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Elijah Cross

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Elijah Cross  Empty Elijah Cross

Post by Elijah Cross Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:51 pm


Elijah Cross  Wwkms6 Elijah Cross  Wwkms6Elijah Cross  Wwkms6

”Honestly, it's a blessing that I can enter this place whenever I want. If I couldn't take out my aggression here, I'd be in prison... Not that it could hold me for too long.”


Elijah Xander Cross




Washington D.C.

July 23, 1989




 Elijah is slightly taller than most, standing at 6'1" and weighs a healthy 180 lbs. His skin is a shade darker than the average Caucasian male, but it isn't so much that he's confused for another race. Hidden behind his dark messy hair are two amber colored eyes, betraying the true personality he hides behind a smile and kind word. When it comes to clothing, he prefers solid and matching colors with a splash of their compliment to accent the wardrobe. For example; If his attire is mainly red, then his shoes and other accessories would be green and vice-verse. While in Inferis, his wardrobe doesn't make a drastic change into something large, gaudy and inappropriate for fighting demons, templars or demon hunters that manages to get in his way. Instead it becomes much simpler. In order to maintain a balance between some kind of balance between comfort and protection, Elijah wears a solid black long sleeved shirt similar to underarmour and long black pants. On his hands, he wears black fingerless gloves to maintain dexterity and to top it all off, a pair or combat boots to protect his feet.

Ever since he was young, Elijah had an extremely hard time dealing with the social norms of the society around him. He hated how people were so nosy and seemed to do nothing more than insert themselves into someone else's business, how they would poke, prod and attempt to 'guide' others into their way of thinking. They feigned concern and pushed their own agendas under the guise of 'selflessness' and he found all of it disgusting. How could people try to force their ideals on him? All of the rules they set was just another chain wrapped tightly around his neck. Their only purpose was to restrict his way of thinking, to indoctrinate him. No... No, he wasn't going to change. He wasn't going to stop acting according to his own ideals, no matter how 'sick' or 'wrong' they were.

"Elijah, it hurts my feelings when you say that." They would say, "Elijah, why did you hit me?" They would say. The answers were obvious, but nobody seemed to understand. Why should he care that someone's father died? Why should he care about the boy who committed suicide? Why should he care that someone was too damned weak to take care of their own problems?

It's safe to say that, at this point, Elijah hasn't changed much since his first trip to Inferis. While meeting Lucifer definitely changed part of how he viewed himself on the ladder, he still thinks himself above the people he interacts with. Seeing hell didn't change his cruel and manipulative ways. In a sense, he was almost glad to know he'd be going somewhere after death. Even if it wasn't the heaven many religious people strove for.

One could say that he's softened just a little in regards to one person. While he'd never admit it, Elijah managed to develop some sort of real attachment to her. Considering the circumstances of their meeting and the events that conspired afterward, most people would think him crazy for being hooked to someone like that. But he was never one to care about what others thought of him or his decisions.

"They can't possibly understand me... No one ever could."

Since the day he was born, Elijah's parents knew that he was going to be different. He was going to be special. Unfortunately, it wasn't in the way that either of them wanted. They had dreams for him, wanted their son to follow in their footsteps as an upstanding member of society. Turns out, he was the complete opposite of what they expected. At first the things he did were harmless, passed off as the things any child would do. Elijah lied to stay out of trouble and placed the blame on the circumstances... A few times he even tried to pin the blame on people that had nothing to do with it. When confronted, they'd offer the same tired excuse as if they didn't want to face the facts, "He's just being a kid!" They would say, "There's no way our Eli could have done something like that. He's an angel!" No misstep was too large, no offense too great. In their eyes, he was simply incapable of wrong and that way of thinking rubbed off on him. Elijah picked fights over small things like a toy he liked being taken by the kid that got there first or a seat that he didn't care about until someone else was sitting in it. It wasn't that he truly wanted any of those things, he just enjoyed being able to take what he wanted. The look on their faces as he ripped away the things they cared about or simply enjoyed was entertaining. It was his right, correct? After all, he was an angel. And angels are incapable of wrong.

