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Engelherz, Alice "the Chopper"

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Engelherz, Alice "the Chopper" Empty Engelherz, Alice "the Chopper"

Post by Alice the Chopper Fri Jul 12, 2013 1:54 pm


Engelherz, Alice "the Chopper" UBxj37A Engelherz, Alice "the Chopper" F8hsiPD Engelherz, Alice "the Chopper" SK0zJMi
”Afraid of clowns? You should be.”


Alice Eliza Engelherz

21 years old
418 (Current Body), 7,000,000,000 (Actual Age)



Port Elizabeth, South Africa

September 17th, 1991





Alice was voted for best hair and won prom queen in High School if that says anything at all about her appearance. The twenty one year old has a slender form, only being interuppted for her subtle curves, coming in at an average b cup. Her skin is pale and smooth with nearly no imperfections, no blemishes, no moles, no pimples, just clear white skin. Her eyes used to shine a bright blue, or so they say, ever since she became bonded with the demon they changed into a albino pink color, not too different form the creature using her as a shell. Her long award winning hair compliments these, originally blonde but dyed a light pink frequently. Alice spends a decent amount of time styling this rear length hair, carefully making sure it's out of her face at all times. Her smile seems to light up her entire face in either a delightful or creepy manner, all depending on her mood.

The German's clothing choices are heavily varied depending on the day, but she is often seen wearing her old Catholic school uniform at rituals and while performing her devious deeds in a most ironic fashion. Adding onto this, she also frequently dons necklaces with crosses on them, or other symbols of the nature. While committing crimes, she'll often dress up in costume to further hide her true identity. Alice's favorite guise is that of a clown, due to how simple it is to put on, only consisting of makeup and colorful clothing.

She is almost always armed in one way or another, whenever it be a knife strapped to her ankle or a pair of scissors tucked away in her undergarments. Alice is somewhat paranoid in the fact that somebody might attack her at any given time, but then again, she also wants to be prepared if she feels the need to do any stabbing or slashing.

While she has never actually visited her homeland personally, Alice does retain a slight German twine in her voice that is heavier on some words than others.

Demon Form... Appearing far more humanoid than demonic, Eris' primary demon form appears to be that of a young woman in her early twenties. Upon closer inspection, however, one can see her true nature. The two features that would likely draw one's eye first is her pink colored retinas and her mouth full of razor sharp teeth. The mimic's skin is a sickly pale, being almost albino in color. Her silvery hair would almost blend in with her skin tone if it wasn't for the light blue and purple highlights. The she-demon wears this in either a tangled mess, or more commonly, braided pigtails that vaguely resemble demonic horns. Eris is fairly slender and fit, having the body of a natural acrobat.

Her clothing choices are always what one would call "skimpy". The shape-shifter wears thin green strips of cloth that just so happen to cover her breasts, although barely. The cloth itself is stitched together by what appears to be sharp teeth from a large demon. In addition to her attire, she wears a pair of dark blue colored thigh high boots, which also seem to be crudely stitched together. The boots are complemented by a pair of sleeves of the same color and make.

Eris isn't too fond of armor, seeing that it would do nothing but slow her down, but she does wear a pair of lightweight metal gloves that gives her the option to block bladed weapons and other hazards if needed to. The toes of her boots are also reinforced with a similar lightweight steel, possibly to improve kicks. The armor also helps the shape-shifter's grip.

Mortal form... A form once possessed by a demonic ringmaster, Eris stripped the previous owner of this body and claimed it for herself, using her shapeshifting abilities to make it her permanent mortal form. Far more erratic than her previous mortal looks, her new appearance is a reflection of her twisted and jovial personality. With this new mirror image of insanity, Eris now uses her mortal form far more than she used to, preferring it to her demonic form.

Similar to her original form, she appears as a women in her early twenties while under mortal disguise, except now her hair turns a blonde color and her eyes a piercing blue. However, that's pretty much where the normality stops. She always wears a smile, which is complimented by the smeared clown makeup that paints her face. Wearing her hair in a similar fashion to her demonic form, the shapeshifter can occasionally be seen with red and black dye in her hair, highlighting the tips.

Unlike many demons, Eris is able to change clothing choices in this form with relative ease, but is always seen wearing a combination of red and black, usually split down the middle and patterned in a style only a jester would wear. This is usually done in a "grunge" style at that; utilizing mostly leather clothing and torn apparel. A most chaotic form indeed.

