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Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven]

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Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven] Empty Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven]

Post by Gabriel Alencar Tue May 14, 2013 6:16 am


Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven] Wwkms6 Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven] Wwkms6 Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven] Wwkms6
”Does it seem to be conveyed that way?”


Gabriel Zachariah Alencar




Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

December 27, 1979




A rather tall man stands before you. Stop. Look down. His shoes are made of fine Persian leather and laced gracefully, each loop falling near-perfectly to the edges of the magnificent footwear. Look back up. Oh my, the man is approaching you. Dark skin, eyes closed, a faint smile pursed to his lips. Look down. Now back up. No, back down. You aren't even worthy to put your eyes upon him, he can't do the same to you anyway because he's blind. Do you want this man? Too bad, you can't have him. Why? Because he's far too gay for the likes of you, that's why. Don't you see the way his hair perfectly aligns itself to the wind, spiked delicately, so much attention put into the finer details within his dark brown locks? Only the most expensive of hair products would do. Glorious, heavenly, these are the only words there are to describe the perfect specimen presented to you. Gabriel Alencar at your service, but not at your service.

The first, and probably most outstanding as well as all-important, detail that most people notice about Gabriel is his stride. Elegant, slow, each step that falls to the ground bursting with personality. Then the way he speaks, his lips parting and tongue moving behind his teeth hardly unnoticeable, nearly entrancing to the common man or woman. That is, even though women aren't quite what he's looking for, but in the field of espionage and retrieving information a man must do things he'd never do within his personal life. A lot. Mostly killing, but that's another matter entirely.

The man that most people see is a playful flirt and easily excited. Prancing about through the halls of government facilities, high access given by the Templar Order in most things, almost out of place in a world of serious and professional politicians. Still, it is this upbeat and kind personality that draws people to Gabriel, though the attention it brings to him can be just as bad as it is good at times. He keeps his head up high though, not letting "the little things" get him down.

Then... there's the man that not many are especially lucky enough to be in the presence of. Hard, cold, direct, a perfect commander in the field of battle. His training within the Brazilian military that lead up to him leading a cell within the Brazillian Special Operations Brigade (Brigada de Operações Especiais) taught Commander Alencar exactly how to approach hostile situations. If you can't get in and out of an enemy-ridden location efficiently and effectively, you aren't doing it right.

The Alencar brothers never knew their father.

The assurance from their mother came that in spite of the fact that neither of them ever remembered his presence, they were sired from the same host, who seemed to visit for days, sometimes only even hours, drink, bed their mother, and then just leave. After Gabriel came around things got a little more complex, but then when she announced her pregnancy with his younger brother four years later, and popped him out at a solid nine months further down the line, the mysterious Alencar father seemingly never appearing again.

The childhood of the Alencar brothers is a spotty and traumatised one. They grew up together in the crime-ridden favelas of Rio de Janeiro. An existence in the most famous Latin American slums in common knowledge is essentially a curse from your birthright. Hardly anyone from the favelas ever leave, and fewer still manage to achieve anything higher beyond the lowest tier of existence in the city proper. Illness. Disease. Crime. Hatred. Poverty. Five things that strike these makeshift shanties on a regular basis.

For the first fifteen years of his life, Gabriel bore witness to fights, thefts, murders, and with a mother who was at best a single shaky pillar of support and at worst a thirty-something woman with an aged face and the sentiments of a sixteen year old girl, hopelessly addicted to cocaine, this wasn't the ideal family environment. She beat her sons until they became large enough to defend themselves out of frustration for her fate; she had too been born into the favela, and condemned her progeny into the same cycle. A sad tale, but yet the only one she knew. Gabriel wouldn't be quick to forget this life, especially not the treatment he received from nearly everyone but his little brother. The favelas were never kind to those considered odd by comparison to the "normal" standards of life.

There was no love here for those open with their sexuality.

