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Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done]

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Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done] Empty Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done]

Post by Agent Fordsworth Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:48 am


Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done] Wwkms6 Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done] Wwkms6 Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done] Wwkms6
”Oho, hello there charming, you certainly got me on the ropes.”


Cromwell D. Fordsworth

27 years



London hospital





Cromwell is a handsome looking twenty-seven year old male that is full of secrets. Nothing about this man is off, in no way can someone truly notice what he really is. Although he is a ritualist, he looks like your average mortal being. There are numerous things that differ him from others, but then again all humans are unique in some way. The most noticeable is his messy blond hair and his seemingly perfect smile, which forms over his face every time he intends to do something bad to someone. Other than that, this blond haired male is one meter and eighty seven centimeters tall, he weights eighty kilo and he has brown eyes which somewhat resemble cyan or light blue color. His body built is rather slim, he isn't fat, but he isn't completely skinny, some muscle mass exists and adds extra weight to his seemingly frail appearance. Due to his job he isn't completely fragile, but for the most part he actually is rather fragile. Although he is in his thirties, his body hair doesn't grow that fast and he shaves all the time, so never will he be seen with a beard or something.

The clothing which Cromwell mostly wears are a simple white suit, a light blue shirt under it, a black tie, white silk pants and white shoes. All of his clothes have been purchased at the best clothing shops and were quite expensive, so you could say that they are made out of high quality fibers. His other clothing mainly consists of black and white colored clothing and when its warm he wears gray or white sleeveless shirts. Almost never does he have weapons. However, due to his job in which he has to contact clients, he does posses a simple cell phone which he keeps in the right pocket of his pants. Sometimes, when he is in a rush to do things he also wears a simple watch. This watch was a gift to him by his father when he got into the academy and so it is the only one which he wears. If it gets broken, he gets it fixed, it had served him for a while. It is a simple metallic colored watch, quite an expensive one in fact. Its exact mark is unknown.

The curse which changed his life also changed his appearance in a quite literal way. Indeed, this demon beat him up so badly that he had to go through a cosmetic surgery, skin transplantation and a whole bunch of other things. His life wasn't in danger, but if he hadn't gone through all of that he would end up looking like some sort of an abomination. Being the type of person who cares about his looks he had decided to go through with these surgeries. MI-6, being rather technologically advanced had made it possible for him to restore his good looks. However, due to some reason he had decided to change his face and his hair color. It was done, but nobody knows why. Now, instead of being a blond haired male, he actually has dark brown hair which under some light seems to be black. Instead of rather light blue eyes, he now has darker eyes, still blue though. You could say that nobody can actually recognize him now. His fellow MI-6 agents do know about it and have seen his new appearance, but everyone else is unaware of it. Also, due to a special training he went through, he got built up a little bit so he is more muscular now.

Charming, manipulative and rather keen are the traits which foremost describe this young British agent. Yes, he is a ritualist, but you can never really tell that based on his actions as he keeps that secret quite splendidly. You could say that his manipulative powers are rather well developed if he can fool people and evade capture. From the way he acts he really does seem like a kind person who is working as hard as he could to earn some money for a good living. He acts like any other man in his years, has fun with ladies, enjoys the company of other people and he even helps other people when needed. It is all of course a farce, his whole life is one big lie. This tendency to create a fake life is the trait of a ritualist, some of them tend to be completely nuts and desire power, while this one is a manipulative liar who can't live his life without actually lying. Why he does it, he himself doesn't know, probably due to fear of being hunted down by the templars or others who desire to destroy all that is demonic.

If you disregard his outer shell, this Cromwell which he created, this man is a pitiful excuse for a human being, a rather devious man who manipulates all around him, even the demon who he summoned, in order to gain some sort of a thrill from it, satisfaction. You can't call it a desire for power as unlike most he does not really desire power or status, he just wants to toy with people and see where does that take him. Although he does use the powers of his demon to some extent, he still prefers to solve things by making people do what he wants them to do. Murdering those who have sen his true self is also a part of his little game, it is never allowed for someone to actually see the real him, that would ruin things for him and thus all witnesses are to be considered as targets even if they really do not intend to tell anyone about it. Sometimes those who are about to die are give one final revelation as sort of a good bye gift. Indeed, he is somewhat of a cruel man this real Cromwell. But, there is goodness within him.

Due to a rather unexpected failure Cromwell was cursed and that caused a bit of a change in him. He pretty much stayed the same, however he no longer wishes to toy with demons around him and instead he likes to kill all those who show any sign of aggression towards him. Since this curse came from a demon it was expected that thing would turn out this way. Cromwell no longer wishes to go through what happened last time and since that last time he did lose his powers, he is extra careful when dealing with that kind. If he does end up meeting some who are violent the blond haired agent is more focused on killing them quickly and without taking any chances. He is still rather reckless so you can expect him to make the first move most of the time, unless the other side is even crazier than he is. All in all you could say that he tasted the bitterness of defeat and does not wish to go through that again.

