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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Empty Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

Post by Gaius Octavian Skipio Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:18 pm


Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Wwkms6 Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Wwkms6Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Wwkms6

”Unlock the Dark Destroyer thats Buried With in”

- The Last Centurion
- Martial Law
- Mantel of War
- Shackles of Conflict

- 3

- Equipment
- Skill
- Skill
- Skill/equipment?
- Gladius Hispaniensis & Scutum
- Negation
- Barrier/Buff/Support?
- Unclassified

Gaius's level two tattoo:


The Last Centurion: The Last Centurion Is a single Apparatus that has two parts. These parts being a gladius short sword and roman tower shield. The gladius has a gold pummel and is marked with a Roman eagle, the mark of Mars Ultor emblazoned on the blade. The grip is is a smooth warn leather, well polished with age. The weapon is measured at 33.5 inches in total length, and is the longest and heaviest of the gladii due to its leaf shaped blade. The shield on the other hand is 42 inches in height with a round steal boss in the center with an over all width of 26 inches though if you include the curve of the shield it is 32 inches in over all width. The body of the shield is covered in a blue lacquer with various designs depicted on it.  

While Gaius's training during his life did not focus on single combat, his years in the hellish world he now resides has allowed him to address that over sight. He wades into combat expecting to be be attacked from all angles and in any form. This being the case he fights rather defensively , his eyes taking in the battle field and those hes locked in combat with. His Shield are is always loose and ready to move, yet ready to brace its self at but a moments notice. When he reaches his combat range he generally probes his enemies defenses, testing their reflexes and manner of movement. But after that initial test he rushes in, his shield as much as his blade striking out in a fluid and practiced manner.

Both the blade and the shield have improved over the course of his training, both becoming much more durable as well as lighter. The sword is also wickedly sharp and could be used to shave if the need arose... Which it hasen't.

As he has grown in power, Gaius's gear has gone through yet another upgrade. His sword now has the ability to elongate into the spear he was so accustomed to in life, that being the Hasta. Measuring just under two meters in length in its new form, the actually doesn't change, maintaining the same measurements that his sword blade has. The shaft of this weapon appears to be made of polished ash wood and the actual leather grip of his sword is actually located near the center of the shaft.

Just like his offensive abilities have grown, so to has his defensive. His shield, while once but a simple piece of demonic wood and steel is now something more. Now it can absorb all kinetic energy directed against it allowing Gaius to block even the strongest of blows with out injury(Think Captain America). To do this, the shield distributes the blows kinetic energy over the entirety of the shield rather then just the points of impact. The stronger the physical blow is the more likely it will be to throw the shield wide, push Gaius back, or knock him down. After all, while he would not suffer most of the damage linked to a blow he will suffer the consequences of them.

Martial Law: The Roman Empire and its soldiers have always held magic in distaste. It was a tool for cowards and the incompetent and for those who lacked the discipline to be great warriors. Gaius thinks the same, but unlike the soldiers of old he recognizes  its power and as such has developed this subconscious skill. Any being within fifty seventy-five feet feet of Gaius are unable to use skill based powers(Whether those are evocations, Apparatus, or Augmentations) so long as the creatures in question are of the same or lower level. This power of course does not effect equipment based powers. Any skill based power that is fired into the area effected by Martial Law is immediately dissipated into the harmless soul energy it was formed of. This effect is toggled on and off at this level.

Now, Gaius can pick and choose who his power effects, allowing him to let his team mates have use of their skill based powers.

- The Mantel of War: The honed rage of a trained warrior is something almost divine in its intensity, and while most warriors use their anger in battle, Gaius is an avatar of rage. His divine anger permeates every fiber of his being on the battle field and while it may start at a low smolder the anger grows and grows as he fights tell its a roaring fire that will consume everything in his path. To start this rage does nothing, but as Gaius defeats enemies, takes wounds, watches as his allies are hurt or pretty much anything else that can create anger, strife, rage, pain or any other negative emotion associated with battle this power activates. In essence he converts this rage into soul energy that he then feeds on which empowers him to go beyond what he could normally do. To simplify this we can say that the more he fights, the more damage he takes and the more rage he feels the harder it becomes to hurt him or resist him.

His rage(In the form of an unknown form a radiation) starts to pour from his body as he takes damage. At first it is but a light sheen, nothing more then a faint glimmer and to achieve this he has to be slightly wounded as in having cuts abrasions or bruises on his skin that cause minor discomfort. This minor sheen covers his entire body and has a hardness equal to Iron(about a 4 on the Mohs scale). Next, when moderately wounded(I.E. Gun shot wounds, stab wounds anything that causes significant discomfort)  his battle aura intensifies, turning a bright red that makes all attempts at stealth all but impossible. His aura at this point has a hardness equal to Hardened Steel(A 7.5 on the hardness scale) making him much harder to damage in general(Which makes reaching his optimal strength difficult) as well as increasing his reaction time do to the copious amounts of adrenaline pumping through his system.  Finally when severally wounded(I.E.Right on the cusp of death, missing a limb, disemboweled, impaled) his battle aura turns to a blood red fringed in black and while the hardness of this aura does not increase, it does have a corrosive effect on those things around him (Seven feet) eating away at skin, stone, metal and everything else slowly. The point of this is, its painful to be within Gaius's effective combat range and any equipment carried or used by his enemies slowly disintegrate in their hands, even if equipment based powers are re summoned they still have the damage that has been dealt to them though it will vanish slowly so long as they are not near Gaius(Slowly being an hour per post they where exposed to this power). Also of note is that while this is painful to those standing around him it has no effect on anything organic, rather it eats away at inorganic material.

