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Eshara, Demon Chef

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Eshara, Demon Chef  Empty Eshara, Demon Chef

Post by Eshara Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:13 am


Eshara, Demon Chef  Wwkms6 Eshara, Demon Chef  Wwkms6Eshara, Demon Chef  Wwkms6
”Kiss The Cook... Or DIE.”


Eshara, self-proclaimed demon of "sex, war, and gode cookery."

"Shard," "The Black Boned Knife," "Corpse Roaster," "DAMMIT WOMAN!" and her favorite, "OHMYGODYOUBITCH THAT HURT!!"

27 when she died; stirring up Hell for 226 years

Female, and she loves it.






Eshara's demonic form came as a slight surprise and took a little getting used to, even though it didn't change too significantly from when she was alive. Her features are still earthy and dark, however they take on a more molten feeling to them. Shard's eyes are bright, magma red with flecks of gold, like coins smelting over a fire. Hair that in life was black and messy is now very long, falling down to the small of her back in wide curls. The color is the soft black of early night, and streaked with long strands of starlight silver. Long red feathers also streak through her hair naturally, the color bright and popping against the silver and black, the feathers just as much a part of her body as the long, delicate tail. Eshara has grown quite skilled with her tail, the appendage long and thin, and ending with a fleshy point that almost seems heart-shaped. The color gradients from the brown of her skin to deeper brown and then black, the texture surprisingly soft, like the thinner areas of human skin. The tip of her tail is incredibly sensitive, the fleshy tip something of an erogenous zone. Most times she keeps her tail neatly wrapped around her waist, but over time has learned to use it almost as a third hand and will pass things to herself with it. Much like a cat's, Eshara's tail can tell another demon her mood, from twitching in irritation, to flipping in contemplation, to curling up around your leg in affection, and brushing against your cheek as a very subtle and rare sign of intimate submission.

The demon's skin, she's noted, is rather unique among her own kind, in that it still retains the earthy-brown tones she had in life, and yet, the skin is flecked with things that Eshara loved in life. Her demon form has no need for jewelry, Eshara's body providing its own. Though still brown, Eshara's skin has a slightly golden sheen to it, and occasionally shimmering freckles can be seen. The jewels she loved to plunder in life are embedded into her flesh in her afterlife, a drop-shaped ruby at the base of her throat at the suprasternal notch.  At the hairline of her forehead is a four-point star-shaped emerald with smaller gems lining her hairline like a mask. Turquoise cabochons rest at her wrists. The smaller gems are generally flush with her skin but definitely stones. They will grow back if you rip them from her body, but damn it that hurts.

Eshara's lips are often very dark and smiling like nightshade, concealing fangs behind her smile. While Eshara has very little shame and loves being naked (sunbathing was a joy in life), in Inferis Ehsara tends to dress comfortably, her blouse's neckline plunging, dangerously and teasingly low, the bottom hem of her shirt knotted up tightly under her breasts. Pants are often equally low and tight, lacing up the outer thighs. Her boots cuff at her knees and have broad heels, Eshara prefering to be more practical than sexy; she has no lack of confidence in her looks, and since she's on her feet all day she would rather be comfortable, even though her taste in clothes could be seen as somewhat provocative. For her Prince's amusement (and ONLY for him), Eshara will put on a black chef's hat with a pair of plastic, red, glittering "demon" horns she found on one of her jaunts to Earth.  

Depending on where she is at the time, Eshara's mortal form could be seen as exotic, though along the coast and in the islands she could easily blend into a crowd. At only 5'5", it's rather easy to glance past her. Even in this modern world, Eshara still carries a fierceness and passion that today's placid humans can't fathom and that does scare a lot of people. Many people moan about how they want adventure and freeedom, but few are brave enough to really try, and most of them want things to be able to go back to how they were in the end if things don't work out the way they want. Eshara knows better and carries it well. She walks in a way that could be described as fearless. Her features are earthy; Eshara's skin is a soft golden-brown, and her eyes the same red-gold as good whiskey. Though in life it was usually a mess, Shard's hair is more presentable these days, the same soft black as falling night with bangs that sweep and part on the side. It's nearly mid-back in length, and often pulled up into two high, curled pigtails, but if she's cooking it's all pulled away from her face with a scarf.