The Innocent Alice's first personality is the most tame, but also the most terrifying in that manner if one knows how she really can be. She pretends to be fairly normal and will even to an extent flaunt her natural beauty to further trick people into this. The German will become oblivious to any and all sexual innuendos when like this, and will often take sarcasm and figures of speech literally. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch?" Well, she doesn't have any chickens. Furthermore, she's also fairly oblivious to obscenities, simply acting as if they weren't said at all. Typical to that of most girls, she also has a fondness of all things cute and fuzzy, often comically obsessing over them.

This is probably her most active personality, at least in public anyways. Some strictly know her by this persona, which could be very bad for their future health...

The Stalker Alice, at least while under the influence of this personality, is patient and relentlessness. She is no longer innocent, and in fact, she rarely speaks at all. It's almost as if she becomes absorbed in a unnerving trance during this state. This is her most useful personality when it comes to cult activities as she's still level headed enough to cooperate with others but also dangerously murderous. While she doesn't simply cut people down for living, she will instead follow the target and find out the perfect time and place to execute them. If you happen to see her on your way home following you, you should probably check for booby traps before entering your door. The German will often use the information she fished for while under her innocent persona to her deadly advantage.

The Chopper If being a creepy stalker and a giddy schoolgirl wasn't enough, her next personality is perhaps the most dangerous of the three. Alice at times completely snaps, entering the Homicidal. While influenced by this personality, the Ritualist becomes far more crazed than she had ever even shown signs of, often breaking out into deranged laughter and broken rants. Her demon enjoys this persona the most and often brings it out in her and further amplifies it. The failed actress gains an unsatisfiable lust for blood and violence and has a hard time not simply killing everyone around her, which can luckily be prevented through her means of manually changing personalities.

During this state, Alice loves to use sharp things to end people's lives, often carving lyrics of poems or songs into their bodies. She is also known for writing detailed descriptions on how she performed the deed in blood if she has enough time to thoroughly enjoy the crime scene.

The Manic Eris' dominant personality and her happiest, though that does not mean she's harmless whatsoever. In fact, her natural state is perhaps her most dangerous as it is the most unpredictable. The demon will act playful and jest about pretty much everything no matter how distasteful it might be. She actually seems to be obsessed with laughter to a point, as she creepily always seems to have the giggles. The clown pretty much batshit crazy in this state, but still knows her limits.

The deceiver is fairly overconfident when it comes to fight situations, as she is after all a demon of pride at the core. this often gets Eris in trouble as more powerful opponents will almost always gain an upper hand on her. This edge usually only lasts for a little while, though, as her psychotic nature often demoralizes her prey. Oh, did I mention that she's totally addicted to violence? Once blood has been shed, it won't stop until every last possible drop has been spilled. This personality frequently takes control of Alice's body and gets along best with her innocent personality.

The Depressive Sometimes Eris' personality will take a 180. Well, in some ways, as she's still just as likely to cut you down. Only now she won't joke about it. She won't even say anything before attempting to relentlessly murder your face. The demon of chaos becomes more obsessed with violence and blood than she ever was previously. This personality is almost more of a bloodlust, but it does have it's differences. It's far more reckless than her others, not giving two shits if she's almost fatally injured, as long as blood is constantly being spilled. Dangerous, murderous, and doesn't think twice before chopping your head right the fuck off.

It's too bad she's no fun at parties, hence why this persona is often suppressed.

The Goddess Though her mind is heavy with mental trauma and broken memories, Eris actually retained a small portion of her personality from when she was worshiped in Ancient Greece. This is by far the most stable and devious mind of the bunch, and without a doubt the "leader" of the voices. She is highly intelligent and able to come up with complicated schemes and plans of action, often acting as the governing voice of reason in the split mind that is Discordia. Her pride in this state swells to titanic proportions, perhaps rivaling that of Lucifer himself. There is nothing that she cannot accomplish, no enemy that cannot be conquered, no mind that cannot be tricked, for she was no mere demon, she was a Goddess. At least in her own deranged mind she was.

