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Karasu, Heiwa

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Karasu, Heiwa  Empty Karasu, Heiwa

Post by Heiwa Karasu Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:46 pm


Karasu, Heiwa  Wwkms6 Karasu, Heiwa  Wwkms6Karasu, Heiwa  Wwkms6
”I may look like a man, but this lady has a hell of a right hook.”


Heiwa Karasu




Kyoto, Japan

May 13, 1988




Growing up a hermaphrodite, Heiwa's appearance could get quite confusing. She stands at a a decent 5' 11" with a weight of 123 pounds. From the back, she looks like a long haired man, but once you see her face, you second guess yourself. She has a very feminine face, with pointed jaw and soft features with her pale skin, with shiny, almost violet eyes. Her body, though, is male, with slight muscle definition over her chest, stomach, arms and legs. She's very handsome, with that sort of darker, thin, brooder look that many women find attractive for one reason or another. Her chest is barren of any breasts whatsoever, but she IS genetically a female. She has long, chest length tresses of blue-black hair that she ties in a loose ponytail. This allows for the fringe of her hair to cover most, if not all, of her forehead. In real life, she often dresses's hard to sum up in just one word. Most of it is loose clothing, like jackets and her favorite band tees, along with nice jeans that do fit a bit tight on her. Though, when she goes clubbing, she gets out her collars, her leather bracelets, tight shirts and tight pants.

In Inferis, this is all replaced with an outfit that is consistent with a feudal ninja. A black kosode with incredibly long sleeves that cover her fingerless gloves allows her to conceal the Hellstring, the yards and yards of it wrapped around her forearms. Her legs are covered with black hakama, which are tucked into her tabi and lie on top of her sandals. Her ponytail is now tied in a red ribbon instead of a band or scrunchy. Her sneer turns much more sinister and her eyes turn a dark blue.

Angry. At herself, at her demon, at the world...really angry. This anger causes her to alienate herself from most of society as much as possible. She feels this anger because...she really doesn't know what she is. She identifies herself as a woman, but when she looks in the mirror, she sees a man. A man with no hanging parts, but a man. And that's what everyone else sees. She is not socially accepted, met with ignorance and stupidity which make her lash out at most. So, no matter where, she's recognized as a man so she tries to take it everyday, but it's better to avoid everyone than get mad at someone's mis-identification and knock their lights out. Though, some people are also alienated from society, for different reasons of course, but she still is able to get along some-what for these people. In normal society, she's very reserved with her true identity since she doesn't want to put up with shit.

Though, when she's out partying or at a club...she is fully open with herself. She has fun, lets loose because there is no judgement in these places. She can laugh and dance and drink. Though, forming relationships is hard for her because she wants a normal relationship...and men in society won't date her cause of appearance of a man. And GAY men won't date her cause...well, something missing. This often creates a bit of animosity towards men, so most people she talks to are women.  So she's often got this very lonely feeling that she tries to cope with. This lonely feeling is ever present on top of this feeling of an uncertain identity.

Now, when it comes to coping, she has 2 coping mechanisms. Violence and music. Sometimes both at the same time. She has to release both steam and negative emotion into a sort of comfort, a pillow that she can rest her head on and not cry. Her music is often a number of ballads and rock, with a few love songs in her set. She often uses her skills (and her looks) to try and get around though while she might not LIKE looking like a man, most girls thought she was very handsome, which she will not fear to exploit for herself. No one's gonna watch out for her, so she has to do everything she can for herself.


-> Gron-Miro

This voice speaks in the strange accent of a language not known to most, but it is deep, calming, rolling his words to make them sound almost poetic. He speaks with a fantastic amount of wisdom, speaking from centuries of observation AND experience. He speaks from a place of logic, his words stem from that place, but their motivation? That comes from a deep emotional pit. He speaks with as little inflection as possible, as to keep the hidden meanings behind them. But why? Why would he do this?

Because, my child, interpretation comes from the actors. Yes, just as his home time was responsible for the creation of acting, he has seen it evolve. He has viewed the human world and demon world as though a grand stage and...over the centuries, has become so bored with the same power struggles. Power struggles made good plot, but he knows he can do better. His story could be better. But all he needed...was the perfect actor. Or, in this case, actress. As a self proclaimed philosopher, dramatic expert, and poet, he is the "master" of the ultimate story, how life can become such a whirlwind of interest with its comedy, its tragedy, its thriller, its horror, its he takes the strings and makes them dance, like puppets on lonely strings.