Her body could be seen as oddly maternal, not fitting today's "standards" of beauty; there is nothing sickly or childishly thin about Eshara. She is curvy with a beauty that, two hundred years ago, denoted that a woman was healthy, active, and could live through childbirth. Shard's bosom is ample, and quite the thing of pleasure and envy, and they are equal in width to her wide hips. They were wide in life before her children were born, and after? Well, curvy suits her. She isn't plump or pudgy at all, however, her waist easily ten inches smaller than her hips and chest, the demon wearing a true hourglass figure. Most often Eshara's mortal body appears in billowing poet shirts and wide, fashionable belts that give the feel of waist cinchers, and she's learned to love how comfortable dungarees (jeans) are. Eshara still will occasionally wear a skirt, but they get in the way, and since when did she care about being ladylike? She loves colorful scarves and jewelry, and her black boots rise up to her knees and fold over at a wide cuff. Eshara still looks distinctly piratey, but given how today's humans dress, she still manages to blend in fairly well. Her black bone cutlass is forever at her side, ready to draw, and even if she were dressed in a nice evening gown it would still be on her person, under the dress. Her mortal form looks much as it did when she was alive (but cleaner), and carried over from her life are Eshara's tattoos; one of a large compass on the back of her left shoulderblade, and P branded on her right forearm.

If in the depths of Inferis should you hear someone bellowing "DAMMIT WOMAN!" followed promptly by a victorious, feminine laugh, odds are that will be Eshara causing trouble and scoring another point for herself. Unabashed, perverted, tempermental, and unapologetic are the first traits anyone who comes into contact with her will notice, and if they choose to stay around her longer, she only becomes mouthier as she goes. Eshara is obnoxious and has a severe problem with authority, even when being threatened to be severely beaten (or even eaten) for it. She will not back down if she sees something as wrong or if she's being forced to do something she doesn't want to do, even to the extremes of injuring those around her. Shard generally comes off as very blunt and loves to tease, especially if it gets under your skin. Eshara is a fickle beast has an odd way of playing and showing affection by getting someone all riled up and then later bringing them honey cakes with tea that night to sooth ruffled feathers. She's like a cat that licks you before biting, only to curl around your leg and purr so sweetly you'll forget you're vexed with her.

Eshara is a dominant, fierce, and playful creature who refuses to play by most rules or be held down in any way. Even though she knows she's bound to Inferis for all eternity, she very much sees it as only being here by her choosing, and if she really wanted she could find some human host and go resume her tirade of pillaging, plundering, and terrorizing sous chefs and bus boys. Highly expressive, Shard is bursting with the very spirit of freedom, and despite being a demon and spending her mortal life as a pirate, she has an unusually strong sense of morality. She'll gut you and serve your liver for dinner with no remorse before you can blink if you get in her way or piss her off, but there are some issues she will not back down from; anyone legitimately innocent she will not harm, nor will she let any other demon harm if she can. She is not in the vein of murdering innocent children- that's God's jurisdiction. Her attitude is very loud and take-charge, and while she can be sympathetic, Eshara does not believe in remaining a victim of circumstance; if you don't like your lot in life, do something about it. How you do it is up to you and your own morals, but if you do nothing to change it then you don't deserve anything better than what you get.

Some things hold strange priorities over the other, largely because of how she was raised. Education is a fine thing, but it can't help you in a test of skill. Eshara's education in life was very limited, and it shows; the demon still more than a little illiterate, and vulgar to a fine art. She was never meant to be a fine lady nor did she ever hold such lofty hopes; Eshara is a simple woman and a simple demon, and does not work to extend her grasp beyond her needs. The Princes do alright by her, and their higher-ranking subordinates are ambitious enough- what need does she have for power and control? As a pirate, Eshara sought freedom and equality, and as a demon her goals are much the same. Treat her with respect and talk to her as an equal, and you will get just as much or more courtesy in return, plus a little extra effort put into dessert. A little sweet-talking (or a really good lay) goes a long way. Try to be slick on her or assert that she's less than you and unless you're the Dark Lord himself, Eshara will beat you with her frying pan before you can blink.