As he aged, Elijah's behavior became worse. He manipulated the people around him and did his best to ensure he got what he wanted no matter what the cost. He would pretend to be a friend of someone until he grew bored or achieved his goal. Then, like a broken toy, they would be tossed aside in favor of something much better. The easiest people to take advantage of were those much worse off than him, the ones that nobody else seemed to care about. How would they be able to know he was being a 'bad person' if he was the best thing that happened to them? While apprehensive at first, they would always make the mistake of trusting him with their secrets. Girls or boys they liked, their dreams and fears. And with that info in hand, he did his best to take away and undo everything they worked hard to achieve. But eventually the people he intended to target and exploit began to catch on to who he really was, and that infuriated him. There were only so many people he could hurt before the word began to spread about the people he hurt. They would confront him. He would get angry. And someone would end up taking a trip to the infirmary.

It was impossible for him to win every physical fight that came, but with each loss there was a new excuse to cover for why exactly he was unable to come out on top. Because of this, not only was his reputation as a user common knowledge; he was also known as a very poor loser. Each and every person that 'wronged' him eventually paid. Sometimes their projects would go missing, other times they would lose pets. And in extreme cases, the people around them would suddenly know new and very bad things. Sure, the tactics were dirty and underhanded but they worked more often than not.

Eventually he managed to dig himself into a hole that, under normal circumstances, he wouldn't be able to climb out of. Once Elijah took advantage of enough strangers, they began to find one thing in common; a hatred for the one that wronged them. He was caught off guard by his assailants on the way home, passing through the alleyways to avoid as much traffic as he could. Although he enjoyed nothing more than to take advantage of people, he couldn't stand being in large groups for large periods of time. Unfortunately for him, the ones he used to call 'friends' knew this. He attempted to reason with them at first, but they attacked right before he could utter a single word. There were way too many people for him to put up a decent fight and while Elijah was able to wound one or two with his pocketknife. While the young man would tell the story differently, his being attacked was little other than a no-holds-barred beatdown at his expense. They took turns holding and hitting him for what felt like hours, each punch, each kick, each and every taunt bringing him closer to death's door. But right when the final blow was about to be struck, right when Elijah was ready to give up, something truly amazing happened. The young man felt a surge of energy course through his entire body as he and three of his attackers were transported to another place, a place indescribably 'beautiful'.

While the others that were brought with him began to panic, Elijah felt energy beginning to course through his body, dulling the pain from his injuries and making him even stronger. In an instant, all of the pain he felt began to melt away. With blood pouring from his bruised and cut face, he turned to the three attackers and spread his arms wide, just reveling in the horror that showed in their expressions, "Where are your smiles now, huh?" He shouted, "Where..."

He took a step forward and spread his arms wide, a wide grin on his marred face,


Another step,


One of the larger of the trinity lunged in Elijah's direction, aiming a punch for his head. They may have been able to harm him in the human world, but in this place? Average humans were nothing. Elijah effortlessly caught the punch and gripped the man's neck, choking the life right from him, "Now?"

The second man made a similar attempt and his end was just the same, leaving just one woman who he called a 'lover' for a short time. It was amazing how quickly people could be pulled right down from their high horses, "And then there was one, the one I actually had feelings for." She opened her mouth to speak, but Elijah dashed right in and grabbed her neck just like the other two, "Actually, that was a lie..." Unlike the other two he finished off quickly, he decided to take his time with the final one, "Shh, don't try to speak." He said with a smile, gently stroking her hair as she fell to her knees, "You shouldn't worry, okay? I'm not going to kill you."

Right when Elijah could feel her begin to slip away into unconsciousness he took a step back and watched as the woman coughed and sputtered before she finally composed herself enough to ask him what he was. With the same wide grin and arms spread open he looked to her and said,

"I'm an angel..."

Or so he thought...

Just when Elijah felt powerful, indestructible, Godlike... A being much more powerful than he could ever hope to be arrived and took the wind right out of his sails. The young man knew that something was wrong when he first gazed upon the creature. His eyes were cold and calculating, he carried himself proudly and with grace despite the sorry state of the area around the both of them. With a single command he silenced an entire horde of grotesque and horrifying creatures, then engaged Elijah in conversation. He introduced himself as Lou and, looking back, Elijah should have caught on instantly. The suspicion was there, but he didn't want to believe it. But shortly after they engaged in a "pleasant" conversation, the tone became much darker.