- Shackles of Conflict: Now when Gaius assumes his demonic form, his hands are graced with a dark pair of gauntlets. These gauntlets are decorated with images of battle, from death to victory the imagery glorifies conflict in all its forms. Hang from the gauntlets are thick chains, each seeming to measure no more then 3 inches in total length , hardly enough to be considered a weapon. But in these dark steel chains something sinister lurks. With a flick of his wrist and but a singular thought Gaius can hural spectral chains that can attach to sentient beings, animals and inorganic matter. Now the function of these chains serves different purposes depending on what they happen to be attached too.

When attached to things in his environment(I.E. Rocks, buildings, trees ect.) the chains actually take on a physical form allowing Gaius to ether A) Pull him self to them or B) Pull said objects to him (So long as the objects in question are capable of being lifted and moved... He can't pull buildings to him or anything of that nature). When used thus, these chains have a max length of fifty feet and this length can be controlled by Gaius.

Now against sentient targets it serves a much different purpose. When hit by an attack, the chains of their own accord shoot out tacking and attach to the one that wounded him. This chain remains spectral and nether Gaius nor the person attached to him can interact with it in a direct manner. This tether serves one purpose, to keep his would be assailant from running away. To this end, when ever the one attached to the chain tries to move more then teen feet back from where they originally where the chain pulls tight and drags the offender twenty feet forward there by making the max range that the enemy can move backwards his original starting spot. while attached, both parties can see said chain and are there for able to track down the one attached to the other end (Which at times can serve as a double edged sword). The range of this effect is some what in flux, but at max it can range out to a hundred yards.  This effect lasts for three posts before going on a one post cool down. Can only effect one sentient being at a time.

Please note that the chains can only be attached to ether organic and sentient beings or  none sentient things but never both at the same time.

Last edited by Gaius Octavian Skipio on Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:29 am; edited 22 times in total
Gaius Octavian Skipio
Gaius Octavian Skipio

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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Empty Re: Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

Post by Lazarus Carter Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:38 pm

Lazarus Carter
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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Empty Re: Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

Post by Gaius Octavian Skipio Fri May 03, 2013 6:23 pm

Gaius Octavian Skipio
Gaius Octavian Skipio

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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Empty Re: Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

Post by Jinhong Jangmi Sat May 04, 2013 3:30 am


Herp da derp.....
Jinhong Jangmi
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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Empty Re: Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

Post by Gaius Octavian Skipio Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:38 pm

Ready as its going to get >.< I expect Revise notes and well any help at all will be nice v.v
Gaius Octavian Skipio
Gaius Octavian Skipio

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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Empty Re: Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

Post by Lazarus Carter Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:51 pm


1] Martial Law: Drop that hundred back down to fifty. Or at the very most, seventy five.

2] Immortal/Defense: I'd say drop the steps down. So keep the tempered steel for when he's moderately wounded, and then make it something like... bronze (hee) for when he's just slightly wounded, or slightly harder than usual.

3] Immortal/Corrosion: Considering the dual effects of this power, the corrosion tackling both non-organic and organic energies, you're going to want to drop one or the other. Burning through people's skin OR armour/equipment is fine, but it can't be both I'm afraid.

4] Shackles of Pandemonium: Time limit, time limit, time limit. Or at least make Gaius able to dispel it. Including a level equality limit wouldn't be a bad idea either.
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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Empty Re: Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

Post by Gaius Octavian Skipio Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:52 am

Done and done
Gaius Octavian Skipio
Gaius Octavian Skipio

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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Empty Re: Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

Post by Lazarus Carter Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:53 pm


Spider-Gaius, Spider-Gaius, does whatever a Spider-Gaius does! Can he swing, from some chains? Yes he can, he's a Roman, look out, cause heeee iiis a Spider-Gaius.
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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Empty Re: Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

Post by Alice the Chopper Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:30 am

Revamp archive date August 15th.
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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Empty Re: Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

Post by Gaius Octavian Skipio Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:43 am

Revamp complete
Gaius Octavian Skipio
Gaius Octavian Skipio

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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Empty Re: Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

Post by Lazarus Carter Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:44 am


Limits of the shield are a tad shady; 'even the strongest blows without injury' needs some form of clarification of definition. Maybe a level basis? Can defend with aplomb against both magical and physical attacks from those of a lower level and with decent damage negation - though not overall consistent - from that of a Level 3 adversary.
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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Empty Re: Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

Post by Gaius Octavian Skipio Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:22 am

It doesn't work on magic based attacks, just physical blows that happen to land on the shield. Basically, its absorbs and distributes kinetic energy over the entire surface of the shield rather then just the point of impact. Ill clarify in the app its self.
Gaius Octavian Skipio
Gaius Octavian Skipio

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Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus) Empty Re: Arms of War (Gaius's Apparatus)

Post by Lazarus Carter Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:05 am

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