In the beginning, when the whole world was out to get them, Gabriel was the only shield for Dante; and when mother Fabiana overdosed and laid in the back on her bed rotting and motionless, it was three days before someone came and took her body away. But there was no-one then to look after Gabriel and Dante. The former was maybe fourteen, his brother coming onto nine. Their existence simply looked bleaker and bleaker. No parents. No family. But instead just each other. Though the life of a shield was admirable, protecting the only family you had was seemingly the right thing to do. Still, even more of the hatred within Rio de Janeiro was directed toward the elder brother. Even to this day memories of the brutal beatings he received cloud his subconscious, cold nights when men would come into their home and drag him outside just to beat him nearly to death and leave him there to accept his fate.

And miraculously, somehow, for the next four years, they survived.

Things didn't quite get better for Dante and Gabriel, but from what the latter shakily knew of morals he tried to at the very least guide his brother onto a path which would allow him to survive. And anxiously from the sidelines the pair watched in their meager shelter of corrugated iron and sopping wet rotten balsa wood as time and time again gang wars unfolded themselves, the sharp ambience of crackling automatic weapons a background rhythm for the pair's life. Slowly they became desensitised.

But the pair grew and in a dog-eat-dog world somehow, whilst they didn't prosper, and though hate-filled and embittered, things began to look up. They had managed not to piss anyone off and keep more or less to themselves. But a few days after Gabriel turned eighteen, an army drafting platoon shot around the favela whilst Dante was out playing football, and took him on board with little resistance. It was three years til the turn of the next millennium, and Brazil wanted to bolster its army. Free room, free board, money... it was an opportunity Gabriel couldn't pass up and one he wasn't sure he'd get again. So, regret nearly dragging him back, he left behind Dante and he joined the army. He vowed on that day to work to make the world a better place for not only his brother, but everyone.

This is where the story of the brothers splits into two separate paths.

Training, day in and day out for eight months straight. Training was the only life Gabriel came to know eventually, and every day he pushed himself further. No matter how many times his commanding officers would push his face into the mud or knock him to the ground and demand push-ups, there was one thing they lacked that had built him into the man he had become by birthright in the favelas: True hate.

It wasn't long before he was sent on his first field mission. Then another. And another. Years of work within the Brazilian military became not but a blur in the elder Alencar's mind. Nothing more than a means to which he would soon obtain his ultimate goal. There was nothing that could change his mindset in this world, and he definitely wasn't going to fall to bullets now. Most of the men he killed in his line of duty toted their weapons around as frivolously as the men back home. They aimed to kill, indeed, but none of them could match Gabriel in wit.

By the age of 27, the man was given the opportunity to lead a cell within the Brigada de Operações Especiais; the Brazilian Special Forces. With this position came a means to obtain information within the government, classified documents suddenly made open, but Gabriel accepted it not for those reasons. Yes, it was a plus, but simply because he would be higher up on the food chain was his only motivation. Another step between him and helping the world was complete.

Even so, sometimes the world refuses help.

One day, while out on patrol and surveying a blacklisted location within Brazil, Gabriel was given bad information. Told that there were no hostiles in the area, he progressed forward through the jungle and informed the other members of his squadron as such. He found himself outside of what seemed to be an abandoned compound. Child soldiers were usually trained here, grim tactics incorporated by those who considered themselves revolutionaries in order to dishearten those who opposed their cause.

A gun shot rang out by his ear, and Gabriel immediately rose his hands to the air. Kicked to his knees, he felt the firer's hands grope about his sides. Soon his radio was dropped to the ground and crushed beneath the soldier's boot. Not about to be taken prisoner, Gabriel turned on his knee and swept his leg out, dropping the rogue militant to the ground. Afterward he ran back into the brush, swerving around trees as more gunfire echoed out behind him.

The last thing he remembered before awaking in the hospital was an explosion to his left and the feeling of being picked up before he passed out. His eyes were bandaged, and, though the urge was great to remove the material from his face, he left the bandaging in place. He waited there in the room for two hours or more before a doctor arrived and confirmed an aching suspicion.