To Eshara, being condemned to demonhood and Inferis really isn't so bad; it's a grand adventure, and for all the flack she was given in life about being Hell-bound she doesn't know what all the fuss is about. It's fun. She can't die, she still gets to do what she loves, she still gets a good thrill here and there, and over the last few hundred years Eshara's met some of the most fascinating people of human history. It's amazing to her how many great thinkers, revolutionaries, scholars, and composers all wind up down there, so there's always good company about. Heaven must be boring as fuck. In her own way, Eshara is quite loving and devoted, but those moments are deeply-hidden and her affections are reserved, and lovers are warned to be careful lest they end up with their hearts being cut out. Humans who have the gall to summon Eshara had best know what they're doing and not give her any lip when she gives instructions, and if she tells you to lay off the corriander then God DAMN it put down the fucking spice grinder! She does love when humans try to summon her, and even funnier when they think they can contain her, as though Eshara were merely Aqua Regia needing a vial. Most often she is called by lovers seeking revenge, or fledging chefs wanting to catch their big break, which Eshara will gladly coach them through. She likes to see her humans suceed as it gives her a proud feeling of accomplishment.

She has had time to move past her human insecurities and injustices and has become very well-rounded with a great sense of humor. This isn't to say she doesn't still have her moments of doubt in her own self-worth, though; she knows she's nobody's property, but sometimes there is an emptiness that gnaws her gut in the dark that sometimes a week of fucking just won't fix. Eshara isn't one to dwell on them, though, and if she can't fix what she doesn't like she simply moves on and does without whatever it is. Because of her obnoxious nature, anyone who takes her on (in any way) honestly has to assert themselves as in charge and stay on top of it or she'll either run off or try to take the reins when you're not looking. She can be very good at talking her way out of trouble in some cases as well as clever bargaining skills that keep her on top. She is infinitely curious, argumentative and loud (unless she's stealing, then you might never hear her), and her opinion will be heard whether you want to hear it or not. If she doesn't really want to talk about or do something, her stubbornness will kick in, making her almost impossible to deal with; she will argue with you and threaten you with a spatula, and deny something until she's red in the face (especially her feelings if she doesn't want to admit them). Eshara can be surprising, but don't take her sweet moments for granted or come to expect them, or never thank her for them; demon or not she is still a woman and likes feeling appreciated or else she sulks, breaks things, or fillets imps.

Scones, anyone?

The year was 1770. The world was changing, all the Western world caught in the throes of history as it was being made. There were revolutions and alliances springing up in many countries and countries not yet formed. The New World was one full of promise and riches and possibilities. Eshara was only 10 then, and the Colonies were a long, long voyage away from Spain, but few options were remaining; she was the only child in her family, and after her mother's death, her father's business began to suffer greatly. There was a time their family had been doing alright for themselves, and even talk of putting together a nice dowry for their girl, but after Raoul's wife took ill the money was spent and he had lost all drive. Eshara had done her best to keep her father's spirits up, but a child could only do so much on her own. Assets liquidated and all things sold, Eshara and her father paid for their way to the colonies. The Conquistadors had brought back gold and jewels, and Raoul felt that greatness would come to their family if they left their hurt behind.

Boat trips are long, and very painfully boring. Eshara was restless on the ship, and could not be placated simply by being given a dollie or by being told to be quiet; she doubted that actually worked on anyone. But after nearly annoying a crewmember enough that he'd threatened to toss her overboard, it was decided that the girl needed something useful to do. Cleaning bored her, and you could only count barrels and livestock so many times in a day. It wasn't until she found her way to the galley that something clicked in the girl. The ship's cook was a rounded, balding old man who was missing more than a few teeth. But his food was amazing, and the longer Eshara stayed in the kitchen, the more she found herself helping the man to cook. What started with simply passing him a knife or fetching him some parsnips became a sort of an apprenticeship, Eshara taking in everything Adrian had to say. She was in there night and day, but what else did she have but time? And it was keeping her out from under the crew's feet. Eshara couldn't decide what she liked more- Adrian's passionate food, his passion for life, or his stories.