Manipulation is the key, but without the slightest inkling of doing so. A nudge there, a suggestion here and there they to fulfill their roles. But through one woman, one very twisted confused woman...he decides he shall make the world play out his story as he sees fit. With many mirage alliances, he influences himself along a large line. But if the worlds of humans and demon are the stage for his epic masterpiece, who shall enjoy it?

Him. Only him.

For he only seeks to be entertained.

Of course, he likes to take over sometimes, be a little actor in this show and the role of Heiwa is a very strange one, but he makes her much more agreeable...but also manipulative and coaxing, even seductively so because it's fun to see characters out of character and with this certain appearance, it is fantastic to see an audience's reaction, to be back in the public eye once again. His music is coaxing, almost hypnotizing, like the rest of his acting.

Heiwa was born under a veeeeery strange circumstance. This circumstance was that...Heiwa was born with both male and female genitalia. Her childhood was surprisingly average. Her father, a Japanese businessman named Hiro, was always out with clients or overseas just to make enough yen for his family, so her mother, a beautiful English woman named Maria, was the only parental figure or figure at all for her to imprint off of. Maria had no intention of changing Heiwa and neither did Hiro, if their child was born with it, then that was how their child was and they accepted and loved her no less for it. Maria influenced many of Heiwa's ideas of identity; as a small child, she could wear dresses and heels and some makeup and be just like mommy. She was happy about herself, she had a happy childhood. She would be colorful, creative, bubbly even. Then, as she grew, they noticed that her appearance was less...feminine than the doctor had predicted. So, the makeup was gone, the perfume replaced with deodorant, the skirts replaced with pants, and so on. She was so confused as to why this was happening; she didn't understand what was happening, but she knew her parents did what was best for her.

The counselors and principals of her elementary and middle schools were informed so that her "predicament" could be kept under wraps. She saw all the girls in the cute girl school uniforms and she was put into a straight cut, black boys' uniform. People would refer to her as "him", her teachers would call her by "Mr.". She didn't understand it at all. And soon, she went to her parents about this matter. They explained it to her as they wanted her to feel normal, to not be embarrassed or made fun of. You could not believe how angry and hurt she felt and as a middle schooler, she still didn't understand it fully. She raised her voice, screaming at them with the force to shake their tiny apartment. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN FEEL NORMAL, I'M A GIRL AND I'M IN A BOYS' UNIFORM! I DON'T FEEL NORMAL NOW! NO ONE MAKES FUN OF ME NOW!" She stormed off to her room, hurt by her parent's words. Her friends started to shirk away as Heiwa began to tell them about what she really was, laughing or cringing in disgust at her. They all began to disappear, even the boy she had confessed to had backed away without a word.

Her music club also shunned her, but since they weren't allowed to kick her out without grounds to, she was made to practice alone. Her electric guitar was her only friend and with it, she wrote her first song. "Identity Crisis" was never heard outside of that small practice room. Her parents were on ends with it, their daughter miserable not only at the loss of her friends, but the reason behind it. She wasn't really a woman and others had found it unnatural and had left her out to dry. What was even more disheartening was the fact that any good friend would have understood. But she had no good friends, just superficial relationships built upon the surface of things. She stayed home from school for several days and once school ended, her mother asked her a very strange question. The only thing Heiwa had heard her say. "Do you still remember your English?"

Yes, thankfully, she did, because she had been sent off to England no more than a week later. Uncle David had agreed to help her get a fresh start, but Heiwa wasn't happy about recent events. Her high schooling was full of rebellion, skipping school, staying out of the house late into the night, fighting on campus. But as she went, she eventually accepted what she was. She was made to live in secret and unleashed her anger in her music and in her fists because she knew that the people around her were just as superficial. Because she knew that they would act just the same as her old schoolmates did. Because she was, ultimately, too different to handle. She suffered in silence in the day, releasing inhibitions at night through dance and music. She had become...accepted, even if it was for something she didn't feel she was.