Gabriel Alencar had been caught in the line of a grenade explosion, the shrapnel piercing through his eyes. The commanding officer was left blind from this encounter, and the information had already been sent to those over him. He had been removed from military ranks and given a compensation salary not only to help him along in what most would assume to be his new life, but also for his silence. Gabriel had seen and heard things that the government needed to remain silent from the public.

It was hard to swallow for a man with such high dreams for not only his future, but the world's as a whole. Still, with a hefty pay raise he'd be able to work from somewhere, help at least a few people along the way. Gabriel accepted the terms and a few days passed, the hospital eventually committing him to physical therapy in order to cope with his loss of one of his main senses. After about a week of this, a new therapist was brought in, his voice colder, seemingly more hardened and experienced in the world.

It was that man who told Gabriel that his government had not simply discarded him, and that he would be trained further. An organization known as the Templars needed men like him, men with a view on the world most people lacked. They needed Gabriel to be brought back to his prime, and they would give him the means to which he could once more be out on the field of battle in order to help mankind.

It only took three years for the blind to see again, metaphorically speaking. Gabriel was put under a regiment produced by the Templar Paladins themselves. No matter how experimental and unorthodox their plans seemed in regards to giving a fix to the loss of perception, the end results were all that could matter. He was also taught of [DATA EXPUNGED], co-existent to [HIGHER CLEARANCE NECESSARY], all of which was, and still is, classified information. At the age of thirty, Gabriel Alencar was placed within the ranks of Blackhaven and given his surveillance and espionage work as if he had no handicap, and to this day he still works there.

Recently he was given a new opportunity. Due to his great efforts and skills with not just people but in battle, Gabriel Alencar was invited to be one of those reviewed and surveyed to join the ranks of the Paladins. This goal within his grasp, new hope has shined down upon the blind soldier. He could change the world for the better. Gabriel could help everyone.


- People Person: Gabriel can get just about anyone to like him under normal circumstances. His cheerful and... erm... eccentric personality gets him a lot of attention.
- Advanced Firearms Training: Years of special training within the Brazilian military, as well as the blind-fighter tactics trained to him while in the Templar Order, allows Gabriel to cope with a work on the fly with various types of guns.
- Very alert to sound as a whole, using and heightening his sense of hearing to make up for his loss of eyesight.

- Blind as a bat.
- Full-on confrontational combat. He does superb when he isn't noticed, but from the moment he's spotted onward the amount of time Gabriel has to be of use begins to tick down.
- Gabriel is extremely sensitive when it comes to his past, especially that he was forced to leave his younger brother behind when he left the favela they called home to join the Brazilian military.

Godspeak (Understood by everyone)

- He's faaaabuloooooouuuuus~




Lucrum, Cael, Skraw, and Dusty

10 years.

[b]Pokemon[/b] :: [b]Brock[/b]

Vox Dei

Last edited by Gabriel Alencar on Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:28 am; edited 7 times in total
Gabriel Alencar
Gabriel Alencar

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Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven] Empty Re: Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven]

Post by Lazarus Carter Fri May 17, 2013 8:21 pm

Archive date is the 27th May.
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Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven] Empty Re: Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven]

Post by Gabriel Alencar Mon May 27, 2013 3:18 am

Requesting a few more days to get the History done. Ross hasn't done the same on Dante yet, so I'm having a hard time trying to get one written that won't step on his toes.
Gabriel Alencar
Gabriel Alencar

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Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven] Empty Re: Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven]

Post by Lazarus Carter Tue May 28, 2013 11:16 pm

Archive date extended to the 10th June. Sorry bro. I'll get on it ASAP.
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Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven] Empty Re: Alencar, Gabriel Z. [Templar - Blackhaven]

Post by Lazarus Carter Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:33 am

Lazarus Carter
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