Spellbound, Eshara listened to the many tales of the New World; of islands laden with tropical fruits and beautiful people clad in gold and turquoise and little else. He told her of the cannibals that inhabited other islands, and the great many spices, and the unique practices of roasting meats and fishes the natives called barbacoa. And most of all, he told her of the many pirates that had found their freedom there, the King's Pardon gracing Nassau. He knew so much about them and many of their captains that Eshara had her suspicions, but was far too intrigued to cause any alarm to the captain. They were only a few days from port when Eshara's father gave up, his body surrendering to grief before he ever saw the New World he'd given up everything to be a part of. Since her voyage was paid for, Eshara was allowed to stay, Adrian insisting he'd mind the girl himself since she'd become so helpful to him there in the galley. Cooking gave her an outlet for her own grief as the child sought to find some way to swallow her tears to face the unknown alone. Colonies weren't as civilized as home had been, and some vanished entirely. Whole families had gone there to start new lives; how could one girl alone manage it? But she kept to her prayers and the large, calloused hand on her shoulder always had a way of silently telling her it'd be alright.

It was one thing to listen to the incredible stories of the pirates that prowled the waters, and another entirely to see a pirate's ship coming up on the carrier's portside. Adrian was so eerily calm that it kept Eshara from panicking as well, the old cook locking the galley door and quickly redressing Shard as a boy, The ship from Spain was easily overtaken, passengers surrendering their goods and many of the crew asked to change careers or be slaughtered. Adrian  escorted Eshara onto the pirate ship during the commotion, the Captain pulling him aside. She was delighted to know she'd been right about the cook, but kept silent as Adrian was reinstated as the replacement cook for the Rampage, insisting that he keep his young apprentice, especially now that the crew was larger than Adrian had remembered it. Eshara lived aboard the Rampage as Shard, nobody questioning the cook's doting care to his apprentice. She lived in the galley, what little education Eshara had had before now traded in for learning more useful things, like knots and constellations, cooking, picking pockets, and swordplay.

It wasn't until she was nearly 15 that the Captain began to suspect something was amiss about Shard, the boy's voice still much too light, his face still much too smooth, his hands still much too delicate. It was possible that it was just from breeding- after all, sons in noble families often had such traits, but it was very unlikely that Shard was such a child and given up to a poorer family. Pulled aside one night, the Captain called her bluff, and challenged Eshara to give him a good reason not to leave her at the next port. He knows women are usually a bad omen on ship, and most times too weak to do all the work demanded of them, but for the last several years Shard hadn't complained once and was always willing to do more. Eshara attests that she is just as good as any cabin boy on the ship and that the Captain knows it. She is equal and will not be told otherwise. He tests this- smoothly he comments on Eshara's growing beauty and asks if she will lie in his bed and submit to him as a woamn. Eshara refuses, reaching for her sword, stating she would take him on as an equal before ever submitting to him or anyone else. Pleased with that answer, the Captain tells her she is allowed to stay on board as herself.

The Rampage was Eshara's home, and after Adrian retired she took the position as the ship's head cook, and was granted her own underlings to assist her. Life was good, and time in port was always exciting. It brought you new goods and better still, new people. At 20 Eshara met the Captain's son, Antoni. He lived in Charleston in a life that didn't illustrate that he was a pirate's son at all, living as a merchant and covering his father's tracks as goods plundered by the Rampage were shipped discreetly to him to resell back to the British or to the other colonies for a better price. Few joys were nearly as funny as selling the British back their own goods repackaged. But that was where Antoni belonged and what he was best at; Eshara's life was on the sea. She only took a brief reprieve to wed Antoni, and as he'd been left at port in his mother's care, Eshara left their sons in his care to raise and educate while she continued her career that helped provide them with such a lifestyle.