Time seemed to creep by as Lou's voice grew lower and more fearsome, causing Elijah to be filled with an emotion he hadn't felt for quite some time; genuine fear for his life. At any time, Lucifer could have chosen to end his life just to see what kind of Demon would come out of it. Elijah's descent to hell wasn't exactly news. He spent his entire life taking advantage of and ruining others. He quickly ended the lives of two men without remorse and tortured a woman until she finally died. In the eyes of others, Elijah was in the right for killing them for if he didn't transfer and end their lives, he would have died in that alleyway. Another statistic.

For some reason, Lucifer didn't kill Elijah that day. He simply made his presence known and left, leaving his 'victim' frozen in terror. Maybe the Father of Lies wanted to see what the young man would become. Would Elijah Cross change his ways and become a better person, or would he continue his downward spiral and become the monster most people expected from him? At this point, his alignment could change at any given time. Hopefully someone can take the potential he has and point him in the right direction. Then again, what was 'right'?


None that hold his interest for too long.

- Strong enough to carry his own weight with relative ease.
- Extremely skilled liar.
- Intermediate hand to hand combat skills allowing him to handle himself in a fist fight.
- Skilled with knives and other short bladed weaponry.
- Dextrous and durable fingers from rock climbing.

- Enhanced strength and durability.
- Enhanced physical endurance.
- Increased sense of smell, sight and hearing.
- Hand to hand skills increase to that of an expert.
- Skill with knives increases immensely.

- Has trouble thinking ahead.
- Lack of care for others makes him a terrible teammate.
- Only effective at close to mid range, useless beyond 25 feet unless attack is meant for collateral damage.
- Extremely impulsive and aggressive.
- Actions become more irrational as his frustration increases, leaving him open to counter attacks.
- Selfish

Elijah speaks, English, Spanish, and Demon


- Intense fear of intimacy.
- Frequently plagued with bouts of insomnia.
- Hatred of Templars, Demons and those that align themselves with either.
- Ambidextrous but prefers his left hand.
- He never leaves home without his two Balisong knives, one in each pocket.
- Has a habit of grinding his thumbs against his index fingers as if lighting a lighter when anxious.
- He simply can't stand being called out as a hypocrite, even if it's true.
- He often follows the path of least resistance.

- Can't stand the taste of alcohol.
- Thinks very little of drugs and the people that abuse them.
- Isn't religious, despite calling himself an Angel.
- The worst time to fight him isn't when he's red-faced and practically screaming. It's when his skin goes pale and cold. It's when his face betrays no emotion. It's when he looks completely calm.



Mike, Hunter... Either one fits.

Amadeus Edge

It's been a while, so I can't quite remember when I first started.

The "Angel"

Last edited by Elijah Cross on Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:41 am; edited 12 times in total
Elijah Cross
Elijah Cross

Posts : 62
Join date : 2013-04-21

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Power Level: 2
Character Faction: Freelance
Player: Hunter

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Elijah Cross  Empty Re: Elijah Cross

Post by Lazarus Carter Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:52 am

Archive date is the 5th May.
Lazarus Carter
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Elijah Cross  Empty Re: Elijah Cross

Post by Lazarus Carter Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:28 am


1] Seems pretty awesome thus far Hunter. First thing though: either give a Faceclaim for Elijah, or remove the section entirely. (If you can't find one, don't worry - just remove it)

2] Best you probably fix the colour codes for your languages, too.

Other than that, he reads really nicely - you're an excellent writer and that's a really well-composed history. Definitely a Laz/Eli thread at some point. Could be an interesting little interaction there.
Lazarus Carter
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Elijah Cross  Empty Re: Elijah Cross

Post by Elijah Cross Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:54 am

Elijah Cross
Elijah Cross

Posts : 62
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Elijah Cross  Empty Re: Elijah Cross

Post by Lazarus Carter Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:47 pm

Lazarus Carter
Lazarus Carter

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Elijah Cross  Empty Re: Elijah Cross

Post by Lazarus Carter Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:08 pm

Archive date is July 14th.
Lazarus Carter
Lazarus Carter

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Elijah Cross  Empty Re: Elijah Cross

Post by Alice the Chopper Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:03 am

Archive date extended to August 3rd.
Alice the Chopper
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Elijah Cross  Empty Re: Elijah Cross

Post by Lazarus Carter Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:19 am

Lazarus Carter
Lazarus Carter

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