ~DONE

Post by Lazarus Carter Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:18 am

As a note, Alex - you need to add something to Alex's history and personality, in a different colour to the regular text.
Lazarus Carter
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Alexander Stone ~DONE Empty Re: Alexander Stone ~DONE

Post by Lazarus Carter Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:38 am


Welcome to the... second level.
Lazarus Carter
Lazarus Carter

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