Even though Cromwell got changed for the worst seemingly, there have been some improvements as well. For starters, due to the time spent in MI-6 he had gotten even more motivated about his agency and wishes to do whatever he can to help it out. Indeed, this whole thing made him become more loyal to his agency which actually saved his life. Not only that, he is not as manipulative as before as the satisfaction from toying with people has slowly faded somewhat, so there is no need for him to go through it as there is no gain from it. Of course, if there is something at stake, then perhaps he will be seen sweet talking people into something.

The name of the demon that is living inside of Cromwell is Kitsune, like said name says it is a fox demon. Kitsune are actually considered as fox spirits in Japanese folklore. However, this one is actually a rather small demon that resembles a regular white furred fox. It is a rather shy demon who does not actually belong with the other demons due to its small size and no desire to fight so in its attempt to flee the realm of the demons it made a contract with Cromwell. Due to its shy nature and weak will it is actually a demon that can be easily overcame and pushed aside as it can't really do anything about it. Not only that, its naivety does not help it either, it tends to believe most if not everything that it is told. Although foxes are considered to be cunning and smart, this one certainly isn't smart nor cunning as without Cromwell it would not live for much longer. Kitsune doesn't actually mind being weak though, it has a certain sense of safety when within Cromwell and it rarely wants to go out or visit its old home, stubborn she is as well, especially when it comes to that place.

Unlike demons which want to posses the body of the one who summoned them, this little bugger is actually fine with being the servant of her master, it does not mind being trapped inside his body and does not wish to get out. Not only that, she does not even mind if he is using her powers for whatever he needs, nor does she actually talk to him much. Only when she is hungry she mentions something to him so unlike most people who summon demons this one does not have to worry about the annoying voice in his head that constantly annoys him. If Kitsune were to try this, she would get quite the scolding. In a way she is actually afraid of the man who is keeping her captive, as there are things which he can do that she would not like to happen so she keeps serving him in hopes of not getting punished and because she feels safe. This relationship of theirs does function well for Kitsune and so she does not complain.

Born in a small village near London from a British mother and an Australian father who was actually deported back to Australia due to being a illegal citizen. Once his mother discovered she was pregnant, she actually did decide to go visit him in Australia, but she could not find him there and thus she was forced to return back to Britain in order to give birth to her son so that she could raise him. Even though the father of the child vanished somewhere, his mother Marie actually decided to let the boy keep his fathers last name and not even her parents could stop her from doing that. They were rather happy that most of his appearance the boy actually got from his mother and her side of the family, there was little resemblance to his father, other than those damn eyes who forever haunted them and so they never could look him into the eyes.

As he was a child the young boy was learned all of the moral values which he needed to live a fair life, or so his family thought while in fact even from the beginning he started to pick up some minor skills of manipulation such as making his grandfather give him candy and such. However, at that time it was all fun and games. He was a rather good student in school and he had a lot of friends, which he didn't really consider as friends, just as people who he needed to get pass school and get into a good college. Whoever was smart was used by him, not that he needed any help as he was rather smart and could easily learn whatever he studied. However, at the last possible moment he decided that instead of going to a good college, he would become an agent and so he went to the police academy instead.

Over time he became more manipulative and he eventually went to Japan due to an exchange program between police academies. There he found a sensei and so he learned Jujitsu and Karate. Not only that, he also picked up Japanese quite to an extent, even today he still however sucks at writing and understanding Kanji, Katakana and Hiragana weren't far too difficult for this young man. After he got back from Japan it was time for graduation, at which point he started to hear voices in his head. Not too much time passed till the moment when he actually performed a ritual to summon a demon inside of him. Due to the naive nature of this silly demon, he was able to take a hold of him and his power. The poor little fox demon was locked inside of him and was forced to tell its master all about the world from which it came and what was going on. Eventually, he even had a close encounter with a templar which he defeated and killed using his powers, somehow managing to hide that fact and get out unpunished.

After graduation he started to work as a regular police officer, eventually becoming a detective as well. This was all due to his great skills and intelligence. Eventually, even some special units started requesting of him to join them. Only up until MI-6 called he refused to have anything to do with them. Joining that agency was what he wanted to he accepted and after some years of working there he was renown as one of their best agents. Nobody knew of his secret though, he was quite good at hiding it.

From thereon the life of Cromwell was akin to the life of the real James Bond, he went on secret missions, got into the pants of many handsome women and with his licence to kill he killed many bad people. However, as his main objective was hunting demons and bad people with powers, he didn't kill any normal person who was evil and instead they were all demonic abominations as he likes to refer to them. Some managed to escape, most didn't, but either way he got praised for it. Nobody actually found out he was a Ritualist as every time he would use his powers he would find a way to hide it. As he is a rather intelligent agent he easily tricked people into believing his lies. At his last incident he told everyone that the demon he fought used ice and fire based abilities and since said demons escaped they could not prove that it was in fact he himself who used created all the ice. Luckily most of it melt in the fires, but some stayed so he had to make something up. Having ice cower his feet was a good proof of it being used on him, little did they know that he used his powers on himself on purpose to block an attack.