Eris is an expert at trickery, often using complicated plans to turn friends against each other for mere amusement. She's obsessed with the ideal of chaos and hates everything to do with order, ironically, the virtue that she once helped govern in the heavens. The fallen angel loves to speak in complex riddles most of the time, contrary to her normal joking behavior. The demon has no overall emotion in this state, frequently fluctuating through all of them in chaotic shifts that are surprisingly well controlled, the only noticable change being a flux in tone.

Entry I:

Entry II:

Entry III:

Entry IV:

Book I:

Book II:

Book III:

Book IV:


Red Love/Hell Princes.

[ INSANITY ] Not only is Alice herself a little off her rocker, the demon possessing her is basically the embodiment of homicidal mania. Her personality is constantly changing either due to emotional triggers or simply by will, making her a dangerously unpredictable opponent. She has no problem cutting people down in any one of her many personas and is relentless, not stopping until the deed is done, even if she has to do something over and over again to accomplish it. This unstable nature is perhaps the Ritualist's single most important skill, as she openly embraces it.

[ ACTING ] Alice was once an actress, although a failed one. Even so, she's still quite capable of easily threading together a lie or hiding her true nature behind a mask of innocence. She's also pretty good at playing dead, which she has used more than once in her line of "work".

[ TRACKING EXPERTISE ] Alice is an expert tracker, or rather, stalker, through experience. She enjoys quietly following her victims for as long as weeks before she makes the strike. She can move fairly silently and creep up on others without them noticing, unless if their overly cautious, and is an expert at fishing information such as phone numbers and addresses out of people.

[ NATURAL (BORN) KILLER ] Alice has been in the game of murder for quite some time, and is pretty skilled at the trade. She can kill silently and creatively, being aware of many of the body's important pressure points and blood vessels. She often doesn't even require any weapons to execute someone, though she prefers to have them.

[ SWORD-SWALLOWING ] A trait that many perceive to be an illusion, but the skill of sword-swallowing is very real and very dangerous. By compressing certain muscles in her esophagus and abdominal tract, Alice is able to 'devour' a sharp blade with no harm to her internal organs. This being a fairly useless, but cool, trick.

[ FIREBREATHING ] A simple skill, but just as with other carnival acts, a dangerous one. By ingesting and then blowing forth a mist of corn starch and alcohol onto an open flame, Alice can essentially create a makeshift flamethrower. These fireballs come in many different shapes and sizes, originally designed for show rather than combat, though the Ritualist often utilizes it in this way. [SEE EQUIPMENT FOR MORE INFO]

[ JUGGLING ]  Quite simply, Alice is able to manipulate objects in her hands in an entertaining manner without dropping them. She can do this with a number of objects, from simple scarves and balls to more extreme objects like knives and axes. She is able to perform this act with up to a whopping seven objects, and is able to do it with limited balance with eight. The Ritualist can also do a number of tricks, like juggling behind her back or with her eyes closes, as the act is near second nature to her.

[ KNIFE/HATCHET THROWING ] Yet another trade learned from the circus, Alice can throw almost any kind of knife or handaxe with relative precision, effectively turning many of her melee weapons into deadly ranged projectiles.

[ ACROBATICS ] Eris is at nature a very flexible and acrobatic demon, and has let Alice borrow these surreal skills. Thanks to her bonding, the Ritualist can now perform amazing feats of acrobatics, giving her an edge over less agile opponents in battle. These skills also allow her to travel places that would've previously been difficult for her to accomplish.

[ VENTRILOQUISM ] Another skill borrowed from Eris, Alice can copy any female voice that she's heard before almost to the dot, which is something she uses to creep out her opponents more than anything, though it does have it's practical uses. She is also able to project her voice, making it sound as if she's somewhere else.

[ BLOOD SCENT ] A common trait amongst demons, Alice has gained the ability to smell freshly spilled blood up to twenty feet away from the source. Combined with her tracking skills, this is especially useful to the killer.

[ RINGMASTER'S INFLUENCE ] Eris commands a troupe of demonic clowns known as the Smiling Men and is able to summon these creatures in their spheres of influence at the expense of some soul energy. They follow her every order, though these orders are usually just "do whatever you want as violently as possible." It should be noted that these demons will not listen to Alice directly, and only Eris.

[ INTELLIGENCE ] Despite her broken mentality, Eris is an ancient and highly intelligent demon. She has manipulated daughters to hate their father and is renowned for her clever tricks and riddles. That being said, the demon has genius IQ of 146. Some say the insane ones are the most brilliant.

