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Devotion's Equipment

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Devotion's Equipment Empty Devotion's Equipment

Post by Devotion Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:59 am


Devotion's Equipment Wwkms6 Devotion's Equipment Wwkms6Devotion's Equipment Wwkms6
”Extensions of the body.”


- Ravager
- Banshee
- Glutton
- The Twins
- Hydraulic joints
- Cybernetic limbs
- Battle sensor
- Titanium Plating
- Self-repair kit
- Artificial organs
- Titanium Endoskeleton
- Titanium Exoskeleton
- Move-by-wire
- Nailgun/Injections
- Ikarus
- Dispenser


- High-impact-anti-tank rifle
- Ultrasonic-wave emitter
- High frequency Machete
- High-frequency arm-blades
- Prosthetics
- Prosthetics
- Sensory Implant
- Armor
- Support item
- Implants
- Implant/Prosthetic
- Support item
- Implants
- Implants
- Vehicle/Suit/Support item
- Support item




- Ravager: This weapon is a modified anti-tank rifle, firing 30mm tungsten rounds. It weighs approximately 60kg (120Ibs) which renders it mostly unusable for anyone but Devotion, who can wield it like a normal gun, due to her increased strength. The guns armor-penetration capabilities are enormous, due to the sheer size of the projectile, as well as the guns abhorrent firing-power. However, this also takes a bit of a toll on Devotion, as she needs to stand still, if she wants to evade a severe knock-back. The fact the weapon is attached to her left arm, only slightly increases her stability, however aimed shots are almost impossible while in motion, without risking getting thrown away by the owns gun knock-back.

- Banshee: This weapon is a piece of cutting edge-technology, as it is effectively an ultrasonic-wave emitter. Using fusion cells, which are powered by Devotions body-own electricity, this gun powers itself up, creating an extremely high-powered ultrasonic-wave. While relatively harmless and only capable of knocking out glasses and other structures in her closer proximity in the human world, this weapon effectively replaces the “Ravager” while Devotion fights in Inferis. Due to the laws of physics not working the same way in Inferis, the Banshee effectively channels it´s ultra-sonic waves in a focused impulse, capable of tearing apart almost anything except for hard metals and upwards. In effect this weapon is capable of tearing basket-ball sized holes into basically anything it hits. However in Inferis it has the same weakness as the Ravager. The massive power behind its shots doesn´t allow for aimed fire whilst moving, without risking a brutal knock-back. This gun is fixedly attached to Devotions left arm, as its energy cells are powered by Devotions cybernetic body.

- Glutton: Looking like nothing more like a larger machete, this piece of hardware is actually a powered up high velocity blade. In other words, by plugging it into Devotions forearm, this weapon is capable of sending high-frequency sonic impulses through the blade, causing it to vibrate at extremely high velocities, which furthermore enables it to cut next to any known material like butter. In addition to this, the vibration causes even glancing blows to take large portions out of the victims hit region, making this weapon extremely deadly. However when having to deal with surfaces such as steel or diamonds, caution is a necessity, as trying to cut such a surface too viciously, could cause the blade to break.

- The Twins: The twins are former relic-weapons, which tasted the blood of hundreds and thousands of demons, effectively giving it qualities that come close to a divine or cursed weapon. However, when confronted with the technology used for Devotions “Glutton”, the order decided to overtake said technology for the Twins, effectively making them Devotions primary melee weapons in Inferis. Attached to her right arm, the twins look like a single blade, which starts out on her wrist and extends up her arm, reaching well past her shoulder in length. However, due to her freely movable joints, the positioning and angle at which it can be swung is freely alterable by her. Furthermore, there is a second blade, within the visible one, effectively enabling it to extend to twice its length in a split-second if desired by the wielder. Like “Glutton” any cuts dealt with this weapon are extremely dangerous, however due to the thinner blades, it cuts deeper, while being unable to tear as horribly large wounds as the machete would. It is about 1,5m long and extends to 2,5m when it unfolds the second blade.

- Hydraulic joints: Self-speaking. These joints effectively cause spontaneous acceleration when punching, kicking, jumping or otherwise developing force spontaneously, increasing the sheer output, using high pressure, powering the internal hydraulic system, in order to further accelerate the used limb, multiplying it´s power during said action. It is a passive concept which is part of Devotion, so it doesn´t have to be triggered. The drawback is… it can´t be switched off either. They are also established as ball-joints, which are elaborated further in the character sheet. In effect they allow her to punch the same way a human would, as in with three times her lifting force. Given a leg has three times an arms power, this stacks the same way.