Her return to work was short-lived, however, when at 27 the Rampage was finally caught and Shard hanged. When she awoke in Inferis, her body had changed, and yet she was still her. She'd awoke to find she'd become not a tortured soul, but a demon. Her years of hard work at least earned her something. The first imp to greet her was unfortunately stabbed quite immediately, his presence taken as a threat as she began demanding to see their "captain," still not entirely sure about where she was or even what she was. In Inferis Shard was just as difficult as she was in life, refusing to submit or surrender. There were no shortages of challenges, and demons stronger than her only gave her a goal as she continued to fight to be seen as equal. Eshara would not be seen as below or subserient to an and would only serve of her own will. For the remainder of his years, Eshara would find ways to sneak glimpses on her beloved Antoni, doing what she could to ensure his happiness, and strangely enough to see him get into Heaven instead of joining her in Inferis.

Still holding to her human skills, Eshara began to challenge other demons to cooking, attesting that her ability surpassed theirs without any assistance of power. She'd gained something of a reputation by it, and eventually challenged the demon who cooked for Prince Lucifer himself. Eshara attests that she'd never cooked for royalty, but she was willing to wager that she could create a delicious meal worthy of such a person out of any ingredient in Inferis or Earth. Her resourcefulness as a pirate came to her aid, Eshara cooking an exotic feast, and to prove that she really could make anything delicious, Eshara slaughtered the very cook she'd bet against and used him as her main course. When choosing between proving your point and eliminating your competition, don't choose one- choose both. Eshara has held the position since then, constantly returning to the human world to learn new techniques and flavors to keep her Prince from becoming bored. To Eshara this is the best way to spend eternity, and the longer she's there, the more fun there is to be had.


Loyalty lies with her Prince, and herself. Everyone else can bugger off.

- Anything and anyone can become a gourmet meal Jamie Oliver would be proud of.
- She can talk or bargain her way out of most problems
- In human and demon forms Eshara is fast with her frying pan, and tends to use her cutlass with the same deftness one uses a paring knife.
- Oddly devoted to her lovers for a demon
- She's also strangely (and selectively) compassionate for a demon

- Her education and reading skills are poor, and teasing her about it is a good way to get your skull cracked.
- She doesn't always know when to back down
- Since she doesn't rely strongly on demon magic, hers isn't that strong.
- Shard still cares a great deal about her living descendants, and trying to use them against her is a low hit and not wise.
- Apples. Fresh apples are a favored treat, and if you're wanting to bribe her, that's a good way.
- She's very quick to react negatively toward someone if she feels jilted, not always patient enough to give them a chance to explain.

English (Green); Castillian (Spanish); French (Aqua); Demonic (Lightblue)


- From time to time Eshara does like to check in on her living descendants and make sure they're well and at least someone in her family still tells tales of their wild pirate granny
- Eshara's weapon is her cutlass, but more often than not, she will rely on her frying pan in defense and as a blunt force object, honestly because it's the most convenient thing within hand's reach.
- Secretly she does still love her husband, and is happy he's in Heaven even if she isn't
- Sugared almonds and fresh fruits will always be her favorite, and when she's in the mood the sweets she'll make for her Prince are masterpieces
- Shard won't use any kind of magic to create her dishes; all of it is pure skill, even keeping her souffles from falling.
- While loyal to her Princes, Eshara does still devoutly follow and uphold her code of honor she won't violate. She'll find ways to manipulate people and lesser demons to her advantage still without technically breaching her code.
- Quite possibly the only demon whose summoning requires coconuts, curry, saffron, and a good cut of meat.
- When summoned by humans, Eshara shows great favortism to women chefs wanting help advancing their careers since culinary arts are still largely dominated by men. Pregnant women who call upon Shard for revenge against wayward lovers are given her protection and spared from any harm that comes from summoning a demon at all. She won't keep the bond after their revenge is taken and the woman and her child are better off; single, pregnant mothers essentially get a free pass.



Bond. Jam-*shot* Shu.


That's between me and my wrinkle cream.

Iron Chef

Last edited by Eshara on Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:20 am; edited 3 times in total


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