But there was one aspect of recent years she had chosen to ignore...every night, every single night, she could see a darker shadow amongst darkness that sat on her bed, looking at her with small, crimson eyes. It played music for her, whispering sweet nothings into her ears, coaxing her into deep sleeps full of nightmares which further fueled her want to be a woman. Then, one night, the silhouette said "I can make you a woman, my child." Heiwa bolted upright from her bed, bouncy black hair sweeping over her wider-than-dinnerplate eyes. She moved closer to the shadow and tried to touch it, but her hand went straight through like a cloud of smoke. "But I don't even know you."

"But I know you. So, my child, do you want to continue these pointless observations, or do you want womanhood?"

She said it without a second thought, "What do I have to do?"

A hand, shining like metal, materialized from the smoke. The words oozed the smile the demon wore. The room began to smell of smoke and sounded like the combination of a haunting melody and the turning of gears. Visions of columns and philosophers, warriors and ancient times began to dance in Heiwa's eyes. "Surrender your manhood to me, do as I say, which won't be often, and overall...just entertain me~ Do we have a deal?" Heiwa's only response was a tight handshake around the burning metal. She kept her grip as she felt her body change...but only slightly. The shadow of the demon found its way into her mind as her manhood was taken away, but nothing added, nothing shaped...her physical appearance had barely changed.

Her anger raged harder as she flung her arms into the air and then down, screaming at the world through her ceiling. She had nearly sliced her room and half and she stifled herself in an instant. She held her arm up and coiled around it were shining thread of...something. She didn't understand what it was as she stared at it, then an echoing voice made its appearance. "That, my child, is only one of the perks to provide entertainment." She didn't know what this was...then she disappeared. The world, around her however, was crumbling. This world would be her second stage. And both there and Earth would be her stage, Gron-Miro her director, producer, and understudy. From there, the show in fact, did go on.

From the massacres of demons to the confusing and amazement of humans, she just decided to live life, gig to gig under her stage name "IT". She brought music and emotion to her crowds, waiting for her next orders from Gron-Miro. After all, once he decided that she had done her job, he would seal the transformation. He would give her the true womanhood her actions and her struggles had deserved.



-Skilled fist and thread fighter
-Excellent at playing the guitar and singing
-Fast on her feet, good at running away from problems, people, and so forth

-Her voice becomes sweet, seductive, and alluring, her words twisting people to follow every syllable
-Her repertoire of instruments and musical talent increase dramatically
-Melts away the walls around her, which make her much more easy to work with (even if it isn't her)

-Her anger issues don't make her easy to work all.
-The problems with her identity can cause her to go into a mid-stupor if exploited or touched on in horrible ways
-She cares for herself more than pretty much anybody, so she's not the most trustworthy when it comes to other's needs

Heiwa speaks English (amber) and Japanese (vermilion)

Gron-Miro speaks every language. Ever. and it's all in this color (black) :|


-Her guitar is a B.C. Rich Masterpiece Mockingbird named "Cherry Bomb"
-Silent crowds make her feel uncomfortable
-Loves baseball and plays herself, occasionally
-Only stays in a town as long as she can get good money through venues
-Only asks for money from her parents for long distance travel
-When clubbing, she tends to get very smashed and loosens up to a wild party girl
-Most of her belongings can fit in only 3 suitcases
-Always thought of becoming a school counselor because she knew she could do it better
-Likes to shop for band t-shirts and other merchandise




Jerome Fontaine, Leviathan, Vanessa Helsing

5 years

[b]Basilisk[/b] :: [b]Yashamaru[/b]

Mistress of Strings

Last edited by Heiwa Karasu on Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:17 pm; edited 2 times in total
Heiwa Karasu
Heiwa Karasu

Posts : 17
Join date : 2013-06-28

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Character Faction: Red Love
Player: Kume

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Karasu, Heiwa  Empty Re: Karasu, Heiwa

Post by Lazarus Carter Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:14 am

Archive date is July 12th.
Lazarus Carter
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Karasu, Heiwa  Empty Re: Karasu, Heiwa

Post by Heiwa Karasu Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:18 pm

Heiwa Karasu
Heiwa Karasu

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Karasu, Heiwa  Empty Re: Karasu, Heiwa

Post by Alice the Chopper Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:10 am


That's certainly an interesting deal to make with a demon. Anyways, love Gron-Mrio and can't wait to see more of em'.
Alice the Chopper
Alice the Chopper

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