[ OVERCONFIDENCE ] Being a demon of pride at heart, Eris often underestimates weaker looking opponents, particularly mortals. This often takes away her chance to get an edge over her enemy, at least initially.

[ OVERLY OBSESSIVE ] When Eris sets her mind to a goal she will not quit until it is accomplished. She becomes obsessed with it, it becomes her life, and she will never let up about it. This often conflicts with more important manners and leads her into grudging rivalries that will likely be the cause of her own demise.

[ MIRROR FLAW ] No matter what form Alice OR Eris is in, their true bodies can always been seen in a mirror's reflection. It should be noted that this flaw is only in mirrors, and not simply any reflective surface.

[ PHYSICAL DISADVANTAGE ] Alice is only able to lift a total of two hundred pounds, even with Eris' influence, which makes her slightly weaker than most other Ritualists and Templars when it comes to raw strength.

[ CHAOTIC NECESSITY ]  When in the presence of things that represent order, and unable to alter them, even things such as symmetry, patterns, sequences, spirals, or even more complex and intangible ideas, Eris becomes unnerved to a degree.

[ BEETLEJUICE! ] Simply state the Chopper's full name three times, and she'll be knocked out of any form that she takes on. All three names must be said three times in succession, otherwise, it will be all for not. Alice Eliza Engelherz, and this is probably the reason why she has recently taken up the alias of "the Chopper", entirely avoiding having to reveal her real name to even allies. Though some know the name, she takes even MORE caution attempting to hide this weakness and never speaks of it. The demon, Eris, has surpassed this weakness by bonding with the Ritualist and essentially giving it to her.

Alice is able to fluently speak English (ruby), German (fuchsia), Zulu (scarlet) and Demonic (violetred). However, she is also capable of speaking limited Afrikaans (magenta).

Eris, however, is a very old demon at heart and is capable of speaking a number of different languages. Some of these include, English (grey), Greek (gold), Demonic (x11purple), French (lavender), Russian (red), and finally she is known to spit out bits of extremely broken Angelic (white) from nowhere when angered.

Alice was born infertile, which means that her eggs never developed correctly and she is incapable of having kids.
She's a fairly avid smoker in all but one of her personalities, the innocent side of her wouldn't dare inhale such a vile substance.
Alice's favorite place to be is probably a crime scene, which more than often gets her in trouble.
Despite all the blood and guts, she's a damn good baker and can make a mean cookie, cake, or pie.
Alice was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, whenever this is actually the case or not, is unknown.
The Ritualist and Demon are both closet avid fans of the somewhat irritating band Insane Clown Posse, take it how you will.
Ever since bonding with Eris, Alice has gained her morbid taste for human flesh and blood. Some members of Red Love believe her to be a vampire because of this.
Eris seems to have a slight obsession or fixation on golden delicious apples.
Since Eris was once worshiped as a goddess, she has no weaknesses to holy objects or symbols, unlike most other demons.
Alice will often wear holy symbols like crosses as jewelry, ironically.
She seems to enjoy the original Grimm fairy tales, often quoting them, and even naming her weapons after characters in the stories.
"Lizzie Borden took an axe, and gave her mother forty whacks. When she had saw what she had done, she gave her father forty one." A famous nursery rhyme made from the even more famous murders it's associated with. Little Lizzie truly didn't commit those violent crimes, as she was possessed by Eris at the time.
Eris also killed Elizabeth Short (aka Black Dahlia) in 1924. Much chaos ensued.
Also, was it mentioned that this was the bitch that blew up the Sistine Chapel?
Here's your fucking It reference.




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Last edited by Alice the Chopper on Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:18 pm; edited 15 times in total
Alice the Chopper
Alice the Chopper

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Engelherz, Alice "the Chopper" Empty Re: Engelherz, Alice "the Chopper"

Post by Alice the Chopper Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:23 pm

Archive date August 5th.
Alice the Chopper
Alice the Chopper

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Engelherz, Alice "the Chopper" Empty Re: Engelherz, Alice "the Chopper"

Post by Alice the Chopper Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:51 am

Alice the Chopper
Alice the Chopper

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Engelherz, Alice "the Chopper" Empty Re: Engelherz, Alice "the Chopper"

Post by Lazarus Carter Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:49 am


Nicely done. But you're going to have to update this in a few days' time anyway thanks to Level 3 >_>
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