- Cybernetic limbs: Limbs made of steel, glass wire and servomotors. Each of them more powerful than a human limb could ever be, these limbs are capable of locking it´s artificial muscles upon a certain action, in order to amplify the limbs gripping or lifting power up to immense levels. The servomotors however, powered by the cybernetic body’s hydraulic joints and supported by the body’s endoskeleton, are capable of developing brutal punches, by flexing and supporting the artificial muscle fiber within the limbs, effectively giving an arm two times of the punching force of a human. As all her parts, they are prone to malfunctions and short circuiting upon direct exposure to water, capable of taking place when the armor is damaged.

- Battle sensor: This little piece of hardware is implanted into Devotions brain, enhancing her perception and through that, her reflexes. However it also has another effect as it scans Devotions surroundings in a 10m radius every second, in order to create a 250° 3D image in said proximity, maximizing her orientation in close quarters combat.

- Titanium plating: The name explains it pretty well. Created from a steel-titanium alloy, capable of withstanding even greater forces than tungsten-steel, Devotions shell is definitely hard to destroy. Anything up to rifle rounds can´t penetrate the armor with a single shot, however anti material or sniper rifles definitely are capable of piercing it. The plating covers her entire body, with the exception of the head, in order to protect its electronics from the hazardous influence of water, as well as attacks of varying kinds. Naturally it increases her weight, leading to self-explaining disadvantages and handicaps.

- Self-repair kit: It is basically a metal-suitcase attached to Devotions back, containing a repair program adapted to Devotions structure and linked directly to her in order to receive damage reports by her brain and/or system. It contains enough spare material to repair her up to once per mission, however utilizing it amidst combat is not advised as there´s a high chance the unit could be destroyed midst repair. In other words, Devotion can only safely utilize the repair kit outside of combat. Naturally depending on the severity of the damage the amount of time it takes to repair her differs greatly. But one could go with 15 minutes minimum.

- Artificial organs: Due to the absence of a digestion tract, as well as orifices capable of extracting said matter from her structure, Devotion had to be outfitted with a set of artificial organs, effectively being nothing but high-powered fusion cells, powering her electronics as well as the life-support for her brain. Said fusion cells need to be recharged every decade. In conclusion however, it simply means that aside from her Augment, Devotion possesses no organs. There are also no lungs or a liver, or a digestion track. She requires electricity and maintenance where others require food, water and oxygen. Naturally… she requires an abundance of said energy.

- Titanium Endoskeleton: Shaped after a human skeleton, this is made from the same steel-titanium alloy as her plating, rendering her bones far more durable than those of a human. This along with her battle sensor is the only implant that also includes her head, as it´s skull was reinforced by said alloy as well. Aside from the joints, hands and feet it greatly resembles a humans skeleton, taking over the same basic functions of supporting and stabilizing the cybernetic body. It´s basically 3-4 times as durable as a human skeleton, however instead of breaking it bends.

- Titanium Exoskeleton: Worn over her plating, this Exoskeleton, works as a catalyst and installation kit for her firearms as well as the foundation of the Ikarus-system. Embedded into her armored shell, it allows for said weaponry and flying tool to be attached and used, whereas the exoskeleton balances excess force and motion in order to stabilize the body. As a result it allows for improved agility, making it possible to utilize the move-by-wire system to its full extent, by linking it to the Exoskeleton. Along with her weapons and the Ikarus it is the only tool that is NOT part of her body and has to be installed before participating in a mission. It also contains a helmet-like mask, made of the same alloy as her armor, which serves as a helmet. Said mask however reduces her field of vision down to 220° with the sensory implant.

- Move-by-wire: This system effectively replaces Devotions nervous system. However instead of delivering emotional impulses to the brain, it enacts a system similar to forced epileptic spasms. In other words, in case a dodging motion is required, the move-by-wire system spastically flexes the necessary muscles, in order to dodge said attack in the minimum amount of time required to do so. Meaning, in the minimum amount of time needed. In other words she can react 1,25 times faster than any human. This basically allows her to react in junction with her improved perception which makes her see things at 0,75 times the velocity a human would percieve.  To put it simple, it allows Devotion to move extremely fluent, utilizing the body’s flexibility to its fullest extent.

- Nailgun/Injections: A secondary weapon, stored inside her hands. It allows Devotion to fire up to three needles at once at extremely high velocity, which inject a substance that expands upon getting into contact with demon-blood. Only capable of paralyzing humans within an hour, these injections naturally are extremely lethal to demonic beings. All in all, Devotion can fire up to 30 of these needles until she runs out of ammunition. It´s mid ranged, so only accurate over 10m. It´s lethality to demonic targets however derives from the immediate expansion. For example if a dart hits your shoulder, it blows up like a balloon and bursts open, due to the excess material in your tissue.