However, after that incident he decided to visit the realm of demons so that he could find the one who escaped him and shut him up so that nobody would find out about his powers. Doing that was harder than it seemed at first since he needed a Templar so that he could cross to the other side. Cromwell didn't really like those fellows and they didn't like Ritualists like him either so he simply found one and after a fight forced him into submission. After he had made it in there he realized that the world of the demons was much larger than he anticipated, it was like a second earth. It was obvious that finding that one demon was like finding a stranger on Earth and so he decided to give up and go back. But, before he could escape with his slave Templar, he got attacked by some weird demon. This guy didn't look like someone strong, but then he used some sort of an ability and actually took control of the Templar and his own demon partner.

This demon had power of the abusive nature of humans and their greed. Since Cromwell was abusive towards his own demon and this Templar, the demon took control over the two things he was abusive and amplified their powers so that Kitsune grew larger and the Templar got a power boost. On top of that he got cursed by this demon who forbid him to ever use the powers that he used to abuse others, in this case his powers over demons. This made his fight a lot harder and he ended up losing. Later on he was rescued by other MI-6 agents that noticed him being missing and he went through a rehabilitation process after having a lifesaving surgery. The blond haired agent was lucky that there were other Templars inside of MI-6, just like any government organization. They didn't want to lose their dear 007, he was a good agent and nobody knew he had any powers so to them it was like saving a normal non-Ritualist agent, which is the sole reason why the Templar order assisted them. The Templar and his demon vanished together with the strange demon which took over them. This somewhat changed his life and now he is just trying to adapt and get the best of what he currently has.



Powerful will - Cromwell has a pretty mighty will and due to that he can tame demons inside of his head with ease and get up after a beating that would leave most people unable to move.
Intellect - super smart, like above average IQ and tactical knowledge, thought to be the current smartest MI-6 agent.
Speed - as he does not use weapons speed is crucial to him if he wants to stop a foe before the trigger could be pulled, Cromwell's speed is akin to a professional sprinter
Jujitsu and Karate - being trained in Japanese martial arts, Cromwell had mastered Jujitsu and Karate, with Karate being his more dominant skill.
Snow sports - Cromwell is good at skying, snow boarding, ice skating and such.
Improved strength - due to the loss of his powers he has improved his strength and now it is akin to a professional weight lifter.
Stealth mode - even though he is still rather reckless and quite bold, Cromwell has learned how to be quieter and how to sneak up on people without making much noise.

None. Due to his mental powers and the weak minded demon inside of him, he never can get possessed. However, if such a thing were to happen, he would retain his skills and a great sense of smell and hearing would be added as a bonus due to the natural great sense of smell and hearing which foxes have. He is free of demons for a while. 

Lack of skill with weaponry - he can only use a gun or a knife due to a lack of skill when it comes to using weapons, the reason why he can use a gun is due to basic training at the academy. Due to being unable to use his powers, he got better at using some additional weapons other than guns and knives. However, he still can't use rifles or any other form of firearms except pistols.
Reckless - FIRST SHOOT, THEN ASK QUESTIONS, I AM A HERO WHO WILL SAVE YOU, that kind of a thing, always jumps first.
Bold - does not fear death itself and will stand up to those who he has no hope of defeating and thus risk getting killed.
Cursed - recently Cromwell got cursed by a unknown demon and since then he is unable to use his powers till he can find an angel to heal him. He is still a Ritualist but one that cannot bind himself to a demon.
Drinking issues - losing powers that one used quite a lot came as quite an impact to Cromwell so now and then he gets into serious depressions with alcohol being his way of dealing with it.
Partial insanity - when he hears things that sound similar to demons he tends to overreact about it and starts looking around like a crazy person thinking how his powers might be back, in crowded places this never ends well.

Cromwell - Japanese, English, Demonic

- one of the top MI-6 agents
- went through an exchange program to Japan
- dislikes smoking
- his favorite drink is Scotch
- doesn't really hate demons dislikes demons and wants to murrder all that are even a little violent
- hates templars



Ladd Russo (MDA), Cromwell, some people call me Light, my real name is Mario


Err, 5-6 years

[b]Metal Gear Solid Series[/b] :: [b]Solid Snake[/b]

Last edited by Agent Fordsworth on Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:07 pm; edited 12 times in total
Agent Fordsworth
Agent Fordsworth

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Age : 33
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Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done] Empty Re: Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done]

Post by Lazarus Carter Thu May 02, 2013 7:05 am

Archive date is the 13th of May.
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Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done] Empty Re: Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done]

Post by Agent Fordsworth Sun May 05, 2013 2:59 am

Le finished.
Agent Fordsworth
Agent Fordsworth

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Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done] Empty Re: Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done]

Post by Lazarus Carter Sun May 05, 2013 4:42 am


Just be careful inside the MI6 with that ritualist shit, bro. Awesome app.
Lazarus Carter
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Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done] Empty Re: Cromwell, the last Fordsworth [Done]

Post by Agent Fordsworth Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:07 pm

Level 2 stuff done.
Agent Fordsworth
Agent Fordsworth

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Post by Lazarus Carter Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:49 am

Lazarus Carter
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