- Ikarus: Her only means of transports. It requires her wearing the exoskeleton, in order to be installed. In order to function properly, Ikarus´ turbines have to be installed into the back-ribs of the Exoskeleton, whereas the wing-like extensions need to be logged in to the move-by-wire system in order to allow sensory control during flight. Only usable in vast areas, Ikarus allows her to speed up to about 120km/h. As it draws power from herself she can only maintain flight for about twice as long as an athlete could run. However in close quarters and narrow spaces Ikarus has to be abandoned. Also her agility is not on the same level in the air as it would be on the ground due to her being unable to utilize the body-own flexibility to her advantage. It is Infernis exclusive.

- Dispenser: Yes... that. Somebody once installed a dispenser inside her torso, filled with beer. It allows her to willingly load her injections with beer, although it is not advised to drink through the needle. Direct infusion is a possibility though. Also mind remains of the narcotic original filling.

Last edited by Devotion on Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:04 pm; edited 21 times in total

Posts : 25
Join date : 2013-08-28

Case File
Power Level: 1
Character Faction: Templars
Player: Devo

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Devotion's Equipment Empty Re: Devotion's Equipment

Post by Lazarus Carter Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:08 am

Okay: I love the base concepts and I understand Devotion is a particularly unique character in this regard: but a lot of this is going to be a necessity for toning down - however, don't forget that as she levels up, you can turn her into a true behemoth. The focus is on progression, not initial power.

1] Banshee: "capable of tearing apart almost any known material." This needs to be toned down. Soft metals are fine.

2] Glutton: "to cut next to any known material like butter." Again, tone down. Maybe steel as a limit with some effort, if you're cutting through materials like butter, then soft metals again. You won't be able to cut through diamond.

3] The Twins: Clarification on length would be nice.

4] Hydraulic Joints: "in order to further accelerate the used limb, multiplying it´s power during said action." To what extent are they multiplied? And what degree? Speed? Overall mechanical power? Gauge it against organic joints: maybe twice as strong would be good.

5] Cybernetic Limbs: "effectively giving an arm the punching force of a jackhammer." Seriously tone this down. You can't kill people with a single punch unless it's well-placed: twice or three times the force of a regular martial punch would make it far more reasonable.

6] Battle Sensor: Kind of overpowered considering, in combination, it makes her essentially able to locate any threats, and able to deal with them due to the versatile angling abilities of her limbs. I'd say drop it to 200 or so degree vision, so she's still fallible.

7] Titanium Plating: "greater forces than tungsten-steel" isn't really a gauge of force: give me some sort of show of what it's resilient to from, say, bullet calibres. Small arms fire - maybe up to sub-machine and pistol rounds and maybe a few rifle rounds, but she shouldn't be able to defend against shit like anti-materiel sniper rounds.

8] Self-Repair Kit: I know it varies greatly, but some random gauge of the time it takes as a minimum would be nice, anything from just a couple of minutes. And you should limit it to one use per mission - maybe it regenerates between threads.

9] Titanium Endoskeleton: How much stronger than a human's skeleton is it? What can it resist?

10] Titanium Exoskeleton: Again, define the resistance levels. Also, why don't you just incorporate this into the titanium plating, seeing as it's overlapped anyway? Or is it a suit that she can occasionally wear to provide additional defense? If that's the case, include some drawbacks.

11] Move-By Wire: "in order to dodge said attack in the minimum amount of time required to do so." So she has peak human reaction time? Gauge how quickly she reacts by some set of standards.

12] Nailgun/Injections: Give a range.

13] Nailgun/Injections: Also, tone down the lethality against demonic targets. Paralysis is kind of overkill too. How long does it take to set in, how long does it set in for, etc...

14] Ikarus: Okay, considering physics, you need to state that this cannot be used on Earth. It MUST be Inferis-exclusive.

15] Ikarus: How long can she maintain flight for? Where does it draw its power source from, her suit or elsewhere?

16] Ikarus: Finally, far too fast. Okay: maintained speed, no more than 95 km/h, sprint speed no more than 120 km/h.
Lazarus Carter
Lazarus Carter

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Devotion's Equipment Empty Re: Devotion's Equipment

Post by Devotion Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:57 am

Uh. Fixed!

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Devotion's Equipment Empty Re: Devotion's Equipment

Post by Devotion Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:33 am

Sorry for double thingy, but I added a picture and a dispenser.

Posts : 25
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Devotion's Equipment Empty Re: Devotion's Equipment

Post by Lazarus Carter Sun Sep 01, 2013 1:13 am

Lazarus Carter
Lazarus Carter

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